Since the album "Parting" was officially released on September 1, Chen Minjun held two album signings in Kyoto and Huhai.

The two cities of Kyoto and Huhai have a large population base, and fans from many surrounding cities have heard the news. Every signing sale will be severely crowded. Even if each signing is up to five hours, there are still many fans who can't get a signature every time.

After each signing session, Kang Hui went to the old Chinese medicine to help Chen Minjun massage the acupuncture points on his hands. But despite this, Chen Minzhen still feels that his right hand wrist has a faint sore feeling, and there is a feeling that it does not make it strong.

The third game signed by Chen Minjun was placed on Huaxia Island.

The plane landed slowly on the runway at Taoyuan Airport. This is Chen Min's second visit to Baodao.

When Chen Minxi walked out of the exit, he saw fans who were holding the three words of "Chen Minhao". The number of people has doubled since the last time, and the atmosphere has risen a lot.

Although there were more than a dozen security guards coming to the airport, Chen Minxi and the fans were separated and Chen Minxi was taken out, but the scene was still a bit confusing.

Chen Minyi always felt that the fan pick-up would actually cause inconvenience to others. He smiled and waved his hand to the fans while he walked forward.

"Ah, ah, Chen Minhao is so handsome!"

"Oh, Chen Min, I love you!"

Chen Minxiao smiled and responded: "I love you too."

When I heard Chen Minxi’s response, a bunch of fans were excited. Chen Minhao noticed that two little girls were directly excited to cry out.....

"The fans of Baodao are too enthusiastic." Chen Minyi finally got on the car parked outside the airport and said to Kang Hui: "And there are too many entertainments."

Kang returned to the mobile phone, the index finger clicked on the screen, and did not raise his head: "We have done statistics on your fans before. According to the geographical area, the proportion of fans in the Baodao area is the highest. Many well-known Chinese singers are from Baodao, but after your album is online, it immediately caused in Baodao....."

Kang returned the phone to Chen Minhao and said: "The link I found, you can see it yourself."

"The big video stores "Parting" were swept away"

"The crowds of people: the mainland teenager who won the best newcomer of the year last year came with his new album."

"A music star is rising"

"The decline of the singer of the island, the rise of mainland singers"

Is Baodao still the center of the Chinese music scene? 》


The words of the beautiful reporters of Baodao made Chen Minzhen a little blush, feeling that he was here to play in Baodao.

Upon arriving at the hotel, Chen Minhao had a simple lunch break. At 1:30 in the afternoon, Chen Minhao and his entourage set off for the Taipei 101 building. The signing is expected to start at 3 pm and is expected to end at 6 pm.

Kang Hui set the hotel close to the 101 building, Chen Minzhen and his party arrived in less than 15 minutes.

Chen Minzhen still did not get off the bus and saw the team that was on the corner. Many fans are holding on to the album and his posters. When the sun is empty, many fans are sweating.

After Chen Minzhen got off the bus, the originally quiet crowd immediately rioted. Chen Minzhen followed the staff arranged by the building and quickly entered the building.

Although the time has not yet reached two points, Chen Minxi thinks that the big sun outside and the fans lined up under the sun will let the signing sale begin in advance.

Chen Minhao bowed his signature, came one, signed one, and each time he signed one, he looked up and said: "Thank you for your support."

The sun is from east to west, and the time is already six o'clock in the afternoon. Chen Minzhen had a stiff wrist and neck.

After many fans saw it, some of them were distressed, but the fans behind the team worried that they would not be able to turn themselves. When they were distressed, they expected Chen Minyi to sign faster.

Chen Minhao took the mineral water on the table, took a sip, and continued to roll up his sleeves to work.

"I really like your song!"

Brushing and signing the words "Chen Minhao", Chen Minyi looked up to see a fully armed fan, wearing black sunglasses and a black mask.

Chen Min stunned and said with a smile: "Thank you for your support."

This is just an episode in the process of signing Chen Minzhen.

The signing will be extended by one and a half hours, and will not end until half past seven, but there are still many fans who have not been signed by Chen Minjun. Kang returned to this early, and fans who did not get a signature were given a free poster by Chen Minjun.

When Chen Minhao returned to the hotel, the sky was basically dark. He didn't have dinner, he just wanted to take a good sleep.


Yao Yiyi took off his sunglasses and a mask. Throw them at the co-pilot position and carefully put Chen Min's signature album into his bag.

She cheerfully screamed "deported to the border, as if entering the fifth season, staying up late and chaos, and the tides are reversing."... Drive back to his villa.

This song that was originally sad was taken out by the Chinese entertainment world.

Yao Yiyi just got into the parking garage and suddenly heard the harsh car whistling.

Yao Yiyi suddenly saw his agent's Q7 and heard the roadside. The Q7 external light is not turned on and the internal light is not turned on. In the cold moonlight, the black Q7 is like a latent ghost.

Yao Yiyi panicked at once and subconsciously tried to leave the steering wheel. The black Q7 came with a whistling whistle.

Yao Yiyi can only park the car into the garage honestly.

When Yao Yiyi opened the door, her assistant came forward and lowered her voice and said: "Yi Yijie, Chen Ge knows. If he fires me, you have to help me."

Yao Yiyi held the bag in his hand and fixed the god. He said: "Reassure, I won't let him fire you."

After Tian Chen entered the house, he changed his slippers and sat on the sofa. He slowly said: "Yao Yiyi can do it. If you bring sunglasses and a mask, you will sign a singer and sign it. You will still sign it. Debut of the little singer."

Yao Yiyi subconsciously retorted: "He is not a small singer, he is really talented, he is my idol."

"I originally thought that I would apply for a few trumpet. On Weibo, Facebook is the limit of yours." Tian Chen looked at Yao Yiyi, who mentioned Chen Minxi, and began to dance with a little helplessness. "There is talent in the music world." There are so many singers, even if you appreciate him again, you don't have to go to his signing ceremony with sunglasses and masks. Have you ever thought about what would happen if you were discovered by the media?"

Yao Yiyi slowly put his handbag on one side: "I should be able to make a headline for free. My album will be launched in a month, and it will be freely publicized."

Tian Chen sighed and said: "Yao Yiyi, do you know that there are many people in the music world who want your album to press him?"

Yao Yiyi thought very seriously: "I know, but my album should not match "parting."

Tian Chen accepted too much information at a time. He grabbed his chest and silently went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of ice water.

Really hearted.....

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