Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 25: Forcibly break

Located in the eastern suburbs of Pingyang City, Dongcheng Haoge is a newly built luxury villa group resort type community. It is backed by a low hill. It was originally an unknown mountain. In order to attract people, the developer named it Yuxiu Mountain. A Yuxiu Lake was artificially excavated at the foot of the mountain. It was built with antiques, pavilions, towers and pavilions, rockeries and clear waters, which have the style of Chinese gardens in the south of the Yangtze River.

However, after all, it is far away from the city and has a small permanent population. Most of them are bought by the rich for vacation.

Since the owners are either rich or expensive, they are all powerful and powerful. The security facilities here are naturally very complete. The community is fully electronically monitored 24 hours a day. The gate is an electronic sensor lock. Vehicles registered by the owner can enter directly. Those who are not registered. You can only stop outside and wait for the insider to notify the security before you can let it go.

Shangguan saw a crossbar blocking the door from a distance, and said in his mouth: "Let's go over the wall from behind."

"No, just drive over." Tang Feng said in a hurry. Seeing that the crossbar was getting closer and closer, he easily drew one from a dozen bills in the car, and stretched his hand out of the car, between his fingers. Flick.

The little piece of paper with almost no weight, a white light flew to the connecting end of the crossbar. Shangguan did not slow down according to Tang Feng's words. As soon as the crossbar fell to the ground, the black Wrangler swished into the community.

When several security guards ran out and yelled, they couldn't even see the shadow of the car.

Although Shangguan knew that the Zhang family lived here, but the exact location was not clear. Under Tang Feng's guidance, he drove the car to the deepest part of Dongcheng Haoge, a single-family villa at the foot of the mountain.

The villa is far away from other villa groups. Compared with other villa groups, the style is also extremely luxurious. It has five floors, with independent courtyards and swimming pools. Obviously, the price is not comparable to other villas.

This courtyard gate is European style, which looks a little out of place in this villa group, with golden railings, two swords interlaced on it, and brushed carvings on the side.

Behind the gate is a flat road with a width of four or five meters and a length of more than thirty meters, leading directly to the gate of the villa.

At this moment, the courtyard was closed tightly. Although the street lights inside were shining brightly, no one could be seen in the courtyard. When Shangguan was about to slow down, Tang Feng said solemnly: "Just rush in."

He could clearly feel Lin Mengjia's breath in it, it was already very weak, and now there was no time to delay, instead of asking the door to turn over the railing, it was better to do it in one step.

Shangguan was a little hesitant at first, but Tang Feng was beside him, and he was also bold. He just rushed through the door and felt happy in his heart, so he ran into the obviously expensive door, only to hear a loud "bang". The Wrangler stood against half of the door that was knocked down, and followed that road until he stopped at the door of the villa.

This sound alarmed the people in the villa, the door opened immediately, and with a huff, dozens of sturdy men jumped out and surrounded the car when they came up.

"Damn, you don't have eyesight from where, and you don't even ask what place it is, you dare to drive in the car!"

"Get off the car and see if I won't unload you!"

"Kneel down and knock down a few, if you are not honest, I will throw you into Pingjiang to feed the bastard!"

The group of big guys were talking babbledly, several people had already come up and smashed the car with their fists.

Seeing them like this, some of them were drunk and seemed to have just drunk.

Shangguan opened the car door, walked down, frowned and looked at one of them, and said coldly: "Zhao Ting, where is Miss Lin in my family?"

The person she questioned was obviously the head of all of them. He was a **** man with a height of 1.9 meters. He was tall and strong, with a bald head, a scar on the back of his head, shirtless, and a muscular drumstick on his body. Suddenly, tattooed with large floral arms.

He did not scold the car like everyone else, but folded his shoulders and stood on the steps. When he saw Shangguan, outside his mouth, he smiled unkindly: "Oh, isn't this a girl from Shangguan? Come to our young master's side to play? Did the young master tell you last time that he wanted you to come over, and you were tempted?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hand over Miss Lin!" Shangguan took a step forward, his voice chilling.

"Shangguan girl, this is yours. If you look for Miss Lin from your family, you can go to your house. How can you get to our young master? It’s not light yet, so I ran to our young master’s house. Where is Miss Lin in our young master's bed?"

A big Chinese frivolous beside Shangguan immediately caused the people around him to burst into laughter.

Shangguan's face darkened. Usually these guys were a bit jealous of her. Today, it seems that they are reliant on the crowds, and after drinking, the speech becomes presumptuous. When she was about to get angry, just now The person who was talking suddenly yelled "Ah", and then the whole person flew out.

The man flew out for a few meters and hit the thick pole of the street lamp. The lamp post shook a few times. The lamp above flickered a few times and went out. The man fell to the ground and tried to get up with his hands. After holding on for a few times, a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out of his mouth, and he lay motionless on the ground.

The others stepped back together and kept a little distance from Shangguan. Then, two people went up to help the man on the ground, went up to sniff, checked again, turned to Zhao Ting and said loudly, "Brother Zhao, I have to rush to the hospital."

Zhao Ting had a wretched smile on his face before. At this moment, his face was sinking and he ignored the man, looked at Shangguan, and said, "Shangguan, let's just look down and see you. We will stop here without saying a word. This is a heavy hand, is it too much."

Shangguan pursed her mouth tightly, turned her head slightly, and looked at Tang Feng who was getting out of the car. She hadn't noticed how Tang Feng moved her hand just now. She only felt a chill passing by behind her, and the man flew out. , She didn't even figure it out, and it was even more impossible for others to see Tang Feng's move.

Originally, Shangguan was a bit scrupulous about the forces of the Zhang Family and wanted to leave room. Unexpectedly, Tang Summit suddenly made a move, but that's good, he had torn his face and didn't need to leave much room.

"Where is so much nonsense." Tang Feng's face was gloomy, and he walked towards the steps step by step.

At this short distance of two or three meters, the big guys were originally standing, but as Tang Feng approached, there seemed to be a strong force to push them back. Everyone couldn't help but step back a few steps, and waited until they reacted. At the time, the space between Tang Feng and Zhao Ting had been empty, and only Shangguan was still standing there.

"Hand over Lin Mengjia, I will assume that nothing happened, otherwise, today, you will all die." Tang Feng's voice was cold. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 025), and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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