179 – Stubborn Perseverance

The flow went unexpectedly.

At lunchtime, Yulia raised her eyebrows and we rushed to the health room.


“Oh! You are Mr. Gilbert’s nephew! Nice to meet you!”

Yulia’s expression immediately softened at Joanne’s warmly welcoming reaction, and she returned to being a dumbfounded aristocratic lady.

“Huh? Are you familiar with my uncle?”

“Whoops. We were comrades-in-arms who forged friendships on the battlefield. I’m an army surgeon, so I didn’t participate in the battle.”

“Wow… You were a soldier! Great!”

No, apparently just a while ago, he went all the way as if he were going to negotiate. I felt absurd to see his attitude change 180 degrees in an instant, as if it had never happened before.

Perhaps because of her uncle’s influence, Yulia seems to have a lot of respect for her soldiers. As soon as Joanne realizes that she is a former military surgeon, she has sparkling eyes and chats and chats with the two.

Fortunately, she seemed to be the only one who felt that way. Rachel, who was watching from behind, seemed to be full of energy as well.

“What is he doing now?”

“Hmm. Maybe good is good.”

“You should be fine. Because he naturally seduced another woman.”

“Isn’t that what it is!?”

It’s really unfair. I don’t know about anyone else, but Joanne is a billion light years away from my ideal type, so why the hell. And in the first place, I’m a pure-hearted, one-sided, pure lover.

[Tsk tsk. Getting stupid Is there any other argument that is so unconvincing?]

‘What do you mean by that? Goddess?’

[The subject who has already seduced many women said he had no intention of doing so, so what could be a more shameless discrepancy between words and actions?]

If anyone hears it, they will really misunderstand.

I seduced women? Ariel and Leah were all, at most, women who openly expressed a crush on me.

Among them, Ariel is a mermaid who lives in the sea, so it is difficult to connect realistically, and Leah is hard to see as true love because she likes Lupine in disguise, not me.

If I had to forcefully add her candidates, would it be Yulia and the Witch?

Even with that, Yulia feels more like friendship between her friends, and the witch seems to like her personality itself to make fun of others like that, so it’s definitely a pass.

After all, there is no one. I even admit that there are many women who happened to be hooked up.

But that’s all, I can say for sure that there is no girl who likes me rationally.

[···Your stupidity really makes my head hurt. It’s just shocking that this isn’t a pretense, it’s the truth.]

Yes. It’s because of the goddess who couldn’t get her all back.

Because even I was confused for a moment as I sang harem harem songs and cast gaslighting.

The other person is just giving a favor as a human being, but they are mistaken for nothing and fall into a delusion that will remain as a dark history like ‘does he have a crush on me?’

So the correct answer was to completely ignore what the goddess said.


In the midst of making conclusions about her view of love alone, in reality, Joanne was greeting not only Yulia but also her other children.


“Yes. Hello.”

Unlike her other children, Rachel, who is quite shy of hers, only bowed her head and greeted casually.

Then Joanne flinched and hesitated slightly.

I could sense what he was thinking just by looking at him. Kids these days are scared, they openly rebel against their teachers, they think they’re delinquents, but they can’t touch them because they’re scared.

I understand. Because Rachel has such a ferocious and fierce impression.

In terms of her personality, Jina was classified as a higher compatibility, but in fact, in terms of her appearance alone, unlike the small and delicate Jina, Rachel is quite tall, so her body, which is long and muscular, is not even comparable to Para. .

Still, it wasn’t that she had a bad nature, and she had a tendency to be subtly obedient to model students like Yulia. Now, the same situation has unfolded.

“Rachel. You should greet the teacher politely!”

“Nagging is…. Did I say anything halfway? You said goodbye properly.”

“You just nodded. Do it right again.”


Rachel lets out a sigh, but bows her back without saying anything and greets her again.

From nob le mt l dot com

Joan’s expression also brightened, albeit a little. Although she still feels scared.

She is now the last person left.


From nob le mt l dot com

Joanne checked Sharon’s face and tilted her head.

“I’ve seen this face many times…”

Her openly Joanne carefully examines Sharon, even pushing her face closer. She doesn’t care about being rude.

“Miss Juliet? Right!? Wow! Was she an academy student?”

