There was nothing inside the crystal that could be seen through the emitted light.

But there was one little strange thing.

I couldn’t see anything, I didn’t feel anything, but it felt like something was coming into my body.

For the first time in his life, Seong-hyeon instinctively used purification for a foreign feeling, but history purification was of no help.

“…it’s a terribly unpleasant feeling.”

This feeling itself, as if forcibly pulling something out of Seong-hyeon’s heart, was unpleasant, but this intention was even more impure and unpleasant.

“Dare you on the subject of crystals.”

Of course, Seonghyeon did not let this crystal flow as intended.

He didn’t know how to block it, and he couldn’t even get a hold of it, but Seonghyeon’s overwhelming amount of magical power was forcibly blocking the crystal’s intentions.

‘If all of the magical power of the crystals you’ve been feeding is exhausted, it will probably be quiet.’

Although she was fed quite a lot of rare crystals, Seonghyeon’s magical power was infinite.

If you go to an endurance fight, no matter who you fight, the outcome is fixed.

Seonghyeon was continuously defending with magic power, and this unknown power was digging into the heart of Seonghyeon.


Time began to pass little by little.

A cold sweat was running down Seong-hyun’s forehead after a long time.

It was also due to the internal battle that was going on for a long time, but it did not go away easily because the power of the crystal was quite strong, unexpectedly.

No, he even had the feeling that he was piercing through Seonghyeon’s magic little by little.

An unknown power that has never been experienced before.

It was the same even if I looked back on the memories before the return, so of course there was no way to deal with it.

The only thing that Seong-hyeon would believe in was infinite magical power.

The situation was not good because one way was broken.

‘How does a crystal have such a powerful power?’

The power of the crystal attacked the point that was persistent as if it had grasped Seonghyeon’s magic, as if digging into a weakness.

As time passed, I felt like I was being grasped by the crystal, so the discomfort doubled from the beginning, but it was the same for Seonghyeon.

As the confrontation with the crystal grew longer, Seong-hyeon instinctively understood the power of the crystal, and it seemed that the nature of the crystal was gradually resembling Seong-hyeon’s magic.

‘Are you absorbing my magic power?’

But there were a couple of strange things.

In order to break through Seonghyeon’s power, of course, he had to absorb a lot, but he didn’t feel like he was being absorbed again.

The power of the crystal that seems to be getting more and more unknown, but falling further into the labyrinth, was probably the first time he had a hard time after returning.

‘Let’s be calm.’

Seonghyeon’s magic? was infinite.

His stamina was limitless.

psychological anxiety? This could be solved with purification.

I do not know when this confrontation will end, but what is certain is that it is Seonghyeon, not a crystal, that will determine the end.

It’s already been half a day since Crystal and Seonghyun started fighting.

In the meantime, the crystal’s power was increasingly possessing properties similar to Seonghyeon’s magic, and thanks to that, it was able to pierce through Seonghyeon’s magic although subtle.

Did half a day pass again like that?

The power of the crystal began to radiate a mighty power in an instant as if he was going to end this confrontation.

Although the nature resembles Seonghyeon’s magic, the power itself is not magic, but a very foreign power.

That power began to tap the very edge of Seong-hyeon’s heart.

I don’t know what the purpose of this power is, but I wasn’t sure what would happen if that great power hit my heart, no matter how hard I tried.


The limit of magic that Seong-hyun can operate has been moved to the end of his heart.

However, the situation began to run for the worst.

The power of the crystal, which had already begun to float the same properties as Seonghyeon’s magic, was not disturbed.

Even the instinctive unconscious to defend, it seemed that he had no intention of stopping this power itself as it had the same nature as Seong-hyeon’s magic.


How long is this kind of pain?

In the meantime, he has healed people from small pain to unimaginable pain.

Also, from the feeling of being stabbed with a knife to the feeling of being crushed by something huge.

Seong-hyun had felt so many kinds of pain with his own hands, but the pain he felt now was of a different category.

Although the size was great, the kind of pain he had never felt was giving Seong-hyeon a new sense of anxiety.

He focused his magic on blocking and used healing, but whether he was injured or not, the situation did not change.

‘This is… dangerous…’

When the thought that if I had known this, I would not have grown or had it in the first place, took over my head, Sung-hyun lost her mind as it was.

Without checking the window that appeared in front of me.


“Why can’t I contact Hunter Kim Seong-hyun…?”

For the past few days, there has been no contact with Sunghyun.

There was no problem when I tried using magic to see if something happened.

Rich had already contacted the hotel where Sunghyun was staying, but the only answer he got back was that he was staying at the hotel.

However, as Seong-hyeon said, thanks to the ability to move directly to a specific person, there was no credibility in the hotel’s answer.

