Because I’m So Afraid of Death, I Choose Invincible

Chapter 518: Long Qian's departure

   The training room was crowded with students.

  The students were afraid to enter the training room, only dared to watch the internal situation outside the broken window.

  Long Qian opened the Flower Demon V-type mecha, and the surrounding flowers were in full bloom. Long Qian was like the queen of the flowers, enjoying the worship of the flowers, and countless rotating red flowers suspended Long Qian's body in the air.

   And Amani opened the Storm IV mecha.

   The vortex of her whole body is against the vortex of thousands of flowers. The entire training room is half a sea of ​​flowers and half a vortex of storms.

   Fangmo carefully observed the battle, the strength of these two people should represent the top powerhouse of the bluest star.

   Ten Thousand Flower Vortex and Storm Vortex are similar to things in the realm.

Amani coldly shouted: "Long Qian! Your identity has been verified by me. You are one of the five sponsors of the Long Ni organization, and the dignified sponsor hides in our school as a teacher. What do you intend to do! Do you want to instigate students to join your Long Ni organization!"

"Haha! Amani, I know that before I came to this mecha academy, you were the most popular female teacher in this academy. You enjoy the feeling of holding the moon in the hearts of all people, and after I came, this feeling is all in You are jealous about me! But I didn't expect that you would investigate me privately!"

   Amani proudly said: "Huh! Why, I'm scared! You wait, the principal is coming over soon, today you can't escape anywhere!!!"


Long Qian sighed and shook her head: "I originally wanted to rest for a while, but unfortunately, you let my rest plan come to an end early! You are a teacher in this school, I won't kill you! After all, you can do it. You’ve made a contribution, but you don’t want to be a car, if I miss you and kill you, then I can’t be blamed!"

   "Hahaha! Long Qian, don't think that your surname is Long, I am afraid of you, who doesn't know, you are just an illegitimate daughter, a wild species!!!"

   All the red flowers around Long Qian turned into black flowers in an instant, and black petals swirled around the entire mecha: "You say it again!"

   "Wild species! Wild species! Wild species! Haha, I say three times! What do you do with me! I just like to see your desperate appearance!" Amani screamed.

   Looking for death! !

  Long Qian controlled countless petals to attack Amani.

   Amani uses the wind barrier to block the flowers.

   Longqian used the release vines to grow and wrap Amani from all directions throughout the training room.

   Although Amani’s mech is the fourth generation, it is one generation behind the fifth generation of Long Qian.

   But the backward generation does not mean that the mecha is not strong, but because of the backward generation, the technology is already very mature and stable, unlike the fifth generation, many things are not stable.

   Amani summoned countless wind blades, cutting frantically at the surrounding vines, and the vines could not get close to Amani's body.

  Long Qian knew that Remote could not deal with Amani.

   Suddenly, his body turned into a vortex of thousands of flowers and rushed towards Amani.

   Not to be outdone, Amani turned into a storm vortex, and the two vortexes collided in the air.

   Boom boom boom! !

   The walls of the training game keep cracking! The floor is ripped!

   But it was still solid in the training room, and it was not destroyed.

   Even if the student girl peeked outside the training room, she was so weak that she was shocked by the powerful force inside.

   Li Zhe looked very anxious: "Fang Mo, do we want to go in and help."

   Fangmo shook his head: "No need."

   Once he came, Fang Mo could see that Long Qian’s strength was stabilized by Amani, and he really didn’t need to help;

  Secondly, this Long Ni organization is said to be the largest independent organization in the Yu Kingdom. It is said to be an independent organization. In fact, it disobeys the management of the four great beast families and declares independent confrontation.

  The Dragon Ni organization is dominated by ordinary members. As the name suggests, the Dragon Ni organization is Nilong! Reverse the Azure Dragon!

   will pull the Qinglong down from the high altar.

   Let the divine power descend on earth, and all people are equal.

   If Fang Mo helped out, wouldn't it mean it had something to do with this Dragon Ni? Before Fang Mo was full of wings, of course, it was best to hold the thighs of the four great beast families.

  Wait until Fang Mo has cultivated his own mecha army, and then he will go to the Longni organization and make a mess of the whole world.

   Therefore, Fang Mo didn't choose to help, he also watched quietly.

  The battle soon came to an end.

   Just as Fang Mo had judged, Long Qian's strength stabilized Amani.

   Long Qian took advantage of her mecha to force Amani one after another to suppress the storm vortex.

   Then release the flower thorns, pierce the storm barrier, and pierce Amani's body.

But obviously, Long Qian didn’t kill him, and then let the thorns penetrate the mecha, and then pierce Amani’s skin, causing it to be extremely itchy, causing Amani to be forced to turn off the mecha in pain, and she kept rolling on the ground. .

   Long Qian knew that the school principal and senior management were coming soon.

   The principal naturally knew the identity of Long Qian. He opened his eyes and closed his eyes without any trouble with Long Qian.

   But now that Long Qian's identity is public, if the principal does not deal with it, it will make it difficult for the principal to do it.

   Long Qian has been in this academy for two years. It's not like letting this academy fall like this, so she left consciously.


   Long Qian, with a gesture of victory, pushed open the door of the training room.

   Amani was unwilling to watch Long Qian's departure: "Ah!"

   The students saw Long Qian coming out, so scared to dodge on both sides.

  Only Fang Mo stood at the door, as if waiting for Long Qian to come out.

  Long Qian came out just to see Fang Mo smiling and looking at herself.

