120 – Special Move

As the sparring began, I had to admit I was wrong.

Of course, there were several grounds for making hasty judgments.

Because it was the beginning of the work, Layered hadn’t developed enough yet, and the opponent he faced was really bad.

And to be honest, I can’t say that there’s no influence from Dalian that I’ve seen so far.

So far, I’ve had a lot of fights with the main character several times. Among them, there were times when I easily won.

Furthermore, since he had been defeated by Sharon, whose fighting power was hidden in a veil, the thought that the layered at the present time was still weak was deeply rooted in his subconscious.

At one point, I was ignoring the main character’s combat power without realizing it.

“Oh. Are you good at fighting?”

However, as Rachel said, Layered’s ability to do everything in his power was never to be ignored.


A sword attack that cuts down the magic wolf summoned by Granger with a single knife.

It does not stop there, but immediately closes the distance and presses the opponent hard.

It would be a very difficult situation for Granger, who fights using summoned beasts.

Because you can bring out 100% of the performance of the summoning magic only when you solve it in a one-sided composition with as much distance as possible.

Racing layering and Granger frowning at each other.

As far as anyone can see, the initiative in the current battle was with the swordsman, not the summoner.

As you keep watching, you naturally come to realize. It’s not just that I underestimated it, but that the actual protagonist’s skills improved considerably in a matter of days.

I don’t know if it’s because of the special training to cut bones or what kind of realization I’ve reached, but it sure seems like I’ve grown up.

“If it stays like this, I can’t believe it…”

Unlike the original work, will the main character win the first fight?

With a little bit of anxiety, I also had a little bit of anticipation. In the end, as a fan who liked the original work, of course, I still have the desire for the main character to do well.

In addition, I want to see that ignorant guy get a true education. Even though I gave you a shot earlier, there is no excuse for the fact that I lost in terms of victory or defeat.

Of course, it won’t be easy no matter how hard Layered is fighting.

Because my opponent is Jean Granger, not anyone else.

In terms of compatibility, the main character is also worthy. As we saw earlier, one of the ways to destroy Granger is to keep pushing close, but it’s not as good as Layered’s fighting style.

A battle using a sword that is not suitable for a wizard. Its momentary destructive power and space control might be lacking compared to other magic, but it had the potential to be reborn as a top-notch specialist in combat endurance and interpersonal neutralization.

In other words, to sum it up in one word, it means that it is not strange at all even if the main character wins right away.

“What do you think?”


“Who do you think will win?”

At my question, Rachel put her chin on her chin and thought about it.

If you look at the flow so far, it’s a fairly common composition that will nod your head even if you choose layered without a second’s hesitation.

But she lingered for quite a long time, procrastinating her answer.

“Okay. Decided.”

“To whom?”

“Gisaeng brother.”

After a lot of hard work, Rachel chose Granger.

Will it really go as she expected?

“Your turn now. Who do you think will win?”

“Okay. I’m not sure who will win, but cheering is layered after all.”

Both of them made me tired by sparring, but layered is in the same class and we’re quite close.

“Hmm. Then how about a bet?”

“A bet?”

“You chose different people, right? The loser grants the winner’s wish.”

Suddenly, out of the blue, you want to make a wish bet?

“What are the benefits of doing that?”

“Is it a wish? If you win, it’s always an advantage. Why? Aren’t you confident?”

hahahaha. Do you think you will fall for such an obvious provocation?

“Okay. Accept it.”

“Hee hee. You have to come out like that.”

Now, I can no longer look at Dalian as someone else’s business.

Please win. Whether it’s the main character’s buff or whatever, I want him to win somehow.

“But why did you choose him over Layered? To be honest, if you look at the flow, it’s unconditionally layered.”

“What are you asking about? As for the reason… It’s just a gut feeling.”

Intuition. For exactly the same reasons as me.

Honestly, objectively speaking, Grainger’s victory was still a winner.

It’s not because the attribute of Munchkin, the official official of the original, was added to the first place in the school for nothing.

But no matter how you look at it, it seems like the reverse is about to happen in the current battle.

