140 – Guessing the culprit

I managed to escape.

If I were even a second late, I would have encountered the existence that exuded that bloody energy.

If that were the case, it would have been impossible for her to return safely.

He barely breathed a sigh of relief when he ran far enough to convince him he was safe.

I don’t know about anything else, but haven’t I already reached the level of my escape ability?

It was all the result of hard work trained as a phantom thief. I don’t know if I should be proud of this.

Anyway, it was a pity that I couldn’t confirm who the opponent was. If he had been a character in the original story, he would have noticed it as soon as he saw him. In the end, eavesdropping on the conversation between Drake and Lappano, which was aimed at, also failed.

What is certain is that we cannot just go on like this. Apart from the simple thief follower issue, it was necessary to reveal the clear truth after confirming that Rapano was also involved.

Of course, right now, they will notice my intrusion and their vigilance will rise, so you have to be careful. This was not something to be quickly resolved and cleaned up, but a matter to be acted upon as carefully and deliberately as possible.

As I returned home, I pondered deeply.

It was a combination that I couldn’t understand no matter how much I thought about it. I never thought that Drake and Lappano, not anyone else, would be joining forces behind the scenes.

I don’t know exactly what the plan was, but it was clear that he had some very dark plans.

It wasn’t just the two of them that mattered, it was someone who noticed my presence and came to the backyard.

In terms of his sense of coercion and presence, he was at a level that was not lacking even compared to quite a few strong players.

I wondered why there were no guards after so many mana detectors were installed, but now I realize that it was because one guy wasn’t enough and it was overflowing.

Who was it? It’s hard to be sure because I couldn’t confirm the face, but in fact, there was a part that I could guess to some extent.

Considering who Lappano is entangled with, the possibility is sufficient.

I didn’t even think about it until just before, thinking it was completely solved, but it was more dangerous than anything else I’d ever encountered.


To be honest, I’ve rarely encountered them directly. At most, the only experience was that he was almost killed by Siegfried, who was traveling with Rachel for the first time, and then managed to escape.

The fact that they were related to Lappano was only confirmed with a crystal ball through the witch of prophecy.

Even getting rid of them wasn’t about smashing them in a head-to-head match, it was just using tricks to divert attention.


Locked in deep thought, I slowly shook my head.

There was too little evidence to conclude that Drakan was behind this incident.

I didn’t have to be too obsessed with the motive behind doing this. After all, Drakan is an organization that will do anything to create dragons. They are the ones who will laugh and roll without hesitation in the poop as long as their stupid words help their purpose.

Beyond that, there is another real reason why Drakan is not likely to be behind it.

Because it’s too soon for them to come back.

I used my knowledge of the original to get them to turn their attention away from Rachel.

He stole the angel’s trumpet, an essential element of Drakan’s core plan.

At the same time, I also left a card that mentions the ‘Prophecy of the Apocalypse’.

Of course, the members of the Drakan organization would have judged that their leader had moved after seeing the traces left behind.

You wouldn’t have imagined that a plan that was considered top secret within the organization would leak out. It’s not that it actually leaked out, it’s just that I only found out about it because I saw the original.

Anyway, thanks to that, Drakan has entered the final chapter with all ongoing operations canceled.

That is to unseal the altar that will create the dragon.

It took more than a year to break the seal. In other words, they will still be grunting in front of the Foundation to break the seal.

It is not the end just by breaking the seal. Rather, it was a full-fledged start from then on, and what I must have from then on is the angel’s trumpet I stole.

If you don’t have that, you’re just talking sandfish. Even the seals that have been lifted with great difficulty are restored in just three days.

However, with the help of the Lady of the Lake, I have already placed the trumpet in a paradise of healing that humans will never find.

The service period is a thousand years. Thanks to the concept of time based on the spirit, which is a transcendent being, I was relieved that there would be no connection with Drakan from then on.

So at least Drakan won’t be able to move now. At least after the seal is lifted, he may realize that something is wrong and go on a rampage, but that is also a story after a year has passed.