“It’s already been 3 days…”

There was no way Seonghyeon could be alone in the dormitory for three days, so Richie was worried and sighing in frustration.

“Ritchie. The number of applicants continues to grow, so what should we do?”

“Oh, come up with a way to be as receptive as possible. The association and the academy have the same intentions as us, so it will not be difficult to seek cooperation.”

“all right. And Padron came to visit.”

“Bring it along.”


During the three days of losing contact with Seonghyeon, Richie had done quite a lot of work.

As Sunghyun said, he was creating a new system as if he was doing it himself in Korea.

Although Padron was a different guild from Richie, it was safe to say that Padron was also together since the two had a close relationship in the first place.

The two top-level hunters representing the United States and the first and second-ranked hunters worldwide seem to move with the same meaning, so other top-level hunters in the United States could not show a different will.

“rich. Things are going well…”

As soon as Padron entered Lich’s room, he stood still and stared at Lich.


“Ritchie…what happened?”

“What do you have to say?”

It was Padron’s first encounter with a Lich after subjugating a first-class door, but the energy I felt from the Lich was completely different from when I subjugated a first-class gate.

To be more precise, it was far stronger than it had changed.

“Did nothing really happen? really?”

“…why are you doing this?”

“You don’t know? I’m sorry to say that, but it feels like something is not human.”

The magical power I felt had increased significantly, and the purity of it was quite thick.

A little bit out of breath.

“I must have realized something inside the door. Well, what else is there?”

“Because you know where Kim Seong-hyun has gone. I can’t reach you, but I don’t think you’re in Korea.”

“Neither do I. There has been no contact from three days ago.”

“Hmm…it wasn’t a kidnapping somewhere, did it?”

“Fuck, when did you start worrying about that?”

Padron’s concerns weren’t real, and Richie figured it out right away.

Rather than not worrying about Sung-hyun, he seemed to have a little sense of how strong Seong-hyun was.

It’s just a light joke that comes out of the conviction that someone won’t be kidnapped.

“If you contact me, please say hello to me. And if you want to tell me how you became so strong, just tell me.”

“Well, look.”

“Then go.”

Padron coolly turned his back to see if there was anything else to do, raised one hand and left the room as it was.

“It’s strange… I’m sharing magic power, not receiving it, so why am I so surprised?”

Somehow, after the day I talked with Seong-hyun, I felt that my body became lighter and I did not even feel tired.

“You seem to have gotten stronger, but I can’t reach someone who seems to know the answer…”

Rich sighed in frustration and leaned back on the sofa.

“Huh…where are you?”



As if waking up from sleep, Seonghyeon blinked while lying still for a moment.


Obviously, the result of a lesser evil came from the confrontation with the crystal, but the current state of the body is more refreshing than ever.

However, this overly refreshing feeling was rather causing anxiety.

“How faint I am… did I sleep?”

When I glanced at the time, five days had already passed since that day.

It wasn’t all about what had changed during those five days, or just feeling refreshed.

Since the magic was infinite anyway, I couldn’t figure out the difference in the amount of magic, but I felt as if I had cleared all the blood that had been blocked in my body.


I remembered the crystal that caused me to fall asleep for 5 days and looked around, but I couldn’t feel the trace of the crystal anywhere.

The outer part of the crystal that had fallen on the floor had evaporated, so there was no powder left.

“Let’s figure out what has changed, and move on first.”

Five days was of extraordinary value to Seong-hyeon.

The work in the United States had not yet been completely completed, and the work of the pilgrim had to be dealt with.

After washing his face lightly in the bathroom, looking in the mirror, he began to see something other than his face in front of Seonghyeon.

A window that appears after a long time.

[Open: Holy Land]

[Holy Land: You can designate the desired area as the Holy Land. In the Holy Land, the abilities of all beings recognized as allies increase, and the number of worshipers and users’ summons increases even more.]

[Due to the absence of regional settings, a holy land has been designated around the user for a while. The range and effect are reduced by half compared to when designated as a holy land.]

[The range of the Holy Land is based on the amount of magic power, and if you designate one place as a Holy Land, it takes 30 days to change it again.]

“Something is too long to explain.”

As the explanation was long, the performance was also clear.

As described by Chang, the area around Seonghyeon was designated as a holy land, and the range was suitable for fighting.

“I thought that I would be able to acquire new abilities only when the number of people who worshiped increased, but did that purple crystal unlock abilities?”

He said that the nature of his magical powers resembled his own.

“But it was a pain I never wanted to go through again.”

Seonghyeon shuddered and left the room at the pain enough to cause a little fear.

Before confirming the newly acquired ability, I had to deal with the delayed ones first.

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