Ruvid is also very happy to see Mike and Connor being recognized by the master.

"My lord, your father Bloodhoof sent five hundred serfs two days ago, as well as a few carts of valuable supplies. They said it was a reward. Because there is no news from you, I will arrange for someone to accept it. Now.

The materials are stored in the warehouse of the castle, and the serfs asked them to settle in the dormitory together with the group returned by Fengsang tie. One thousand people just happened to be full."

" Hmm, yes, this is the reward for my advanced silver from father, apart from this there are 500 Gold Coins, Ruvid, how is the financial situation of the city hall now, is the tax collected enough to pay the workers' wages?"

"My lord, now the transaction tax and rental fee that can be collected in the Exchange City every month is about 10 Gold Coin, which is enough to pay all the workers of the city hall, plus the public sales office. As soon as the profit comes out, there is even a balance of 3 Gold Coins.

In order to ensure that the grain continues, I have asked the grain tax collected this year to store it. If I can purchase grain, I will use the purchased grain first. It is when the purchase is not available, it is using the stock of grain."

Ruvid's move is to ensure that unexpected situations occur. The more populous cities, the more important this measure is.

"Very well, the town has now started to have income. The poultry breeding condition improvement plan will continue. Where is Xintun?"

"Xintun has been sold For 78 houses, the commoners who came back with the serfs last time each bought a set, apart from this, as well as the residents who moved in from other small towns. There were about six or seven households, all of which were family members of a caravan.

After reading the plan of Xintun, they feel that the living environment is better than those of the big cities, and they are very satisfied with the public toilets. They think this is a pioneering work."

"No. Well, I remember that Xintun only built one street and didn’t stop there. Why did you sell so many buildings?"

"I don’t know what the adults, during this time, I divided the construction workers into subdivisions. After a while, in order to meet the purchasing needs of the residents, I selected 20 workers to stay in Xintun. As long as there is wood in the warehouse, the construction of Xintun will continue. I believe that as long as the construction continues, Boulder Town will definitely be built. It will become a big city!

As of today, Xintun’s second street has 23 buildings. Counting the 60 buildings in the first demonstration street, there are 83 buildings in total, and only the vacant ones are left. There are five buildings. My plan is to have three streets in Xintun before next year."

Ruvid solemnly vowed said that the price of houses is 1 gold and 50 silver. The more houses are sold, the city hall With sufficient finances, he no longer has to continue to pay for subsidies.

Next, Lucan reported on the work of his patrol team. First, the team was replenished to 30 people, and there were enough manpower to search for forest resources and early warning demonic beasts.

There is also a good uptrend in the place where the bluebells grow. Lucan expanded the enclosed fence by 20 meters, and a team of ten people cleaned up the useless vegetation in the growing place to ensure the wind chimes. The grass thrives.

"My lord, the most important question now is how to arrange the 1,000 new serfs. Although it is winter, we can't let them do nothing."

Disposal of serfs The question was raised by Ruvid. In fact, it was not difficult to arrange. It was just to be sent to excavate the breeding base, but so many people are going to dig the river, it is still necessary to ask the master what he thinks.

"Well... spring is after winter, Ruvid, how much land does it take for all a thousand serfs to cultivate?"

"My lord, according to the standard three people According to Ram, one thousand people need 333 rams of arable land."

"Then plan a 400 ram of arable land and let them cut down trees, while the vegetation is frozen to death in winter. If the tree is cut down, it will be easy to cultivate next spring. Make preparations early. If you wait until the snow melts and start work, time will be too late.

It happens to be winter wild beast demonic beast and everything. Inactive, there is no danger. If you encounter hibernation, let Kunas deal with it. The only problem that needs to be overcome is the cold. This will be solved by the city hall.

Add clothes and quilts to them, every day Three full meals are adequately supplied. If anyone is unwell, he can be properly rested. If it is serious, he will be sent to Old John for treatment. The free treatment does not need to be in vain, otherwise Old John will be too blessed.

In a word, let them move and create value that belongs to them. The logs should be cut down or stored in the warehouse according to the process for the construction team to use."

"Yes, sir."

Ruvid inadvertently wiped the sweat from his forehead, and the master set the tone of the whole winter with a word.

A whole thousand people are a lot of power in this World.

So many people eat, drink, shit and piss, felling area arrangement, work arrangement, cut down so many trees will definitely not be used up for a while, the timber warehouse will definitely not be able to fit, and we have to build timber To accommodate the warehouse, how many meters of canal is needed for such a huge area of ​​arable land...

The completion of a major event must be a collection of many small things.

The 400 ram farmland development is the largest project ever for Boulder Town!

"By the way, and the militia, it’s time to expand, Kunas."

"Subordinates are here!"

"I order You select 20 civilians of good character to join the militia, and expand the establishment to 30 to be responsible for the security of the town’s residential area, Xintun, Trading Square, and the three villages.

Ruvid, You are responsible for planning a new building in Xintun. The militia officially changed its name to the Boulder Town Public Security Department. The organization level is the same as that of the City Hall. The Public Security Department has a patrol office and an arrest office to maintain the town together. Stable."

Odin's idea is to separate the military force system and management system of the giant stone collar, and to subdivide and clarify responsibilities, so that it is easy to manage.