But then who is it? Rather, it would have been easier to come up with a countermeasure if Drakan was definitely right. I didn’t even know who the opponent was, so I was at a loss as to what to do.

Even after returning home, the worries continued for a long time.

In the end, there was only one way as Dangja. As the saying goes, the more you hurry, the more you have to collect information as much as possible to uncover the existence of a mysterious enemy.

At first, I roughly thought of the direction to approach.


“Huh? What nonsense are you talking about?”

Rachel asked me back, squinting her eyes.

“Your sister. Didn’t you say you’ve been at home ever since you quit your job?”

“I wonder why all of a sudden. You can’t…”

She hangs the end of her words for a long time and her impression gradually grows colder.

“Are you interested in my sister?”

“No. I’m just asking out of curiosity.”

Was Rachel’s sister’s name Leah? After all, she had been working as her maid in Rapano’s mansion until only a few months ago.

On the day I robbed his mansion, I found a balloon I prepared as a trick, mistook it for me, and was cut off just because I reported it to Lappano. Honestly, when I found out about it, I felt guilty for no reason even though it wasn’t my fault.

Anyway, she might know a little bit about her about Rapano. Even trivial things are good, so if you continue from there, there is a possibility of finding a decisive hint.

“Well, it’s just the way it is. It must have been a bigger shock than I thought because I was cut twice in a row.”

Rachel grumbled, but couldn’t hide her concern for her sister in her eyes.

Anyway, it was twice. Come to think of it, she did.

She worked as a maid, first at Rapano’s mansion, then at Veronica’s mansion because of Drakan’s trick. It seems that Veronica has fired all of her employees as she rushes to break her seal.

“Still, there is no need to urgently look for a job because scholarships are available right now. However, just because you want to get a job doesn’t mean you can do it right away…”

“It must be very difficult.”

“I don’t show that to me. She’s a stupidly good sister, and she hates her sister’s worries the most.”

Listening to it makes me feel sober for no reason.

Of course, the fundamental problem is that Lappano cut it off for unreasonable reasons, but it can’t be said that there was no influence from me at all.

“How did you get cut?”

“Why do I have to tell you that?”

“Sorry. I’ll apologize if you’re uncomfortable.”

When I pulled it back without hesitation, Rachel let out a sigh of her own and instead spoke first.

“Ha. Thinking about it makes me mad again. If only it wasn’t for that damn phantom thief…”

Even if you try to pretend that nothing is wrong, it seems that there have been a lot of things that have accumulated in your heart. Although the fact that the target was none other than me was a bit bittersweet.

“What are you talking about? Why is the thief?”

At that time, as soon as the keyword “Phantom thief” Came out, Julia approached like a ghost.

At this point, I was afraid that I might not be a real fanatic.


To make matters worse, even Sharon slipped into her seat and quietly listened to the conversation.

When the number of listeners suddenly increased, Rachel, who was taken aback for a moment, spoke frankly to everyone, perhaps with the intention of telling her coolly in what had happened.

“…That’s how it happened.”

“That’s what happened…”

I already knew this, but it was only because I had peeped into the past through a crystal ball, and Rachel had never told me about it. So she had to pretend she was hearing it for the first time and act moderately surprised.

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Julia sympathized with Rachel, but she carefully brought her words out.

“But wouldn’t that mean that the owner of her mansion is worse than Raven…?”

“That pig was originally a bad guy, so that was only natural. Anyway, both the monster and the child are a problem.”

“I understand that you think so.”

She noticed that when she said that, the look on her face didn’t convince her at all.

I was genuinely worried that he might be blindly supporting and praising me later.

“So her sister is still unemployed?”

“Yes. It would be great if I could find a decent job. I’m tired of bumping into each other face-to-face all day at home.”

This is a very realistic reason. Anyway, if that’s the case, there’s a good way.

Of course, I couldn’t bring it up right now, so I tried to move on quietly.

“You can ask the thief.”

If it weren’t for Sharon’s words that followed.

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