According to the original schedule, there was another time after the representatives had finished explaining.

However, as if all of them had made a promise, it seemed that Hakeno’s explanation was over and the meeting was over.

When you come back to the hotel and see you come to see me within a few minutes.

“How many people have contacted you?”

“Nearly everyone who was present today has been contacted.”

I was expecting it, but I couldn’t help but feel good when I actually heard the report.

“How did you schedule it?”

“I made an appointment for two hours.”

“Hmm… let’s change it to an hour.”

“Isn’t it too short…”

Hakeno responded with a smile at the secretary’s words.

“From now on, we are the leader.”

Hakeno went straight to the place to greet the guests.

‘Now, dealing with them is a piece of cake.’

Hakeno was to elect only one company from each country.

There was a downside to monopolizing, but if you do that, stop trading.

The contract for him had already been prepared.

As soon as I entered the room to welcome the guests and sat down, I heard a knock and a voice.


“Come on in.”

One of the French giants, TU.

It was in such a place that I personally walked like this to meet myself.

Hakeno got up and greeted the TU representative, and the TU representative held out his hand first and showed a bright smile.

“Nice to meet you. Hakeno-sama.”

“Yes, please sit down. Is your tea okay?”

“of course.”

The two didn’t say a word until the secretary got the car, but when the car arrived and the secretary left the room, they started talking.

“I checked all the videos you showed me on the way back. Really… there was no manipulation at all.”

“Can you do such a thing in a place like this?”

TU sipping tea.

What should I say to satisfy Hakeno?

“Hakeno-sama. Based on what you said today…it seems like you will start distributing that elixir to the whole world, isn’t there a place in France that is as certain as our TU?”

“Yeah…what. Yes.”

In response to Hakeno’s timid reaction, the TU representative became a little impatient.

It was clear that his power in France would be beyond his imagination if he could just sign this contract.

“If you think positively about our relationship with TU this time, we will proceed as Hakeno-sama wants, including all contract terms and distribution of profits.”

By monopolizing the Elixir, it wasn’t just the profit part that followed.

The political world, which can be seen as an eternal antagonism, is nevertheless inseparable from each other.

He had enough power to break that delicate balance.

“Thank you for your words, but I don’t really have the final say.”

“Yes? What…”

“Remember what I said earlier? From whom do you get this elixir?”

“of course. Aren’t you, Kim Seong-hyun, a Korean hunter?”

“Obviously he has all the power to decide.”


Of course it was a lie.

Seong-hyun wanted Hakeno to take care of everything, and he was actually doing it.

But the reason I said this was simple.

While sitting at the head of a company, I come across a lot of information, but recently, the gaze and movement towards Sung-hyun have been increasing.

It is already irreversible to increase the gaze, but at least I had to be able to make Sunghyun’s side.

The main characters of the increased gaze and movement were mostly governments.

“But since he’s a hunter, wouldn’t a merchant like me know better about these kinds of business?”

“Yes… it is.”

Seeing Hakeno calling himself a business man, the TU representative realized at once.

That Kim Sung-hyun Hunter has not only healing powers.

“But what you said today is also true. Where else in France could there be a place like TU?”

“It is a wise word.”

“I will actively tell him that France should sign a contract with the TU.”

“Go, thank you. After all, it seems that a place that has achieved rapid growth at an early time has a different perspective.”

“It’s overrated.”

The representative of TU was the expression of a person who had already been greatly favored by Hakeno.

“May I ask…how much did you set the value of the elixir?”

Now the most important question.

How much did you set up for this, which has no side effects and does not take time?

In response to TU’s question, Hakeno held out one finger.

“1 million…?”

“no. 10 billion.”

He was the representative of the TU who was momentarily startled by the word 10 billion, but no matter how much he thought about it, Elixir was worth it.

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Maybe it felt a little cheap.

Of course, only if what Hakeno said today is true.

“Of course the price will change. According to demand.”


It was the scariest word of any word.

Where is the end of the auction, which starts with 10 billion won, and is held by people who have more than they have?


But nonetheless, it was an attractive offer.

It wasn’t that he didn’t know what the outcome was waiting for at the end of this deal, but if he didn’t get on, his only option was to fall.

“You can wait for the good news.”

Hakeno and the TU representatives once again shook hands and ended the session.

The three-day meeting after that day produced similar results.

There were a few places where it wasn’t easy, but the result was the same anyway.

Because it was Hakeno.


Seong-hyeon, who was about to leave for the academy, received a phone call.


“Hunter. This is Hakeno.”


Hakeno’s phone.

