169 – Noble Consulting

Gilbert stroked his chin and thought.

It was to find out the intentions of the gentleman sitting in front of him.

“Honestly, it’s surprising. I thought I declined because there was no answer.”

“I was quite worried. As I said before, consulting a noble is not something to be taken lightly.”

That word itself was what Gilbert agreed with.

Lupin introduced himself as a descendant of a fallen aristocrat from the kingdom of the Franks.

In fact, the title of aristocrat is just a façade, and since he is in the same position as a commoner who has succeeded in business, having to deal with an aristocrat would not be entirely comfortable.

Consulting, not simply treating nobles as customers.

In other words, you have to give advice to a noble.

Even the aristocrats brought by Gilbert are not ordinary low-class aristocrats.

That’s why it was only a little disappointing for Lupine to disappear without answering the proposal, but not particularly resentful.

“However, it did not take this long just because I was vaguely thinking about it. It was the time when the altar was just established, so I was very busy.”

“Does that mean I have more time now?”

“That’s how it is. In addition, we have the aristocratic consulting system you talked about.”

A fairly satisfactory answer made Gilbert smile.

Well, the Lupine I’ve seen so far wasn’t a coward who would run away in fear.

Rather, he has the temperament of an ambitious person who grabs the opportunity that comes to him without missing it.

“Okay. Seeing him talk so confidently, I guess I can trust him.”

“Obviously, this is a separate field from philanthropy.”

“Yes. I will pay as much as I can as long as I get results.”

What he proposed as the final goal of Noble Consulting was largely two things.

First, success in aristocratic society.

The second is success as a capitalist.

In other words, a request that is a bit unreasonable in a way to help him acquire both money and fame.

However, it was a self-evident fact that the rewards of success would follow.

Who is Gilbert Grace?

Even if you are a collateral with a low blood relative rank right now, the ripple effect of the name Grace cannot be ignored.

Three in the ranks of such a great aristocratic family.

One of the three pillars that support Grace, and a retired general who is revered as a legend in the Britannian army.

Simply put, making Gilbert a personal connection was enough to call it a reasonable deal.

Moreover, the aristocratic consulting cannot end here.

If you succeed properly, word of mouth will spread and other nobles will sneak up on you.

If you do that, you will be able to dig into the center of aristocratic society before you know it.

Lupin was also aiming for such an effect. It was because he had to deal with the greatest hero from now on, so he needed to make friends with aristocrats who were friendly to him.

Meanwhile, Gilbert also had his own purpose hidden.

Although he recommended the twins of Heinz as consulting clients, in fact, there was another consulting target he really wanted.

‘This guy’s skills will help my nephew as well.’

From nob le mt l dot com

Julia Grace.

The only nephew of Gilbert who is currently attending the magic academy.

She is a sincere, upright, and wise child, but it is also true that her brother is too ignorant of the aristocratic situation to raise Geum Geum Ok-yeop because his daughter is such an idiot.

Even though he is approaching the age of adulthood, he has never appeared in the social world.

Of course, Gilbert doesn’t like the aristocratic culture full of ostentatiousness, but that doesn’t mean he can’t live as a commoner despite his title.

Like it or not, especially given the surname Grace, his nephew also needed to learn the life of an aristocrat.

‘I was thinking about what to do, but it just worked out.’

It was a bit suspicious because it was so secretive, but it was clear that Lupin had extraordinary abilities.

If this is a man, wouldn’t it be okay for him to trust his nephew?

But since I couldn’t make a hasty decision, I wanted to test it first.

If Lupin does a good job consulting the nobility, then he will be fine leaving his nephew in charge.

At the end of each other’s thoughts and understanding, the two joined hands.

“Then I guess I’ll have to meet and talk to the customers in person.”

“I’ll make room for you.”

“Let’s do that.”


A few days later, it was the day of the first meeting with customers.

In the meantime, I briefly collected information about the two.

Stefan Heinz and Stella Heinz.

