Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 65: Zhang family boss

Tang Feng answered as expected: "If Yaoyao wants to see you, I will bring her here."

She looked straightforward, without any guilty conscience, as if she didn't know what was going on here.

Lin Mengjia looked down at the proud little princess in her arms again. No matter when she saw the little girl, all her troubles would disappear, but at this moment, her mood would not get better.

"The people of the Zhang family are not scourges, so what can I do if I see them?" Tang Feng raised his eyebrows lightly, and a meaningful smile appeared.

Lin Mengjia glared at him, and said displeased: "You don't know how powerful the Zhang family is."

"I am the one who fights, and I cause the disaster. It is better for me to accompany you to meet them. If the Zhang family embarrass you, just leave me to them, and things will disappear? You are not hiding here. You can’t just leave them there and see you early, right? Why don’t you go out now and make things clear so that you don’t have many nights and dreams.” Tang Feng is still smiling, looking at Lin Mengjia with a sad face all the time.

Although Lin Mengjia listened to Tang Feng’s words, she was still a little depressed, but what he said was justified. The Zhang family waited in the living room, hiding from the first day of the junior high school, but not the fifteenth day, so sooner or later, I went out to see I. See, no matter what the Zhang family's attitude is, you have to face it.

Since the Zhang family came to the door, they wanted to negotiate. They wanted nothing more than two points, asking for money and someone.

Lin Mengjia had secretly decided in her heart that if she wanted money, no matter how much it was, she would do her best to get it out. After all, it was Zhang's parents and grandchildren who were hurting.

But if they wanted someone, Lin Mengjia would never agree, and it would be impossible to hand over Tang Feng, even if the Zhang family used any means afterwards, she would just accept the move.

Seeing Lin Mengjia's face uncertain, he converged and laughed, and said with a serious face: "Since they can come directly to the door, it is impossible to do anything out of the ordinary. No matter how powerful the Zhang family is, it can still kill people and set fires in broad daylight. ?"

Lin Mengjia glared at Tang Feng and couldn't help but replied: "Aren't you doing this in broad daylight?"

Tang Feng smiled and said, "At that time, it wasn't bright, but it wasn't broad daylight."

Lin Mengjia was so angry that she couldn't speak, but no matter what, she couldn't continue to drag on like this. Although she couldn't let go, she stood up, ignored Tang Feng, and said softly to the little girl: "Mom has something to go. Do, you wait here for mom to come back, and don't run around obediently."

The little girl nodded sensibly and said, "Hmm". She had also followed Lin Mengjia to the office before, waiting for her to work here. In Lin Mengjia’s cabinet, there were a few of her picture books, and the little girl ran over to pick it up. One book, returned to the sofa and read it, very obedient.

Seeing Lin Mengjia was about to go out, Shangguan immediately followed, and didn't forget to look back at Tang Feng, and when Lin Mengjia was unprepared, he winked and looked a little anxious.

Tang Feng smiled, followed by and said in his mouth: "Presumably they are here to find me. I will follow you to have a look. If you are really coming to me, you can call me again."

"No, you hide quickly, don't be discovered by them." Lin Mengjia stopped immediately and said nervously to Tang Feng.

"Why, I'm still worried that I won't be in danger?" Tang Feng blinked at Lin Mengjia, his gaze revealed a bit of joke, "So you care about me quite a bit."

"Let's be more affectionate. I have finally found a good bodyguard for Yaoyao, but I don't want to change people so soon." Lin Mengjia's face was reddened, and she couldn't wait to explain.

The little girl who was looking down at the picture book heard her say so, immediately raised her head and said loudly: "I don't want to change people, I want uncle, I want to be with uncle forever!"

Tang Feng smiled and said softly, looking at the little girl, and said, "Don't worry, my uncle won't leave. I'm just going to meet a guest with my mother. If you read the book for a while, the uncle will be back soon."

After that, Tang Feng smiled at Lin Mengjia again: "Let's go."

Lin Mengjia wanted to say something more. At this moment, a young female employee hurriedly walked over and said to her: "President Lin, Mr. Zhang asked twice when you can see them. It seems a little anxious."

When Lin Mengjia heard the words, there was no time to say anything, frowning, and she walked towards the elevator.

Tang Feng followed closely with a smile, ignoring Lin Mengjia's gaze when he saw him.

Shangguan looked at Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia with a bit of suspicion, and did not speak, but followed behind silently.

The Mengtang Group’s living room is on the 28th floor. As the elevator runs, the shadow between Lin Mengjia’s eyebrows and her eyebrows gets thicker. Tang Feng looked funny, but didn’t say anything. He just lowered his head to prevent Lin Mengjia from seeing His lips couldn't hide the smile.

Of course Lin Mengjia didn't have time to take care of Tang Feng, patronizing troubles, but Shangguan kept staring at Tang Feng, looking at him like this, his eyes were even more puzzled.

It seemed that Shangguan wanted to ask something, but because of Lin Mengjia's presence, he couldn't speak.

Just when Shangguan's eyes drifted away, Tang Feng noticed that she was looking at him, and immediately faded from a smile, became expressionless, and glanced at her.

Without warning, Tang Feng's eyes instantly became indifferent and cold, and Shangguan couldn't help but fought a cold war, and immediately turned his gaze, not daring to look at Tang Feng again.

Seeing the elevator reached the 28th floor, Lin Mengjia took a deep breath, as if she was accumulating courage, and then strode out of the elevator and walked towards the living room. Shangguan immediately followed, but he heard Tang Feng There was a very slight cough behind him, and Shangguan's footsteps stopped.

At this moment, Tang Feng had already walked up, and when he passed her, he whispered in her ear with a barely audible voice: "You have been staring at me, it is too easy to be seen by Lin Mengjia. It's a clue."

This sentence was spoken quickly. When Shangguan reacted, Tang Feng had already walked in front of her, caught up with Lin Mengjia, and walked side by side with her. When Tang Feng said this sentence, his face was muscular. Even the lips didn't move at all, as if she hadn't spoken at all. What the Shangguan just heard was like her hallucinations.

Shangguan was stunned for only half a second before hurriedly catching up with him, but his heart became more horrified. Did Tang Feng say the words just now, or did he use some special way to pass them into his ears? The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record this (Chapter 065 Zhang's boss) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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