Aqua Star, Star City! !

A great catastrophe is rising!

An army of one million mechas is entering the entrance of Star City's alien world.

Among them, Yu Kingdom fought 500,000 mecha troops; Peacock Kingdom fought 200,000; Omar Empire fought 200,000; Tai Chi Tiger had the least population, fought 100,000.

All of these million are elites among the elite, and ordinary mecha cannon fodder is not on.

Among them, the 500,000 mecha legions of the Yu Kingdom consisted of four great beast families, eight royal families, thirty-two royal families, and various civil legions.

President, commander-in-chief, and patriarch of the Qinglong clan, Long Yujing.

In addition, the basalt mecha regiment, the Suzaku mecha regiment, the white tiger mecha regiment, the commanders of the four major mechas, and the elite geniuses of all races, half will gather.

This time, Long Yujing's goal is to only succeed and not fail.

Although it is not going to break the boat, Long Yujing has already mobilized 70% of Yu Kingdom!

All of them did not send cannon fodder corps because Long Yujing knew that after the cannon fodder army was killed, it would easily affect the morale and morale of the army.

Therefore, Long Yujing firmly urges all countries to send their strongest elites. If there is any abuse, the consequences will be at his own risk.

In the discussion of the four congresses, Long Yujing went straight to the point: "This war is about the life and death of the blue star, and it is also the battle where the blue star has the most chance to succeed. At present, the enemy does not understand our strength and mecha. Once we let the other party understand and get acquainted with it, we will only be more difficult in the future. Therefore, this attack must be played with all the elites. In a deadly battle, we must win the entrance city!!"

It is worthy of an epic battle.

Long Yujing has already written his will in advance. If he dies, he will pass the position of the Patriarch of the Azure Dragon City to Long Lingxiao, a genius who is hard to come by for a thousand years.

Long Lingxiao is eighteen years old this year, and he is already king in the Mecha League.

It is the youngest king of the blue star, and the integration is unique for the five generations of Yinglong Mecha!

This time Long Lingxiao did not participate in this battle, but was so mischievous that he changed his name and participated in the assessment of the Imperial Mecha Legion in the name of a graduate.

He wants to be famous in one fell swoop, let the entire Yu Kingdom and the whole world know that Long Lingxiao did not rely on his relationship to become the chief of the Qinglong clan, but on his strength;

Similarly, the other three sacred beasts mech regiment, royal family, and royal family are all in power and the strongest coming this time. This is what Long Yujing asked. If there is any royal family, the patriarch of the royal family, or the strongest, dare not come. After the war is over, the accounts must be settled after autumn.

Therefore, all major families have also written their wills. If they die on the battlefield, it is clear to whom the position of the patriarch or legion chief will be passed, and how the funeral will be arranged.

The other three empires did not listen to Long Yujing's arrangements.

They would not put all their strongest combat power into this battle. Except for the Omar Empire, the Peacock Kingdom and Tai Chi Tiger only sent the second strongest people in their own country, and the first strongest people stayed there.

The second strongest person in the Peacock Kingdom is the younger brother of the Kshatriya, called Biboli; the direction of the cultivation of Biboli and the Kshati is completely opposite.

The Kshatriya practiced the way of gods and buddhas; Pipley was the way of **** and demons.

But his strength is very strong and he is called the Ten Demon Kings!

The second strongest man in Tai Chi Tiger, Li Shunhong, the mecha is the Tai Chi Tiger mecha, the sixth generation!

The Omar Empire is the first strongest Emperor Yashan.

In addition, the royal family and royal family of Yu Kingdom have sent their strongest lineup.

It can be said that State Yu almost came out of the nest.

Long Yujing knows very well that if this battle is lost, the bluest star will be waiting to be attacked and occupied a year later.

Long Yujing chose to attack at night!

Because all mechas are equipped with the most advanced sensing systems, they are mainly divided into two types, one is non-sensory detectors such as radar, temperature, pressure, speed, EMP, etc., and the other is sensory with vision, communication, and hearing. , Night vision, infrared, etc., as well as the internal sensors of the mecha self-check and balance self-adjustment functions.

With such a powerful sensing system, the mech can easily lock thousands of enemies at night!

Then configure the guidance system, which is simply a foolish operation, one-click shooting!

Long Yujing had sent someone to test it before. From the bluest star to the water blue star, the time will not change.

Night is night, day is day, and it is even more terrifying, even every minute and every second will not affect.

The entrance of Yu Kingdom's alien world is called Wushuang City, the city of the imperial Wushuang family.

Wushuang City suddenly became aloof because of the presence of an entrance to another world.

Among the eight imperial clans, he became the boss, even the Kylin family can't match.


Jumang Wudi is responsible for garrisoning the Star City, under great pressure.

But he is very responsible and serious.

Make sure that every day, all lines of defense are not wrong.

After all, the Guwu family is arrogant, how could it be such a thing as a night watch.

At the same time, in order to ensure the rest time of the Guwu family, so as to be more combative.

Jumang Wudi divides the Guwu family into five classes.

Corresponding to the five protoss, they led a part of the ancient martial army and cooperated with the Canglong army to garrison the defense line.

Because the boundary of the entrance to the alien world is very long, it requires a lot of manpower to guard it.

This requires the joining of the Canglong Army.

Zhang Min has mobilized a total of three million Canglong Army across the country, and almost 70% of the Canglong Army has been transferred to Star City.

Then use three shifts to firmly guard the entrance defense line.

Almost every ten people can see a blue dragon army, even a fly can hardly escape the star city from the entrance of another world.

In addition to the double line of defense formed by the Canglong Army and the Guwu Army.

Blood Moon City is the third line of defense.

