In order to avoid being disturbed when reading books, Chen Minhao turned his mobile phone to silent mode.

He watched the book for about an hour or so, preparing to look out the window. When he rested his eyes, he suddenly saw three missed calls on the phone, all of which were called back.

Chen Minxi directly called back.

After the call was dialed, Kang returned without a sigh. He said: "Given's propaganda director Lucy just contacted me. I hope that the promotion will add 2 games and they will pay 600,000. I have already promised.

You have quoted 600,000 for 3 events before you took the ad, and now you are offering 600,000 for the two events. Part of the reason is that you mobilize their promotion time, choose to save the field, and they responded. But the bigger reason is that your business value is revealed and recognized by them.

The ability of your advertising to bring goods is certainly not low. If they do not, they will not release the advertisements. In less than half a day, they will add two more publicity. ”

After confirming the specific time of the publicity campaign, Chen Minzhen hung up the phone.

Chen Minxi lamented that he would become more and more busy in the future, so there is a competent assistant who can share a lot of worry for himself.

The assistant’s business has been said to the family for a while, and there is no movement at all. He decided to take the initiative to call the family and ask what is happening now.

"Dad, the last time I asked you to find an assistant, how about looking for it?"

In the video, his dad smiled embarrassedly: "I realize that there are fewer people, and it is not good to look at a few people.

Inside the dwarf, the general is pulled out. The nephew of your second grandfather is still in the car. He used to be in the small car class of the institution. Later, the unit did not work temporarily and fired him.

He has a good driving technique and his mind is more active. He can't be said to watch him grow up, but he can be considered to know the bottom. ”

Chen Dad smashed his hand and added: "But I have never seen the world, we are afraid that he will go to shame you and delay your business."

Chen Minxi thought for a moment and said: "The brain is alive, the emotional intelligence is in the middle, and the roots know that it should not be eaten outside. So, let's call it in and out, if it is not suitable as an assistant, I will introduce him to the individual work."

Chen Da nodded with satisfaction. "This arrangement is good. Even if he can't do your assistant, you should take care of it in your relatives.

But there are no perfect people in the world, you have to learn to be tolerant. Tolerance is mutual, he is tolerant of you, you have to accommodate him.

In addition, don't over-entangle the question of who is more tolerant. I have been married to your mother for 23 years. I have been trying to accommodate her, but I have not mentioned a word. ”

In the video, Chen Ma listened to the direct bombing, and even the example of a cannon, from eating habits to housing choices. The purpose is to show that she is more tolerant of Chen Da.

As for who is more tolerant of the problem, the two people fell into disagreement and completely ignored Chen Min.


After Chen Min’s video was closed, he sighed and waited two days before asking them the contact details of his nephew’s nephew.

He thought that he would participate in the promotional activities of Givenchy during the day and go to the rehearsal of the tour at night, which was a bit of a headache.

Chen Min is busy, but Wan Anqi is more busy, Chen Minhao is ready to give Wan Anqi's song, but the time is hard for both.

9:30 in the evening.

God Dream Brokerage Company, 18th Floor Kanghui Office.

Chen Minxi waited for more than an hour in the Kanghui office, and Wan Anqi finally pushed in the door.

"Teacher, I am really embarrassed, there was an activity that was delayed." The makeup on Wan Anqi’s face had not been able to unload, and said with a look of exhaustion.

"Nothing, sister, sit down and take a break." Chen Min picked up and poured a glass of water into Wan Anqi.

After Wan Anqi took a sip of water, she said with a smile: "I haven’t had time to congratulate my brother and win the propaganda of Givenchy."

Chen Minjun grinned and said: "This has to thank the sister-in-law for starting the bridge." I don't know why, he thought of the past business micro-business advertisement.

Wan Anqi suddenly said with an envious tone: "When a male star is really good, many brands are now more and more like to use a male star. And your propaganda or endorsement of the same file is a lot higher than the female star."

Chen Minxi didn't know how to pick up this sentence. He could only open the topic dryly: "Sister, the cheerful and festive saliva that you said last time, I have already written it, but it is not suitable for playing with guitar. You are generally Listen to it."

Wan Anqi smiled and said: "However, I am much luckier than other female stars. At least I have a reliable younger brother."

Chen Min smiled and said: "I named him "The Countdown Happiness" for this song. If you don't like it, you can change it one by one."

The last time Wan Anqi said that the cheerful, festive saliva song, Chen Minxi's first reaction was this "countdown happiness."

This "Reciprocal Happiness" is not a big fire in the past, and even a small fire is not. But it is definitely Chen Min's earwrom, which is the ear worm. A ear worm refers to a situation in which a piece of a song or other musical piece is involuntarily repeated in someone's mind.

After Chen Minjun graduated from high school, although he had outstanding results, he won many government bonuses. However, this is still a big gap between the four years of living expenses and tuition fees.

He graduated from KFC during the summer vacation. In the summer of that day, his KFC has been playing "Countdown Happiness" in a loop.

At first, Chen Minyi felt that the lyrics were a bit incomprehensible, but it may be because the song was much more listened to. He thought that this song was pretty good, and there was a hope in his heart. This song can pass the fire of Wan Anqi. stand up.

Chen Minzhen bowed his head and the guitar sounded quickly throughout the office.

[Colorful fireworks, only dance for you, everyone's expression, to be interpreted with happiness. The warm sunshine quietly opened the window for the room. The fluffy breeze blows the troubles into the refrigerator. Smile today, never fight. Greetings, all the feelings are polished. The kitten on the balcony still sleeps like a statue. The eager parrot has already sung romance. Wishes like candied haws, a string of strings, fold the blessings, and put them in the mailbox. Count down to greet happiness and happiness.........

Chen Minzhen sang the last sentence, and the guitar sound came to an abrupt end.

In order to avoid the last accident, Kang Min took out a very amazing song. She had already heard it before Chen Minxi sang to Wan Anqi.

But now she can't help but sigh in her heart, Chen Minzhen is really talented in creation, and several songs of different styles are hand-picked.

Wan Anqi smiled and squinted into a seam, and said with surprise: "I like it very much. Thank you, brother."

Kang Hui gently pushed Wan Anqi and said: "Don't laugh so exaggerated, the crow's feet in your eyes are coming out soon."

Wan Anqi’s smile is not reduced: “I really like this song, and the girl who loves to laugh is not too bad luck. It’s good to smile.”

Sitting next to Wu Xiaoshuang smiled and added: "To tell the truth, if a girl has been bad luck, I don't know how she laughed."

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