
Because Fang Mo's ancestor mecha was five meters in size, with oversized fists and oversized feet, he walked with unparalleled momentum.

The last little brother is an ordinary standard mecha.

He held a big sword in both hands, not knowing whether he should rush up and chop, or open the weapon system on his body for a shot.

Finally, he thought about it, in order to kick his brother's face, he was cruel and released the ball lightning launcher that he had spent a lot of money to buy, and he also bought one! Almost all his net worth.

The "Mecha League" game is a very amazing game. The mecha accessories you buy in the game can also be used in reality! This feature was not available a year ago. Since the game world overlapped, the Mecha League game has also undergone some changes.

For example, the mech ammunition you bought in reality will be used up in "Mecha League", and you need to use Mecha Coins to replenish the ammunition in "Mecha League".

So the game "Mecha League" is very important.

You can even buy mechas directly in "Mecha Alliance".

However, the mechas in the Mecha Alliance are not made by the game, but by experts from various countries in reality. According to the mecha data and materials given by the Mecha Alliance, they are manufactured in the factory, and then get the " "Mecha League" sold.

This is somewhat similar to Aquastar's trading platform.

Mecha Alliance is the most blue star trading platform.

The kicker's little brother was cruel and turned on the ball lightning launcher directly.

Ball lightning is not ordinary lightning.

It is a very special kind of plasma produced during the formation of lightning. Its interior contains very terrifying energy and is extremely unstable. Once it collides with any object, it will be extremely destructive.

The kicker brother spread the wings and opened the distance, from the high school to the low-altitude Fang Mo, releasing a ball-shaped lightning with a diameter of 100 meters.

The spherical lightning, in a state of confusion, is like a chaotic star, presenting a halo of orange and red, yellow, purple, blue, bright white, and faint green in a variety of colors, very beautiful! !

The audience in the spectator stand was so excited that they all stood up.

"Awesome! The value of this ball-like lightning is more than 500,000. I am really willing. This is not a qualifying match, but an ordinary training match!!!"

"No matter how awesome the boxing champion is, he can't stop the ball lightning!"

"Moreover, this ancestor mecha does not seem to have wings, so it should not be able to fly. How could he hide!"

Indeed, the spherical lightning was too huge, a huge sphere with a full diameter of 100 meters, directly smashed from high altitude.

Unless there is a special anti-motor armor, it may be able to resist it, and usually find ways to speed up and dodge.

Even if it is too late to escape completely, avoid getting sucked into the interior by the ball lightning, and must escape to the edge.

If it were in reality, Fang Mo might have escaped, but this is a game, and there is not much loss if he died.

Fang Mo happened to test his mecha.

The huge ball of lightning was about to hit Fang Mo at sight.

But Fang Mo was motionless, still bombarded by ball lightning.

Li Zhe anxiously shouted on the team channel: "Fang Mo! Get out of the way!! This is ball lightning! Very powerful!"

Black Rose: "Stop yelling, he can't hear the voice of the elimination."

Dwarf Winter Melon has become the most trusted fan of Fang Mo from the person who complained the most before: "I believe in the Great God! The Great God definitely has a way to resist."

Fang Mo was surrounded by ball lightning.

The terrifying energy radiation inside almost electrolyzed Fang Mo's mecha.

The critical moment.

Fang Mo opened the Black Dragon Soul impressively!

This is Fang Mo's only soul ball at present! !

Black Dragon Soul Protector!


There was a dragon chant.

Fang Mo's ancestor mecha actually transformed, the top head turned into a dragon head, and the bronze color of the whole body turned into a liquid metal material like a black smooth water surface.

The feet are like dragon feet (the Western dragon's feet), and the hands are like dragon claws.

The whole person is in a new line, and the mecha is evolved and upgraded!

Awesome! Sure enough, it was exactly the same as Fang Mo thought. Since the evil spirit suit can be used as an accessory, the black dragon soul protector directly allowed the ancestor mecha to evolve into a new mecha-the ancestor black dragon mecha! (skin)

There is actually the word skin behind!

Plagiarism! Fang Mo is now sure that this "Mecha League" is definitely copying League of Legends.

There are indeed skins in the Mecha League.

There are different mecha skins for the same mecha, but mecha skins are very rare and rare. Generally, as long as you get skin fragments and various activities in real game secrets, it is possible to get skins.

Of course, there are special circumstances. It is said that when human and machine are integrated, after evolving to the ultimate form of mecha, a skin can be obtained.

Watch the battle zone.

The audience thought that Fang Mo would be submerged and killed by the ball lightning.



There was a dragon chant.

Everyone looked at each other.

"Have you heard?"

"I heard it! It seems to be the cry of some monster!"

"What the hell?!"

Suddenly, a flash of black light completely ignored the energy emission of the ball lightning.

Up to the sky!

That's right!

Fang Mo's black dragon mecha, with dragon scale wings growing out of its back, has a flying function, soaring into the sky, the flying dragon is in the sky!


Dragon claws penetrate directly through the mecha.

Four kills! !

The audience was a sensation.

The whole game, almost all rushed out, watching the big screen.

Even people on other floors of Ole Square heard the huge exclamation here, and many people rushed to it.

Thousands of people looked at the big screen.

Looking at Fang Mo's black lacquered dragon head, dragon armor, and dragon claw mecha, he screamed: "What kind of mecha is this! This is too beautiful!!"

"This is simply a work of art!!"

"Is this really an ancestor mecha!"

"The above shows the ancestor mecha, but the black dragon skin."

"Did it shock me! Is this real? Bronze 4 mecha skin! Doesn't it mean that it is only possible to awaken the skin if you are in the king rank!"

"Perhaps because this ancestor mecha is too old! Mecha Alliance can't tell, there is a BUG!"

"Even if it's a BUG, ​​it's too abnormal! We have worked so hard to spend money on accessories. This guy is good, one step is in place, and the skin is neat!"

Fang Mo is not afraid to expose his strength.

Time is limited, Fang Mo just wants his own strength to be quickly seen by the senior officials of Yu Guo.

And Fang Mo is a soul wearer, he will not be suspected of coming from the opposite world.

In addition, the ancestor mecha, the world’s first mecha, has been discontinued. Fang Mo can just use this ancestor mecha to cover up the reason. When someone asked, Fang Mo said that he didn’t know, and it was all mechas. !

Eliminate the channel, the eliminated ones can talk to each other.

Li Zhe yelled: "Kick brother! You scream again! You kick again! Hahaha! There are no **** that let you lose this time!"

The kicker's intestines are so angry: what the hell! Master Zhe! Where did you invite such a great god, bronze 4 has skin? This is still playing Nima! Are you bullying? !

Li Zhe proudly: This is my brother! What's wrong with bullying you! You have the ability to kill us!

Huh, wait! There are people who are not afraid of death.

I saw that 15-year-old genius Quanzhi after seeing Fang Mo's black dragon mech again, not only was he not afraid, but all of his heart was calm, and his lungs suddenly hurt.

"Interesting! So interesting! Bronze 4 mecha skin!! I can finally show my full strength!"

Full-time master, standard mecha! Full combat power!

Melee one-handed sword! Remote laser beam!

Heavy weapon missile launcher!

Knee shield, wrist shield.

and many more!

All accessories are turned on!

This is a set of top accessories! The full-time master Quan Zhi didn't want to expose it, but since it was a mecha skin, it was worth his effort.

Be careful! I'm coming!

Allwinner's jet sprayed, and his body quickly sprayed towards Fang Mo.

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