Chen Hao was a little confused: "Go! Go together!!"

Thunder Mecha is the most difficult mecha among the five.

Thunder raging! Powerful!

Two huge electric batons condensed from the hands of the Thunder Mecha Division!

That's right, the five-meter electric baton, and the shape of the Thunder Mecha is somewhat similar to the shape of a monkey.

The Thunder Mecha's whole body particle ejector, which was brandishing two electric batons, opened.

Thunder Phantom! Thunderbolt!

Release two skills instantly!

The Thunder Mecha reached twice the speed of sound, and then rotated the electric baton, causing hundreds of lightning and blasting towards Fang Mo at the same time.

There is absolutely nowhere to escape such a wide range of lightning.

Fang Mo lifted one hand!

Evil Shield!

Fang Mo's mecha arms were unfolded, and a black shield was displayed out of thin air.

boom! !

Thunderbolt, hundreds of lightning smashed down, all blocked by the black shield.

"What!" The Thunder Mecha was really as if he had been struck by lightning. He couldn't believe what he saw.

Mechas are most afraid of lightning, and mechas made of pure metal like ancestor mechas should be more conductive.

How could it be possible to block the lightning so unscathed.

What is the black shield? Is it a mecha accessory?

But isn't the other party the original mecha 200 years ago? The concept of mecha accessories was only proposed a hundred years ago. This is unlikely.

Fang Mo also never expected that his evil spirit shield equipment could be turned into mecha accessories and grow directly from mechas. This is also amazing.

Fang Mo speculated whether it was because the mecha, equipment, and totem were all in the three-body space.

So it became a system.

Taking advantage of the moment when the Thunder Mecha was stunned.

Fang Mo backhanded the two electric batons of the Thunder Mecha.

Then he drew it forcefully, and he stole the two electric baton weapons of the Thunder Mecha.

See you a long time!

It was the first time that Chen Hao and others saw that they could take away the opponent's mecha weapon.

Because the mecha weapons are exclusive and bound! All are genetically bound!

Even if it is taken away, it loses energy instantly, just like broken copper and broken iron.

And Fang Mo took away the electric baton, the lightning energy of the two electric batons not only did not disappear, but seemed to be excited.

"Eat my old grandson two sticks!"


Fang Mo's two electric batons hit the Thunder Mecha's head.

Zi Zi Zi!

Easily smash the head of Thunder Mecha.

The current is chaotic.

The Thunder Mecha never thought that he was actually electrocuted.

Turn around, a great!

Fang Mo easily inserted two electric batons through the ice and shot the phone armor.

The ice mech protects itself and freezes quickly.


Fang Mo knew too much about this frozen guard.

Break me!

Fang Mo raised a fist no less than three times the size of a basketball and aimed it at the frozen ice mecha!



The body of the poor little sister Hanbing shattered into ice.

The big shield mech crawled and rolled without any courage to fight.

Fang Mo threw two electric batons, one after the other, clamped the shield mecha.

Fang Mo rushed over and punched!

The shield mecha raised the shield in horror.

unarmed! 16 times the damage!


boom! !

With the already strong power, coupled with the 2000 power bonus of the evil spirit suit, Fang Mo easily penetrated the large shield, penetrated the chest of the mecha, and directly broke the belly of the mecha.

Killed on the spot.

It took less than three minutes.

Fang Mo had already killed all Chen Hao's four younger brothers.

Chen Hao raised his battle axe in both hands, shivering. Even when he saw those diamond-quality fifth-generation mechas, Chen Hao had never been so scared as he is today.

What kind of concept is this, it is equivalent to the fact that your opponent is a baby, and you can crush the baby to death with just one finger.

I didn't know that this baby actually held a grenade in his hand and released it indefinitely at you, exploding your soul out of your body and lowering your IQ.

The question is, how can babies use grenades?

Similarly, Chen Hao was also curious as to why Fang Mo, an ordinary person without a totem, would have such a powerful strength.

Is it really all because of the ancestor mecha 200 years ago? Is the technology so powerful 200 years ago? ?

Fang Mo approached Chen Hao step by step.

Chen Hao no longer has any fighting spirit to resist. His voice trembled. Although he could directly turn on the particle jet and escape, he did not dare to open it, fearing that he would kill him as soon as he prescribed it.

Chen Hao could only forcefully pretend to be calm and said: "Fang Mo! You can't kill me! The school prohibits you from fighting with classmates, let alone killing!"

Fang Mo grinned: "That's so simple. Didn't you say it? There is a garbage dump next to it. The corpse is thrown in the garbage dump. Others think they are people in the slum, and they are treated as garbage. Who knows? Besides, I have killed four people, do I still care if I kill you one more person!"


Chen Hao finally persuaded, a pee came out of his trouser pocket.

The most fearful thing in mecha is going to the toilet, and Chen Hao actually! !

Fortunately, the special treatment program of the mecha can drain the water.

"Fang Mo, please, don't kill me, I swear, I will never harass you again!" Chen Hao thumped and knelt at Fang Mo's feet and touched Fang Mo's one-meter-diameter foot. It's very exaggerated.

Fang Mo looked at Chen Hao, who was kneeling and begging for mercy, and shook his head helplessly: "I don't understand, can you villains have a higher IQ, or can you have more dignity? Don't kneel and beg for mercy every time you find that you can't beat him. , Can you be a little bit better than surrender!"

Where does Chen Hao care about his dignity, his life is gone, what dignity he wants.

If it were on the Aqua Blue Star, such **** would have been killed long ago, but unfortunately, people had to bow their heads under the eaves.