The current trend was not overturned, and the picture of layering winning was clearly drawn.

More than anything else, Granger’s expression was decisive.

A frown that seems both annoyed and embarrassed because the battle didn’t go the way I wanted.

It looked similar when he sparred with me, but now it felt even more distinct.

“This guy and that guy are annoying…! Search everything!!”

Summoned beasts burst into anger and shimmer around him. This time, as in the case of fighting me earlier, I intended to summon several summoned beasts at once to finish it off.

Can Layered really block that blow? If I were in that position, it is difficult to block without any damage, and there is a high probability that I would have risked some damage and threw a gamble.

Of course, it was only an assumption when I gave my best, and in reality I just abstained neatly. As it is now a battle of pride, there is little chance of such an empty ending.

If I could block that attack neatly, then it would be safe to say that Layered would be stronger than me now.


Layered took a stance while calmly adjusting his breathing at the force of the menacing summons.

As soon as I saw that posture, I jumped up from my seat without realizing it.

“What? What is it all of a sudden?”


No doubt. That posture is the main character’s special move that appears in the middle of the original work.

I don’t know why that has already appeared, but if the skill I think is correct, Layered will win this fight unconditionally.

Because the current Granger will never be able to block that attack.

A soft light that gradually gathers on the sword.


At the same time, Granger stretched out his hand, and all the summoned creatures rushed at the enemy at once.

The moment when Layered finally got out of his ready position and swung his sword.

“Stop. Until there.”


With a heavy impact sound, someone broke into the middle of the arena.

“You fight pretty rough for a simple practice. I’m sorry to disturb you, but there’s no room for the test sparring right now. Both of you should do this and come out.”

She was none other than the homeroom teacher of our class.

Although he usually doesn’t have much of a presence due to his sluggish and lukewarm attitude, being a teacher at the magic academy is definitely not something anyone can win.

Moreover, at the beginning of the work, the reality is that no matter how hard a student struggles, whether it be the main character or Granger, they can’t even reach the tip of the teacher’s toes.

“Keugh! Needless to say, now…”

Look. Isn’t Granger swallowing the end of his words without being able to complain.

“And I’m asking because I’m really curious. As far as I know, both of you have already finished sparring. Why are you practicing so hard?”

That’s because these two weren’t practicing, they were sincere.

I don’t know if he was asking this knowingly or because he really didn’t know, but it was a carefree question that scratched the inside.

What can I do? Even if you don’t like it, as long as the teacher issued an order to celebrate, as a student you had no choice but to follow. If you didn’t leave your seat and forcibly endured, it could be cheating by interfering with the test process.

“A. It’s no fun.”

Rachel stuck her mouth out and grumbled.

I’m sorry, but you’re in a situation where you should be relieved, not regretted?

If the teacher didn’t interfere and the next situation continued, the heroine’s special move would have ended the sparring right away.

Of course, even if I insisted on that, there is absolutely no way this guy would readily admit it.

It was a bet with nothing else but a wish at stake, so I would have changed my position and insisted that it was absolutely not the case if it were me.


Fortunately, Granger didn’t behave any further and left the arena with a click on his tongue.

As long as there was a teacher right next to me, I wouldn’t be able to succeed no matter what I tried.

We approached Laird, who was standing in a corner.

“Hey. Swordsman. What are you doing there alone?”

Knives. This is the nickname Rachel calls the main character.

In a way, she might be the nickname that suits Layard the best.

Layered glanced at us and shook his head excitedly.

“No. Nothing.”

“You look like a boring guy. Okay, I go first.”

Rachel said she was done watching the fight, she looked at her now as if she had no regrets, she didn’t give her a look and she left.

If you look closely, that guy is also a very unique character. In the end, it’s the same for us to go back to class anyway.

Rather than that, when it was just the two of us with the main character, I sneakily asked what I had been curious about since before.

“There you are. That last one, after all…”

The moment I was about to ask about the special move.

Before he had finished listening to my questions, he nodded in affirmation.

“Right. It’s a skill I made thanks to you.”


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