Chapter 177

Over time, the signing of the peace treaty between Unyin Village and Konoha gradually came to an end.

Konoha’s vigilance towards Yunyin Village also relaxed a little.

On this day, when the sky was already dark, in some pubs, noodle shops, and bookstores.

As if receiving some signal, ordinary people with ordinary appearances walked towards a small alley in unison.

As these people lifted their transformation skills at the same time, ninjas dressed as Yun Ren appeared one after another.

“The first step of the plan is successful.” The corner of Yun Ren’s mouth was slightly tilted.

Yun Ren are not fools, and Konoha is not fools.

The intrigue and intrigue between the two villages will never be lacking.

It is impossible for Konoha to have the slightest precaution and surveillance for Yunyin entering the village, otherwise Konoha’s high-level staff would be fools.

Yun Ren couldn’t believe Konoha’s enthusiasm on the surface, and he really believed that Konoha trusted him completely.

If Konoha didn’t set up a monitoring eyeliner, that would be totally unreasonable.

So these Yunren used the clone technique when they were on the street during the day.

The mission of these avatars is to return to the residence arranged by the village of Konoha according to the usual schedule.

In this way, Konoha will not find an abnormality in a short time, allowing Yun Ren to at least wash away the suspicion on the bright side.

And these Yunren’s bodies were transformed into ordinary residents’ appearances using transformation techniques, and they entered various shops and waited.

These Yun Ren who have received professional training can perfectly imitate the expressions and movements of ordinary people and will not be easily seen through.

At night, these Yun Ren gathered here according to the original plan.

In order to win the white eyes, these Yun Ren can be said to rack their brains.

The real seizure plan, like in the original book, is to just lurch in and grab people all night.

In addition to the plans currently implemented by Yunren, there are several sets of backup plans and emergency plans.

“Then, proceed according to the original plan~〃.” The head Yun Ren said in a deep voice.

“Remember what I said before, even if you can’t succeed, don’t leave a handle!”

There are some things that the leader of Yun Ren didn’t say.

In the plan of Yunyin Village’s high-level leaders, if someone is caught by Konoha while taking the white eyes, then that person will be directly regarded by Yunyin as a traitor.

The act of grabbing the white eyes will also be declared by Yunyin Village as a personal conspiracy by the ninja to destroy the relationship between the two villages.

In the largest courtyard of the Hyuga clan, the family of the Hyuga clan lives.

Hyuga Hinata, the daughter of the current patriarch of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hinata, is practicing Rouquan in the yard.

The practice of physique attaches the most importance to the foundation, especially the physique of the Hyuga family, such as Rouquan, which has been passed down for thousands of years.

So even though he was only about three years old, Hinata Hinata still had to do some necessary practice every day.

The small figure looked a little inconspicuous in the spacious courtyard.

After a moment of cultivating, Xiao Cintian was already a little bit tired, panting, and a trace of fatigue appeared in his white eyes.

At this moment, several figures suddenly appeared in such a courtyard.


Hinata, who was startled by the appearance of these figures, subconsciously stepped back.

And a ninja of the Hyuga clan hiding in the dark quickly stood in front of Hinata.

“Who are you?!” the guard of the Hyuga clan asked in a deep voice.

As the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, Hinata is likely to be the heir of the Hyuga clan in the future.

For such distinguished people in the family, guards are naturally arranged to protect them.

Of course, the number of this guard will not be large, otherwise it would just waste the fighting power of the Hyuga clan.

At this moment, the Yunren who had concealed their identities naturally raced against time and were unwilling to delay time.

Therefore, none of these Yun Ren answered the question of the Hyuga clan guard.

After a fight, the guard of the Hyuga clan was directly killed on the spot.

And these Yun Ren didn’t even look at the corpse on the ground, and turned to Hinata Hyuga.

In order to hide their identity as much as possible, these Yunnin must kill all witnesses.

In this way, even if Konoha guessed that Yunyin did this, he would not get the slightest handle.

“no, do not want!”

Watching this scene, little Hinata Hinata couldn’t help but a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and tears flashed in his eyes.

“Miss of the Hyuga clan, come with us.”

An icy voice rang in front of Xiao Hina Tian, ​​making Xiao Hina Tian back a few steps in fear.

After that, only a pain in his neck was felt, and Hinata’s consciousness was instantly blurred and he fell into a coma.

“¨ “Target captured successfully! Start to evacuate!”

Directly picked up Hina Tian, ​​the head of Yun Ren led a group of Yun Ren, and quickly rushed in the direction of retreat.

A few minutes later, Hyuga Nizu walked into the courtyard.

The bloody body of the guard on the ground made Hyuga Hizu’s complexion change.

After looking around, Hyuga Hinata anxiously discovered that his three-year-old daughter had disappeared.

“Damn it?!”

After screaming from the bottom of my heart, Hyuga Nissa knew that something really happened this time.

“Master Patriarch!”

At this moment, a ninja of the Hyuga clan appeared beside Hyuga Hizu.

Seeing what happened in the courtyard, the ninja’s expression couldn’t help but change drastically.

This ninja of the Hyuga clan is Hyuga’s own guard and a close friend.

His complexion was cloudy and sunny, and his heart was numb, but Hyuga knew that he didn’t have time to think more.

Fortunately, Hyuga has been the head of the patriarch for many years, and dealing with the affairs of the clan can be regarded as a honed to his already calm character.

Even in this situation, Hyuga Nissa quickly calmed down.

“Notify Master Naruto of the matter here!”

After Hyuga Nizu left such a sentence, he quickly rolled his eyes.

After that, the figure of Hyuga Hizuka instantly disappeared in the same place, and flew towards the distance.

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