They even clapped their hands together to see how happy they were, but unfortunately, Sharon indifferently shook her head and denied her single knife.

“I’m sorry, but I’m Sharon, not Juliet. I’m meeting you for the first time today.”

“Uh…? Is that so? But they look so much alike…”

It seemed like nothing good would come if I insisted on intervening at this timing, so I decided to just stay silent.

Then, a response came out of an unexpected place.

“If it’s Juliet, is she the secretary by any chance?”

“Ah! Who did she see then?”

Rachel and Yulia’s words reminded me of that time too.

Come to think of it, we both saw Juliet.

“What? Do you happen to know who Mr. Juliet is?”

“Yes. He is an employee of the foundation that helped us.”

“Then are you all Lupin Foundation scholarship students? There are all these coincidences!”

After that, they started to chatter about Lupine again.

Even Rachel, who was shy this time, participated in the battle and was busy talking about various things.

Why are women constantly chatting?

Dahlia, who didn’t know anything about Lupin, wondered how he had intervened so naturally in the conversation.

In the end, only Sharon and I were left alone to watch the chatter of the women in a daze.

As expected, you are the only one. Still, by the time she was feeling a small touch from Sharon, who stayed by her side until the end, Joanne, her leader of her evil enemies, eventually reached out to her.

“To think there are two such pretty faces. . . Come to think of it, I think there was one more?”

Suddenly bringing that up here? Come to think of it, if Sharon is really Sherlock, does she even remember everything about Joanne? Do you think she’s acting like she’s seeing her for the first time knowing?

She paid attention to Sharon, leaving Joan to continue talking to her spark of curiosity.

“Right! Charlotte! Looking at it now, the names are very similar!”

To her surprise, Joanne immediately recalled her memories of the casino.

Well, it wasn’t a look that I’d soon forget. If anyone saw her in her dress, it was only natural that she would leave a lasting impression on her.

The other kids, who didn’t know what they were talking about, looked bewildered, and Sharon, as expected, maintained her usual blunt appearance.

Meanwhile, Joanne recalled her memories and started interrogating Sharon with her eyes wondering if she had confirmed that the two were the same person.

“Tell me honestly. Did she come to the casino under a reasonable pseudonym? I don’t want it to be revealed that she is an academy student. Yes?”

The answer came immediately.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“…Isn’t it real? Don’t you remember me? It’s Joanne. Do you know how sad I was when she suddenly disappeared without a word?”

“I’ve never been to a casino before.”

It was such a resolute denial that even Joanne had a worried look on her face. The statements of the people around you who follow it like an assistant.

“He sneaked to the casino? I’m not that kind of kid.”

“Couldn’t you have mistaken the teacher for someone who resembles you?”

“Is that so…? No, it’s too similar for that. Really? Or do you have any twins or sisters? Either her name is Juliet or Charlotte.”

Sharon shook her head again.

“I am an only child.”

“… Hmm. No matter how you look at it, it’s suspicious. Is that a lie too? That’s Charlotte!”

This is fresh again. She couldn’t believe she was so steadfast in carrying out her own will even though she was openly denied in front of her. Wouldn’t this be close to stubborn stubbornness rather than firm conviction.

Anyway, Joanne seems to be ignoring what she said and trying to push herself to the end as she wants to believe.

“You better look forward to it. This genius detective, Joanne Watson, will uncover your true identity.”


In a way, it was admirable. How comfortable would it be if I came to a conclusion based only on intuition without any basis? Of course, apart from being comfortable, there is a high possibility that the end result will not be good.

Rachel, who had come to my side before I knew it, hesitated a little, then she whispered to me.

“Sir, I think you’re not feeling well.”

Anyway, isn’t it too much? Sometimes that fact can hurt more than anything.

“Are you really into women like that?”

“…How many times have you said no?”

“Cheuk. Look how he is serious about making jokes a few times. How cute.”

No. Anyone can see that it wasn’t a joke, it was the truth.

Anyway, I managed to get out of the health room as the lunch break was over.

It’s finally over.

I was about to feel relieved at that thought, but Yulia spoke seriously while holding her chin.

“I understand now. Crow likes that kind of mature yet pure style.”

···It doesn’t seem to be over yet. Please stop.

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