Killing Chen Hao will probably cause a series of troubles.

Fang Mo could only take his previous experience and frighten Chen Hao, so that he would not dare to act rashly in a short time. When he had the courage to take revenge in the future, Fang Mo was no longer a match for him.

Fang Mo raised his foot and stepped heavily on Chen Hao's arm.


Chen Hao cried out in pain.

Fang Mo guessed Chen Hao's arm.

Then, with the big palm of his hand, Chen Hao's three-meter-high mecha was held in his hand as if he was carrying a chicken.

Fang Moyin said coldly: "I originally wanted to hide my identity, but I was discovered by you. I could kill you, but you still have some usefulness. You can use you to uproot your entire Chen family. This time I will let you go back. I hope you can spend some money and ask a professional to design a method that will kill me seamlessly. The opportunity is only given to you once. Next time, I will blow your head!!"

So pretend to be mysterious! And threatening mockery! Mental intimidation!

Fang Mo used all kinds of psychological hints.

I believe that this Chen Hao will definitely not be able to figure out what Fang Mo wants to do in a short time, and will never act rashly. Fang Mo knows the psychology of such a person too well.

Fang Mo grabbed Chen Hao's arm and fold it gently.


The entire mecha arm was broken.

what! !

Chen Hao and the mecha are one body, breaking the arm of the mecha is like breaking Chen Hao's arm.

Chen Hao feels unhappy.

"Okay! Go away! Only one chance, please be professional next time!"

Fang Mo swallowed all the totems of the four corpses on the ground.

Obtained Great Sword Totem (Mecha), Snow Totem (Mecha), Great Shield Totem (Mecha), Thunder Totem (Mecha)

Unlike the totem of the Aqua Blue Star, the totem of the bluest star has a special mecha logo.

Description is only suitable for mecha.

Fang Mo threw all the four corpses on the ground and Chen Hao into the **** heap, and then ignored them.

Chen Hao took his life back, cursed and ran away, with an ideal heart: Fang Mo! I must kill you! Ten thousand times!

That's what I said, but after Chen Hao went back, he didn't dare to mention what happened to anyone. He had nightmares every night, and he didn't even dare to go to the Mecha Academy for fear of seeing Fang Mo.

After Fang Mo went back, he entered the three-body training space and tested it.

It turns out that those so-called ice totems (mechas), once activated, can give their ancestor mechas more frost attributes.

For example, Fang Mo now blasted out with a normal punch.

Relying on Fang Mo's understanding of ice elements, Fang Mo can easily play ice light.

You don't need the skill of Bing Mang, but you can play the Bing Mang effect and triple the attack.

What is a genius? Maybe this is a genius.

Other mechas can only have one element attribute and one characteristic, which has been determined from the time they are produced.

The ancestor mecha is so amazing, Fang Mo can constantly change the great sword totem, ice and snow totem, and thunder totem, and then the attributes of the ancestor mecha can follow.

And Fang Mo found out when Fang Mo activated a totem.

On the fist of the ancestor mecha, a totem mark will appear, such as a big sword mark, ice and snow mark.

There are a total of twelve grooves on the left and right fists, which means that the ancestor mecha can accommodate twelve different totem effects at the same time.

Fang Mo has been tested, and currently the ancestor mecha can only place two different totems at the same time.

When you want to put in the third totem, it will prompt [Mecha levels are different, please upgrade mecha]

Fang Mo remembered that when he entered the Mecha Alliance, the Mecha Alliance had already provided the second, third and most advanced sixth-generation mechas based on the data of the Ancestral Mecha, and even included various evolution directions. The form, all have specific models.

It's just that it has been discontinued and can't be done.

Therefore, if Fang Mo wants to upgrade the ancestor mecha to the second and third generations in the future, he will have to find a special mecha manufacturer and provide the corresponding materials to upgrade.

Fang Mo wasn't very interested in the mecha, but in order to complete the task, treat it as a toy.


Fang Min's excited voice came from far away.

When Fang Min returned home, the first thing he did was throw himself in Fang Mo's arms and hugged Fang Mo tightly.

Fang Min's tears flowed out of the child's disappointment.

"What's wrong? Someone bullied you?"

Fang Min burst into tears and laughed: "How could it be possible that I am so powerful, who would dare to bully me? I heard my coach say at the military base today that a strange person has been born in the Mecha Academy. There is no totem but mecha is integrated, and I defeated the Totem Mecha Division. When I asked the name, it turned out to be your name! Brother, did you really integrate the Mecha?"

Looking at Fang Min's cry of joy, Fang Mo also felt a little affection.

Fang Mo suspected that he was a scumbag, and when he crossed to Aquastar, he felt that he and Zhang Min were relatives.

After crossing to this bluest star, how could he be moved by this Fang Min boy again.

Fang Mo touched Fang Min's head and stretched out his arm: "Look at bracelet, I said earlier, your brother is very good!"

Fang Min nodded vigorously, "Well, I knew that my brother is the best!"

Fang Mo in this world is six years older than Fang Min. He brought Fang Min to his eldest son since he was a child.

Fang Min admires Fang Mo very much.

But when the game world overlapped, it was discovered that Fang Mo didn't have a totem, but his younger brother had a totem.

Fang Min was more sad than Fang Mo.

It's good now, knowing that Fang Mo has finally integrated the mecha, Fang Min finally opened his heart, all the suffering is worth it, his brother must be the most special and the most powerful! What if there is no totem! !

Big deal, think of a way to get a totem for your brother in the future!

I heard that scientists are already studying how to inherit other people’s totem mechas.

For his brother, Fang Min was willing to do anything.

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