  Long Qian is very pleased, she deserves to be a student who has been teaching for two years.

   Long Qian touched Fang Mo's head: "Boy, I won't be here in the future. No one will protect you. Remember to protect yourself."

   Fangmo grinned: "Hey hey, don't worry, Teacher Long, no one can bully me."

   Long Qian nodded: "That's right, you are already Gold 2, and now many people admire the champion of boxing, it is true that not many people can bully you."

   Fang Mo's face changed slightly: "Teacher Long, why don't you know at all."

   Long Qian lowered her voice and said: "Be careful, don't be clever! Your every move has been monitored by the upper level. If you want to find me in the future, come to the game map to find me in the future ruins! Don't dodge!!!"

   As soon as the voice fell, Long Qian pushed Fang Mo to the ground.

   Fang Mo fell to the ground.

   Long Qian scolded: "Fang Mo, I have put so much effort into you, you don't want to go with me, heh! Wait! Long Ni will not let you go!"

   After speaking, Long Qian leaped up and left the college quickly.

   After Long Qian escaped, the principal just rushed over.

   disperse all the students.

   The principal let out a sigh of relief: "Finally sent the plague **** away."

   Fangmo naturally knew that Long Qian wanted to divide the relationship with herself.

   After this episode.

   is coming soon, the graduation exam!

   Anyway, students who have integrated mecha can apply for graduation.

   After graduation, there are generally two choices: one is to enter the society directly, and see if there are any institutions and companies willing to recruit newly graduated Mecha students;

   The second is to join the official mecha group.

   The official mech regiment mainly refers to the four sacred beast mech regiments, among which the Azure Dragon Mech regiment is the largest and most powerful mecha regiment.

   is also the mecha group that has tens of thousands of mecha academies and millions of mecha students in the country of Yu.

   There is a very strict assessment process for joining the Qinglong Mecha Group.

   First of all, you must graduate from a formal Mecha Academy. (If you are a member of the royal family, the royal family, and the four great beasts, you do not need to graduate from the Mecha Academy; you can directly participate in the assessment of the Qinglong Mecha Group; or it can be recommended by a high-powered person)

   Next, we will compete for qualification.

   Thousands of mecha academies across the country, all of them have entered the qualification battle assessment.

   One hundred thousand people who finally passed the assessment can choose to apply for the four great beast mech regiments.

   Each mech regiment has its own independent campaign mode.

   The basaltic mech regiment has the lowest income threshold. As long as the students who pass the assessment can join the basaltic mech regiment, it will be an internship mech regiment. After a half-year evaluation period, it will be decided whether to officially join.

   Blue Dragon Mecha regiment has the highest threshold.

   Blue Dragon Mecha Group, everyone is an elite among the elite, the strong among the strong, will never collect waste or mediocre mechas.

   Therefore, it is necessary to participate in the quota screening competition.

   After one round of screening and competition, the strongest 64, the strongest 32, and the strongest champion are finally selected.

  The higher the ranking, the higher the position after entering the Qinglong Mecha regiment.

   If you are a champion, you can directly appoint the Major General of the Qinglong Mecha Regiment.

   Fangmo knew that this champion had to be won by himself and entered the high-level of the Qinglong Mecha Group, and then he was thinking of a way to kill Qinglong!

   Fangmo has learned a lot of gossip through the mech forums, saying that it is the Great Rift Valley between Yu Kingdom and Tai Chi Tiger, which has already become an army of millions of mechs! !

   This is the most blue star, after the first wave of death squads attack, the second attack was really organized.

   The four empires of Yu Kingdom, Tai Chi Tiger, Peacock, and Omar have all eliminated the elite.

   The specific attack situation, Fang Mo must not know through the forum. This is also the reason why Fang Mo wants to mix into the high-level, so that the information about the bluest star attacking the Aquastar can be clear.

   But there is another fatal problem. Even if Fang Mo knows the most blue star's offensive information, he cannot notify Aquastar.

   The chairmanship of Fangmo's Invincible Guild is no longer realistic at the Blue Star.

  Naturally, Fangmo could not notify Aquastar through the mail system of the Invincible Guild.

   Fangmo speculated that Jumang Wudi should not be so stupid. He should find a way to capture some of the bluest stars and let these bluest people secretly inquire about intelligence.

   Fangmo wants to pass the information he knows to Aquastar, there are two ways.

   The first type is to find the inner response of Aquastar, and give the news to the inner response to bring back Aquastar.

   The second kind, Fang Mo will cultivate his confidant in the future, let his confidant find a way to go to the world of magic war, and through the world of magic war can bring information out.

   Of course, there is a third method. Fang Mo will become the mecha vanguard of the Azure Dragon Mecha regiment and rush to Aquastar to fight. There is no need to pass the message. Fang Mo can directly greet Jumang Invincible.

   Just kidding, if Fang Mo can enter Aquastar, he can send the message through the mail system of the Invincible Guild.

   In short, there are methods.

   Fang Mo really broke his heart to destroy the bluest star.

   I hope that Jumang Invincible can block this second wave of attacks. The millions of mechas are not many.

   If this second wave of attacks can be withstood, then the bluest star will be greatly injured in a short period of time, and will definitely not launch an invasion easily.

   If this second wave is not blocked, then the bluest star must have a strong military spirit, and a steady stream of attacks will continue. .

   When the time comes, Aquastar will be really dangerous.

   Fangmo prayed in his heart: Aqua Star insists! Wait for me to rise!

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