“The job has been successfully completed.”

“That’s fortunate.”

“I want to meet you in person and talk to you, do you have time?”

“Yeah, that’s fine.”

Seonghyeon, who was about to head to the academy, changed her destination by calling Hakeno.

DNN’s headquarters located just over 30 minutes from home.

When we arrived in front of the headquarters building, the chief of staff who had guided Seong-hyeon the other day was waiting.

“I’ll see you.”

The elevator at that time no longer had to be operated by the chief of staff.

As soon as Sunghyun arrived at the door, it opened automatically.

When I entered the room where Hakeno was waiting on the top floor of the building, Hakeno greeted Seonghyun with a wide smile.

“How have you been?”

“It’s only been a few days.”

“haha. Is that so. First of all, these are the results of this meeting.”

Hakeno took out a bunch of papers and handed it to Seonghyeon.

The names of all countries and companies.

The content was simple.

The name of the potion was unified as Elixir, and the contract was signed with an amount of 10 billion won per bottle.

There was also a clause stating that the price could fluctuate.

At the end of the documents, the same one word was written in common.

If there is a problem with Hunter Kim Seong-hyun and the supply is impossible, no one is responsible for that.

“It’s pretty neat.”

“thank you. From now on, I will personally go get the elixir according to the time and place you mentioned.”


“sure. It’s not just something worth the money.”

Elixir wasn’t meant to help other people’s convenience.

You can’t save the dead, but you can save the dying.

Because there was a disease that could not be cured even if 100 billion or 1 trillion was poured, not 10 billion.

“All contracts are in the final stage, so we only need to deal with the one remaining contract and it’s over.”

“One contract left?”


As Hakeno finished speaking, Seonghyun’s cell phone alarm rang.

“Let’s check it out.”

When I took out my phone and checked the screen, there were numbers on the screen that I thought existed.

“Is it 10 billion…?”

“you’re right. You went well.”

“Why is this money…”

It hadn’t even started properly yet, and there was no reason to give me this kind of money.

“Didn’t you tell me? We need to close the contract.”

“Did we make a contract?”

Clearly, Sunghyun and Hakeno did not write a separate contract.

Seong-hyeon believes in a young child who has faith in him.

Hakeno’s interests aligned well with the instructions of the former prime minister, the father of such an infant.

At Seonghyun’s question, Hakeno smiled and said.

“Isn’t an oral contract a contract?”


Sunghyun smiled lightly, too.

“Then when do you start?”

“If the quantity is ready, we can start right away.”

“Then let’s start right now. How many bottles do you need?”

“Only 50 bottles…”

“All right.”

As soon as Sunghyun finished speaking, a bottle of elixir began to be made on the table.

One by one, the increasing number of diseases reached the number Hakeno said in an instant.

“Three, my God…”

Hakeno looked at the elixir on the table with a half-passed expression.

With trembling hands, I picked up a bottle and checked it, Sunghyun said.

“One belongs to the representative.”

“I, my thing is…”

“It’s a gift.”


There was no word of thanks.

In fact, it would be a lie if I said I wasn’t greedy, but I knew for sure what not to do when I was given a huge opportunity.

“thank you.”

“no. Then, please contact me when needed in the future.”


Leaving behind Hakeno, who had a complicated expression on his face, Sunghyun left the DNN building as it was.


Seonghyeon left the building and looked at the phone screen again.

A strangely large number of zeros.

The 10 billion won stamped on the bankbook was making me think a lot.

What would have happened if this money, or even 1/10, had existed before the return?

At least it wouldn’t have had a disastrous result.

With such a complicated feeling, going to the academy, let alone subjugating the gate, seemed difficult, so Seong-hyeon headed straight home.

When I got home, I saw my mother sending Hyein first and preparing late morning breakfast.

“yes? Didn’t you say you were going to the academy?”

“…I just want to rest for today.”

The mother, recognizing Seong-hyeon’s complicated face at once, nodded her head without saying anything.

A quieter atmosphere than usual.

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My mother looked at Seong-hyeon like that and asked.

“Do you have any concerns?”


Seonghyeon, who was about to answer no at once, shut her mouth again.

If I hadn’t planned on not telling you in the first place, I shouldn’t have shown this.

“…I have a question for you.”

“A question?”

“What if I didn’t have new abilities, and I didn’t get any support from the academy or the association?”

It was a question I already knew the answer to.

She was Seong-hyeon, who earned one day at a time, and was a mother who had lost her mind.

But why did you ask?

A stupid question with no answers you want to hear but some answers you don’t want to hear.

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