Blood Moon City is the base camp of the Invincible Guild, with almost ten legions.

There are many Daylight Legions, Han Feng’s Blood Moon Legions, General’s Wolf Cavalry Legions, Li Shaozhe’s Common Legions, Wang Dahammer’s Heavy Shield Legions and so on.

99% of the defense of the entire Star City relies on Xia Guo's own defense.

1% is other so-called aid.

But they were all excluded from Star City by Jumang Invincible.

These hypocritical external forces don't need to send support. They also sent a group of spies as spies, paying attention to intelligence every day, and Jumang Invincible simply rushed outside by these forces.

Of course, it is also because Jumang Wudi is a little arrogant, thinking that the entire Aquablue Star is now a waste of other forces, and only Xia Guo can take on the big task;

Moreover, Star City belongs to Xia State, and no other forces are required to participate.

On this day, it was already three o'clock in the morning. It was really the weakest moment of human spirit and will.

Ju Mang Wudi insisted until three o'clock, unable to hold on, he decided to command the building to take a rest.

Just a few steps.

Suddenly, countless lights flickered.

Then boom boom boom, absolutely loud explosion.

The whole sky is like day.

Jumang Invincible turned his head to look, densely packed, vast and boundless, all of them are mechas! !

Before I could see clearly, the day disappeared.

Whoops whoops!

Countless gunshots!

Numerous electromagnetic pulse shocks!

Numerous lasers have targeted the Blue Dragon Army.

Puff puff puff!

Before the tens of thousands of guards could see the enemy clearly, the eyebrows were all bloodshot.

Jumang Invincible was so nervous that he held the loudspeaker, and expanded the level of the loudspeaker to the largest level, roaring: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack! All battle! All battle!!"

The loudest loudspeaker can spread throughout the entire Star City, every tent, every soldier's room, including the ears of every guild member of Blood Moon City! !

Almost everyone was awake instantly, and there were countless gunfire explosions in their ears.

The Canglong Army commanded to turn on the lights.

Just opened.

Bang bang bang!

The pouring rain bullets came and destroyed all the flares.

The commander gritted his teeth: "Damn! The weapons on the opposite side are more advanced than us, they seem to be able to lock all our actions!!"


Just finished!

A flash of orange light!

Long Yujing penetrated the commander's body like an orange lightning.

The commander's body split into two.

Long Yujing held up his orange particle lightsaber, sounding like Hong Zhong: "The whole army is charging!!"

The voice just fell.


Millions of mechas, all the collective jets were turned on, and the propeller speed was turned to the maximum, with the momentum of destroying dryness, sweeping the wasteland with the sea, sweeping towards the blue dragon army.

Poor Blue Dragon Army, most of the levels are only around 200.

In addition, it was three o'clock in the morning, with a slack spirit and a bad vision.

Was veneered by a million mecha army.

Millions of Canglong Army were tortured and killed.

The Canglong Army relied on the enemy's muzzle to organize a loose attack, and the long-range elemental skills were all thrown to the light flashing position of the muzzle.

Long Yujing smiled faintly: "Light shield array!!"


There are tens of thousands of heavy shield mechas, located at the forefront of the mecha army. The bodies of their mechas are like blocks, pieced together, and then form a light shield array barrier that is thousands of meters long and thousands of meters high!

All enemy long-range attacks are blocked.

Then from behind the light shield array, countless pulse cannons can easily penetrate and shoot the blue dragon army wildly.

The Canglong Army retreated steadily.

Millions of people were killed and injured in an instant of more than 200,000, with heavy casualties.

Jumang Wudi wanted to support, but now the Guwu Army has nearly half a million troops, and only less than one hundred thousand have arrived. The other hundred thousand are estimated to sleep a lot. If his one hundred thousand rushes past, it will definitely be death.

No way, Jumang Wudi could only order the Guwu Army to fight and retreat.

Then contact Wang Dahammer, let Wang Dahammer command the heavy shield army, and go to the front as soon as possible.

When the Canglong Army and the Guwu Army were beaten to half of their positions, they lost half of their defenses.

All ten legions of the Invincible Guild arrived.

Wang Sledgehammer releases the wall shield to block various gunfire and pulse cannon attacks.

The army of one hundred thousand heavy shields opened the steel shield to form a wall of steel, blocking the front.

The other legions counterattack effectively.

Let the invading mecha that had just broken like a bamboo stop the attack.

Jumang Wudi finally let out a sigh of relief: "Resist! You must resist! The Ancient Martial Army is all coming here. After meeting, we immediately launched a counterattack and surrounded from all sides!"



A flash of orange light! !

Long Yujing's particle lightsaber was like an orange meteor, slashing at the wall shield of the king's hammer and the shield of one hundred thousand steel.


The wall shield is cracked! The wall of steel collapsed! !

Wang Dahui couldn't believe it and looked at Long Yujing flying in Strong, too strong, this is the first time Wang Dahui has encountered a person who destroyed his wall shield.

Long Yujing once again held up the orange lightsaber, just like a command gun: "Don't stop! Keep the strongest fighting spirit and rush out for me! Be sure to occupy the city!!"

Go to hell! !

Jumang Wudi finally couldn't stand it.

He had always focused on the overall situation before, but now the enemy leader has been so rampant, he can no longer bear it.

Stepping on the blue dragon, the black bird on the head, the blue dragon sword turned into a blue dragon phantom entity, and a sword slashed towards Long Yujing.

Long Yujing's eyes were full of joy and looked at the invincible Qinglong Yijian: "Qinglong! You actually own the Qinglong! You are a member of the Qinglong clan!"

Ju Mang invincible cursed: "I'm your grandpa! Go to hell!"

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