As twin siblings, they are currently 16 years old.

The Heinz family is said to have been awarded her title through her merits in the war as her family of counts.

Simply put, it’s easier to see this as a family with strength in military power rather than legitimacy or money.

In addition, Caitlyn Heinz, the head of Heinz, is equipped with excellent military power to the extent that she is acting as the deputy chief of the Enforcers.

Although he is evaluated as an upright and innocent person, perhaps because of such a tendency, he does not have much desire to enter the social world and build a reputation, so his influence is not very high even though he is a count.


In many ways, he is different from ordinary nobles. Thanks to this, I was quite worried about what solution to provide and design consulting.

First of all, my clients are, strictly speaking, not the owner, Caitlyn, but their children, the twins.

Thus, through sufficient conversation at this meal, you should figure out what the two of you want and take steps accordingly.

As we waited for two people to arrive in the room at the restaurant we had reserved, soon after, a man and a woman who looked similar at first glance entered the room at the same time.



The two people’s personalities contrast sharply with just one greeting.

A cheerful boy and a blunt girl.

With the exception of her light brown hair and facial features that showed off their charms, it was hard to believe they were strangers.

“Come and sit down.”


Still, it wasn’t too awkward thanks to a simple greeting when we first met her last time.

I was a little worried because today it was only the three of us meeting without Gilbert who intervened.

If I had to say the reason, it would be because of that guy sitting across from me and smiling.

It seemed that he had no shyness at all, enough to be called the highest level of affinity.

My older brother is Stefan.

Her sister is Stella.

Remembering the names of the two, I nodded and led the conversation.

“I hope the menu suits your taste.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that! My mother can’t cook, so she doesn’t really choose food!”

I asked while tilting my head with a strange look at the unexpected remark.

“Does Count Heinz cook himself?”

“Yes. I don’t know about other household chores, but if you leave the cooking to someone else, you never know when you’ll be poisoned.”


When I showed a shy look, Stella added an explanation with a new look.

“Because her mother was from the military.”

“That’s why I became close with Gilbert-sama!”

I got a sense of what it was like and nodded my head.

Sometimes there are characters like that.

A person who is upright and straight enough to take one’s breath away. The rigidity that never bends even if it breaks is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

But when it comes to sons and daughters…

Even if you take a good look at it, I don’t think you resemble your mother in particular.

At least I feel a sense of hardness from her younger sister, Stella, but it seems to be closer to aristocratic pride than her military spirit.

“You must have heard the reason I called you here today.”

“Sure! I heard you make us rich!”

“I heard you will make me a noble that no one can look down on.”

From the answer, I noticed a stark difference in what the siblings wanted.

One side is material. Reputation on the other.

It was impossible to separate the twins and give them one, so in the end it was tantamount to saying that they both wanted it.

Not bad. Rather good.

It was important to put the first button well as we intend to continue to receive commissions from now on and make the ‘noble consulting’ go viral.

In that sense, the twins in front of me were in optimal conditions.

The Heinz family is a count family. Although he has been pushed to the outskirts of aristocratic society due to the indifference of the family head, the influence he will have on those around him is bound to be considerable if he just stands up.

Simply put, the potential is high.

However, how much to pull that off was another matter.

Above all, the position of nobility was close to the title of honor given for merit in the war, and the rest was very meager.

For example, wealth, territory, or enlisted men, etc.

In a situation like this, just wanting to recklessly raise your reputation won’t make it easy.

You have to have something to brag about and earn the envy of nobles.

“The first thing you need to do now is decide on a business model.”

“A business model?”

Stefan tilts his head and Stella frowns.

“I don’t intend to engage in menial business.”

“Don’t misunderstand. It’s not a business to make money.”

“So what?”

“Strictly speaking, money is not the purpose, but rather an accompaniment to the course of business. If this business succeeds, it will increase not only money but also reputation.”

A young girl who leans her upper body forward as if she finally made up her mind to listen.

“So what kind of business is that?”

I replied with a grin.

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