Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 41: The development of a little girl

When Tang Feng returned to Lin Mengjia's villa, the sky still hadn't lit up. He could feel that everything was silent, and everyone was asleep, except for a figure that flashed by Shangguan's window when he entered the villa's door.

It can be seen that Shangguan stayed for another night.

Tang Feng admired the dedication of the supervisor. Although this young martial artist had a lower realm, he should be able to become a pretty good seed if he cultivated it well.

However, Tang Feng didn't care too much about Shangguan. The secrets he gave her for her practice were just hoping that she could improve her strength as soon as possible and better protect Lin Mengjia.

After all, there are still sects behind Shangguan. Tang Feng currently doesn’t know much about her sect. If there is a conflict between him and Shangguan’s sect, Shangguan’s attitude is still unknown, although Tang Feng doesn’t take those Wuxiu sects seriously. Son, but he came back this time to live a happy life with Lin Mengjia and the little girl.

Tang Feng quietly entered Lin Yaoyao’s room. The little girl was still asleep. Since Tang Feng came, she has been sleeping peacefully. In her dreams, her face is always smiling. Tang Feng felt warm in his heart.

On the little girl’s neck, a piece of red rope was faintly revealed. Tang Feng remembered that after he bought this pendant, he had no money to buy a platinum necklace to match. He could only buy a red rope, knit the knot, and tie it. The pendant was given to Lin Mengjia, and Lin Mengjia's happy and content smile still appeared before his eyes.

Tang Feng didn't know that Lin Mengjia was in a superior family at the time, so she only considered that she was an ordinary student like herself. At this time, remembering that Lin Mengjia had been treated as a little princess since she was a child, what kind of luxury jewelry would she have? That small pendant may be the least valuable gift she received, but she regarded it as a treasure, and she always wore it. Even after Tang Feng could afford a platinum necklace, she refused to let Tang Feng buy it. I don't want to change the red rope.

Looking back on that year, Tang Feng was a little bit sighed. If it hadn't been for the accident, he would have been with Lin Mengjia for the past six years, and would not let her bear the many winds and rains alone.

Now that the red string has faded, I don't know when Lin Mengjia gave it to Lin Yaoyao.

Since Lin Mengjia kept the pendant she gave her, it means that she still has her own in her heart, but what caused her to change her attitude so much?

Tang Feng believed that there must be something in this, but now, since Lin Mengjia didn't say anything, he didn't ask too much. At the moment, protecting the little girl is the most important thing, and let time take care of everything else.

Tang Feng carefully untied the pendant from the little girl’s neck, held it in his hand, bit his left index finger, and dripped a drop of fingertip blood on it. At the same time, he silently recited a series of spells. The blood disappeared quickly on the pendant surface, as if it melted into the pendant, and there was no trace. At the same time, a red light flashed on the pendant, and then it returned to the original state, as if nothing had happened.

The small spirit hidden array has been formed inside the pendant, Tang Feng showed a slightly relaxed smile on his face, and then put the pendant lightly back on the little girl’s neck. When he did all this, the little girl kept on He fell asleep without noticing it at all.

Although Tang Feng has a smile on his face, his body is very tired. The mana that he has recovered from the spiritual energy he has absorbed tonight has been used all by him in this formation, in order to increase the reclusiveness. Over time, he has used the maximum amount of mana he can use, and it is inevitable that his body, which has been seriously damaged, will be overwhelmed.

But despite this, Tang Feng still felt a little relieved, if he went out to practice again, he wouldn't have to worry about it.

Looking at the little girl in his sleep, Tang Feng always had the kind of smile that could not conceal his gentle smile. In these thousand years, no one has ever seen a little bit of this kind of expression on the face of Star Master Ziwei. A happy smile, even when standing on the top of ten thousand mountains and despising the heroes, there is no such smile.

Tang Feng seems to be just looking at Lin Yaoyao, his mind is already turning, and he has thought about it for a long time. Although the little girl has her own protection now, it can be said to be foolproof, but Tang Feng is not satisfied with this. .

As his daughter, as the only bloodline passed down by the Ziwei star in this world at this time, she can't always be a charming little girl who needs protection. She needs more things and things that other people can't reach!

A body that is thousands of times better than an ordinary person, no disease, no poison, no invading, eternal life, undefeated face, disregarding the whole world and becoming a **** in the cloud, this is all he deserves for the dignified star of the crape myrtle. Instead of just asking for a life-free mediocre life!

But achieving all of this is simple between the star domains. Tang Feng can directly use the miraculous medicine to raise the little girl’s body and realm, and then take her to practice, but on this earth, it’s not easy, even Tang Feng himself had to take a lot of effort to repair his soul, let alone a little girl with no foundation?

Tang Feng thought in his own mind that if he wanted to increase the strength of the little girl’s body as quickly as possible, the only feasible way was to use some medicines that could be found on the earth to make a medicated bath and let the little girl soak in. In my previous practice, the medicinal bath had little effect each time, but on earth, it was the best way.

The prescription of the medicated bath is not a problem. Tang Feng can come up with it himself. It is not difficult, but there is a problem that makes him a little bit tricky. Naturally, he let the little girl soak in the medicated bath, and naturally he cannot let others know. Especially Lin Mengjia, but she and the little girl go to kindergarten during the day and live in the same villa with Lin Mengjia at night. How can we hide her from her?

Moreover, soaking in this medicated bath would make the body extremely painful. Can the little girl be so delicate at such a young age, can she bear it?

Tang Feng frowned as long as he thought about the pain that the little girl had to endure the medicated bath, the smile on his face disappeared, he could only shake his head and sigh again.

Fortunately, there is no one else in this room, and the little girl slept soundly. Otherwise, if someone saw him laughing and worrying for a while, he would definitely feel that he was mentally abnormal.

With a heart full of thoughts, Tang Feng looked at the little girl for a few more minutes before returning to his room very reluctantly. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 041 The Development of a Little Girl). You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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