135 – Walking around the plaza

I ended up teaming up with Blanca.

Of course, it was a good thing for me. Even though I didn’t become an executive at once, even this much was a satisfactory achievement. As it is, it should naturally infiltrate into the center of the organization.

As soon as the conversation was over, the atmosphere was about to disband. In the meantime, Blanca called me separately and made a place for just the two of us. It seemed that he was trying to tell me about the work he had to do from now on.

“Um… As you may have heard earlier, I’ve been doing public relations all by myself.”

“Yes. I heard you.”

“To be honest, I have nothing to do. So, do you want to just hang out?”

Aren’t you doing it too roughly? At least from day one, smoking nonsense is a bit harsh.

“Do you hate being with me?”

“It’s not like that, but shouldn’t I still be working?”

“Anyway, it’s enough to learn how the underground works by following me today. Because Drake wanted that too, and he must have attached me, who is the most relaxed.”

If you say that, how can I refute you? She probably knows a lot better about Drake than I do anyway.

“In other words, you have free time until evening. So, it will be fine if we go out to play!”

“Ah, yes…”

Besides, in any case, Blanca was my direct supervisor. As time passed, even if I became an executive, she was also my strongest ally who would support me.

If possible, it would be wiser not to offend the planting while conforming to the will.

I don’t know how many opponents, especially Reina, would dislike me. So now I needed to make sure that even one person was on my side.

When I politely agreed, Blanca shook her head with a satisfied smile.

“Okay. Then where should we go? Is there any place you want to go?”

“No. I will leave it up to you to decide.”

“It’s a senior… It’s not bad, but it might be better to call him by his first name. Or how about calling yourself baby?”

“Then I will call her Ms. Blanca as usual.”

He pretended to shed tears after hearing my answer, but he didn’t seem to want to cheat.

If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t be able to do it without a soul like that.

“Shall we go outside and think about it? If you look around, you might come up with a good idea.”


We came up from the basement and got out of the building.

The bright sun still showing off its presence in the sky. Well, since I had arrived in the morning, it was still a long way before evening.

What should I do to pass the time? What is there to do while wandering the streets in 19th century England? Factory tour? Shoe shine service? Whatever it is, everything seems strange.

“Have you decided what to do?”

“Can you stop pressing me? Let’s take a leisurely walk or enjoy it.”

“Is it for a walk?”

That’s not bad either. Rather, it might be the best choice.

To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever been able to comfortably enjoy this worldview itself because I’ve been so busy running.

If there’s one thing I noticed as I entered the plaza with a great fountain, it was that the people seemed quite happy.

Indeed, there is no law that says that just because science and technology have not developed, you must be less happy. Rather, there will be happiness that can only be felt in this era.

Besides, isn’t this a world of mystery and magic? It was hard to say that technical skills were not that far behind when considering magic engineering.

While I was staring blankly at the brightly smiling children running around the plaza, Blanca’s voice broke my thoughts.

“It is peaceful. Enough to make me yawn.”

“…Just looked like a very peace-averse villain.”

“Huh? No way. There is no one as kind and righteous as me.”

It was so shameless that I didn’t even bother to refute it. Actually, she didn’t do anything particularly bad, so maybe she wasn’t wrong.

“It’s just a pity.”

“What is it?”

“It’s too quiet. Where the hell is our hero and what is he doing?”


That’s what you meant. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you that I’m taking a leisurely walk next to you right now, right?

“Of course I understand to some extent. The news of the robbing of the palace spread throughout the country as a special report, and above all, that Grace started to move. For the time being, it would be a wise choice to save yourself.”

Was my last official activity a palace raid?

Well, people wouldn’t know about breaking into Grace’s family reunion or meeting the Little Mermaid in the sea. It was amazing how much time had already passed.

“Still, I can’t help but regret it. If you show up in the spotlight like this, everyone will fall in love with the hero and become his followers.”

“hahahaha… But won’t the haters continue to hate them?”

“It can’t be helped with such children. You’re aiming for another long-distance person!”

You are more motivated than you think. Come to think of it, I don’t know about anything else, but it feels like the tension rises considerably when the story about the phantom thief comes up.

It may sound strange, but rather than leader Drake, his feelings for the phantom thief seem more sincere.

While the other executives honestly had a strong sense of social gathering, Blanca seemed to be worthy of her original name as a phantom thief follower.

We sat by the fountain for a while and chatted.

“Have you ever met the hero in person?”

“Uh… No.”

I look in the mirror every morning.

“Really? I’ve actually seen it once from a distance.”

“Really? When?”

“When you rob an art museum. I still vividly remember him leisurely evading the cops on the rooftop.”

Ah, that was then. He shook his head and immersed himself in the newly emerging memories.

In the midst of building up awareness, thanks to the public announcement, people flocked to see it.

“How was it to see it in person?”

To my curious question, she answered immediately with a very serious expression without hesitation.

“I fell in love at first sight.”

“…Didn’t you say you saw it from a distance? Did you see the face?”

“No. I couldn’t see his face, but he was still handsome.”

At this point, isn’t it close to faith beyond simple fandom?

It seems that he is delusional by projecting the ideal type in his heart onto me.

Blanca reacted like an innocent girl who fell in love with her, throwing off the unique femme fatale that she had shown so far.

“For sure. As soon as I see you, I will recognize you unconditionally.”

“Ah… Yes.”

She had a lot to say, but she decided to hold it in to preserve her dignity.

Sometimes it might be a happier ending to just go through without knowing.

Anyway, looking at him like that, it seems that the attitude he showed towards me was all a joke.

In the end, it was no change that she was the one she really liked, but she was still a little relieved.

At least as long as I don’t get caught, there won’t be any trouble.

I’ve never been caught by anyone before, but could Blanca catch me?

“Shall we go back soon?”


The sun is setting, but there is still quite a bit of time before evening.

“Because we need to prepare for the meeting, I want you to help me with chores like cleaning. You get to know the faces of people who have both sides.”

“Aha. Mr. Blanca is surprisingly sincere.”

“That sounds like an insult.”

She laughed and got up from her seat and said in a mischievous tone.

“And you seem to be mistaken about something, but I won’t help you?”


“You who have just arrived should do these chores. Did you really expect the two of you to be together sweetly?”

Ugh. Then it is. As soon as she finished talking about Raven, she sighed lightly at the sight of Blanca returning to normal.

“Okay, let’s go.”

“Hey, you’re not upset, are you?”

“No. He said he had to go and get ready.”

“My cutie. It’s cuter because it’s pouting. Or are you jealous that I brought up the hero?”

I’m going crazy. I decided to just ignore it because it seemed like there would be no end if I continued to respond.

When I turn back the way I came and head to the underground building, Blanca follows me around.

Even so, she giggled and teased me for a long time. She was teased a lot until she finally got to the entrance.

As I was about to go downstairs, pouring my thoughts into one ear, the silhouette of a person approaching from the other side was so familiar that I stopped walking.

At first, I didn’t want to. Although she tried to think it might just be the look-alike.

In fact, she knew at least that there was no way a woman who looked like her would appear here at the right moment.

I looked at Yulia quietly. She came back here without even talking to me.

“Oops. See you here again Our pretty.”

“Uh… Then he…”

The two women started talking after recognizing each other, and Yulia’s eyes naturally moved to me, who was next to her. So we faced each other.

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