Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 54: Magic pill

As the emerald green pill fell into Tang Feng's hands, the golden light surrounding him disappeared, and the medicinal materials placed before were also gone, as if they had never appeared before.

Tang Feng looked at the little pill in his hand, couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and muttered to himself: "I never took Xiaoyi Bendan seriously before. I didn't expect it to be a panacea now on the earth. , It's really Feng Shui turns around."

None of the medicinal materials used to make this small Yibendan are cheap, and they are even more expensive. This small pill looks inconspicuous, but it can actually be changed to a big villa.

Tang Feng put the Xiaoyi Bendan in a small wooden box, and his eyes fell on the bone-refining grass again.

The shape of Liangucao is very similar to ginseng. It is no wonder that other people mistake it for ginseng. However, its efficacy is very different from that of ginseng. Even if it is ten thousand years old ginseng, it is not comparable to that of a century.

Obviously, this plant has not been harvested for long, and the roots are still covered with soil. Although it looks a little faint, it is still alive. Tang Feng held the bone plant in his hand, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but smile. , I just need to find a place to plant this bone-refining grass, take care of it, and when it matures, it can be used as medicine.

The reason why Tang Feng felt that Wanyuan Pill could not be refined was because he believed that the indispensable Bone Refining Herb was a medicinal material that was not available on earth. Now that Bone Refining Herb appeared, how could he not be happy?

Tang Feng carefully placed the Bone Refining Herb on an empty wooden box, ignoring the remaining medicinal materials, only took this wooden box with the wooden box containing Xiaoyi Bendan, and walked towards the outside of the garden.

As he walked, Tang Feng suddenly had a thought: Since the Bone Refining Plant can be found on the earth, does he think that other elixir that he thought did not exist on the earth before could also grow here? It's just that these elixir is among other plants, and no one has ever discovered it.

Thinking of this, Tang Feng only felt ecstatic in his heart. If that was the case, then he would repair his soul and return to the peak, it would be just around the corner!

This joy of joy caused an irrepressible smile on his face. He walked all the way to the front hall, and when he saw Zhang Qingyu who was sitting on pins and needles waiting for him to appear, he still hung it on his face.

Before Zhang Qingyu saw Tang Feng, he was always expressionless, even if he was smiling, he was extremely indifferent. At this moment, seeing him smile so strongly that Zhang Qingyu couldn't help but stunned. Seeing Tang Feng like this, this medicine should It was quite successful, but he carried a wooden box on his body, and he did not see him carrying the bowl. Where is the medicine?

Not only did Zhang Qingyu think so, but Zhang Zhenbei and Chu Chu also looked puzzled. They both watched Tang Feng walk in. Chu Chu seemed to want to say something to Tang Feng, but just leaned forward and wanted to speak. , Zhang Zhenbei pulled her to stop her from speaking, Chu Chu lightly bit her lip and shut up reluctantly.

Just when Zhang Qingyu was wildly suspicious, Tang Feng came to him, took out the small wooden box from his pocket, handed it to his eyes, and said: "After taking it, adjust your breath and movement, let the true energy be yours. The heart pulse rises, travels through your body meridians, and finally returns to the heart pulse. Once a night for fifteen consecutive days, it can repair the heart pulse and heal your current illness."

Just as Tang Feng was speaking, Zhang Qingyu couldn’t wait to open the wooden box. When Xiaoyi Bendan was exposed, a strange noise filled the room instantly, making everyone who smelled it was full of spirits. Give a win.

Standing behind Zhang Qingyu, Zhang Zhenbei and Chu Chu couldn't help but look over their heads. Both of them are not martial arts. Naturally, they can't see the magic of Xiaoyi Bendan. They just feel the aroma and can't help thinking. Smell more.

Zhang Qingyu had seen the world before. His hands couldn't help shaking, his eyes were staring at the pill, and his eyes would fall out. His excited lips trembled, but he couldn't say a word.

Tang Feng continued: "If you still want to continue to practice later, there is no problem. In addition to healing your old wounds, this small Yi Bendan can also help open up your body meridians, even if your practice has been delayed for decades. , There is no problem at all."

"Little Yi Bendan," Zhang Qingyu muttered the name, his voice choked with joy and excitement, "I thought I was going to be dead, and there was not much time, so I didn't even dare to even think about my practice. Yes, I didn’t expect to be so blessed by fate, so that I can get this elixir, so how can I repay you?"

When he said these words, Zhang Qingyu was already in tears. He placed the small wooden box containing Xiao Yi Bendan on the table of the Eight Immortals beside him, and looked towards Tang Feng with tearful eyes, trembling, wanting to treat him. bow down.

His action shocked both Zhang Zhenbei and Chu Chu. Tang Feng stretched out a hand, held him, and said faintly: "If you can get these medicinal materials again, I will come again in half a month. , Give you another pill, the effect will be better."

"No problem, I will get it! I will get it!" Zhang Qingyu was flattered and nodded repeatedly, let alone getting those medicinal materials. Now that Tang Feng asked him to pick the stars, he would immediately buy a rocket.

For Zhang Qingyu, it was already unexpected to get this pill. Tang Feng unexpectedly said that he would refine another one for him, making him a little bit wondering what to say. It was the first time that he had experienced countless winds and rains and had seen countless big scenes.

Tang Feng patted the wooden box containing the Bone Refining Herb that he brought over again, and said lightly: "It contains a ginseng. I have another use. If you don't mind, can you send it to me?"

"Well, what Mr. Tang wants, just take it, don't ask me, all the things I have here, as long as Mr. Tang needs it, just take it, take it whatever you want."

Even if Tang Feng asks Zhang Qingyu for all his property, he won't blink his eyes now, let alone a mere ginseng?

No matter how much money I have, what's the point of spending it? As long as you live, you can earn as much money as you can, and there is only one life, but you can't buy it for any amount of money.

Zhang Qingyu has seen countless Chinese and Western medicines for so many years. He also knew in his heart that the doctor could not cure the disease. In fact, he was ready to wait for death. Tang Feng appeared and Liu Anhuaming made him pick it up in vain. After returning his life, and also showing him the hope of embarking on the road of martial arts again, he was naturally grateful, and he would not refuse anything Tang Feng wanted. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 054 Miraculous Medicine) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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