The sooner you do such a thing, the better. If you wait for the growth and divide it, it will bring unnecessary pain, Odin thought for a while and then said.

"How many sub-divisions does the city hall have?"

"Uh... now only the construction team and logging team are fixed, the patrol team and the militia team are under your control It was assigned to the Public Security Department."

Ruvid replied.

"The functions of the city hall should also be divided, and all aspects of the town should be included.

The construction team and the logging team were merged and renamed the engineering project department. The projects that have been built, under construction, and not completed are all within their functions, and Mike is fully responsible.

This should be the department with the most staff. If you want to manage not simple, Mike, you Can it be done?"

"Sir Lord, don’t worry, his subordinates will complete the task to the death."

"Very well, I believe you Mike, in addition to the project department, the town also The city hall is responsible for the three meals a day for more than 1,200 serfs and workers. This task is also cumbersome.

I order you to build a logistics department within the Xintun planning area, which is to eat. The place can also be called a canteen.

In this way, whether it is a construction worker who only eats one meal or a serf who eats three meals a day, all meals are arranged in the canteen."

After Ruvid, Mike also wiped the brow beaded with sweat. Sir Lord arranged two construction tasks at this meeting, a security department and a canteen.

They are all large multi-person buildings, especially canteens. How to plan and build them all test his ability.

"The engineering and logistics are there, and the next step is the management of poultry and farmland in the town. The city hall will then set up a production department to manage the town’s production and business activities.

In addition to poultry breeding and farmland planting, it also includes the operations of craftsmen and artisans, such as shavers, tailors, carpenters, etc..

Remember, I am talking about management, not interference , Let the market work within a reasonable range, instead of letting the city hall dictate.

If you have any questions, you can ask me. There are many factors involved in management affairs, and you must not act blindly and understand. Is it!"

"Subordinates understand!"

"In addition, if you set up a manpower department, Connor will be responsible for it."

"My lord, I don't know what the Ministry of Manpower is mainly doing?"

Connor asked.

"Hehe, manpower is also an important resource. Just like you, it has management capabilities. Kunas has military force, serfs have labor, craftsmen have technology, merchants can operate, and so on. , Is manpower."

Connor was nodded thinking.

"The Enlightenment Academy is a place to train manpower. An ordinary person can become a Knight, increase the town’s military force, and almost become a militia to join the Public Security Department to maintain law and order.

People who are proficient in knowledge can take up management positions in the city hall, and those who are careful and reliable can take up positions such as warehouse guards, market management, and wood processing.

Character jumps and is curious. A strong heart can make him join the caravan in the city hall and run around.

Manpower lies in instability, in teaching and applying in accordance with his aptitude. Although he is an expert first-class Knight, he has no life, and in other aspects. Be able to make some achievements.

In addition to cultivating talents in the town, attracting external talents is also very important. Just like you and Mike, even if I recruited my staff through Ruvid, you also The same can be done.

Of course, what I want is talents that are beneficial to the development of the town, not crooked. You need to control this."

About cultivating talents Odin also taught Connor all his brains. After all, the stall is big. He is impossible to do everything by himself. The Academy in the small town is also impossible to train suitable people in a short time, so he doesn't mind having a good one. Talents join in.

Odin finished speaking and took out another list.

"Ruvid, Oracle has been down. This is the most pious serf candidate I have heard from Oracle. I will announce it today and arrange rewards."

It is written on the list. Odin analyzed the collected Power of Faith some time ago, combined with the number of small dots, and then judged the most pious candidate. Basically, the accuracy is pretty close.

A large number of new populations will inevitably dilute the original belief atmosphere, so the god creation plan must run through the development of the town, and continue to expand the believers through the propaganda of Oracle, Divine Vestige, and the city hall. spread.

Ruvid also understands this.

"Don't worry Sir Lord, I will take care of this."

Ruvid took this volume of ordinary parchment carefully, and put it in his chest solemnly, because it didn’t Few residents used old houses to replace new houses in Xintun, so the houses in the old residential areas have already been cleared out, enough to give these serfs as rewards.

In this way, the devout believers who benefited from the benefits can become role models for the latecomers and be imitated by them. Odin’s book of faith is sufficient to distinguish the devotion of believers. Those who pretend to be pious False believers and unbelievers without faith will naturally gradually fall to the bottom.

If a slave wants to climb up, he must contribute his beliefs. This is the rule set by Odin.

Compared to the particularity of civilians and freedmen, Odin did not impose too rigid restrictions. Using people based on the degree of faith will only hinder the development of the town and become a constraint to the harvest of faith.

He uses the public opinion guidance of Divine Vestige and the City Hall to guide the faith atmosphere of the entire town, and subtly engraves the great achievements of the sons of gods into the people’s brains to achieve harvesting faith. the goal of.

Odin even plans to wait for the town’s faith atmosphere to accumulate to a certain level, establish a religion of gods, establish a strict religious system, and give divine force to develop fanatics.

This is the usual practice of many gods. According to the history of Ella continent, Light God is the best one. Even if Divine Vestige disappears for two hundred years, Light God Palace is still tenaciously inherited.

Decline is inevitable, but it is also incomparable to many religions.

It's just that the time is not yet ripe, and it will take a while. The establishment of religion requires a strong military force to support it. Boulder Town does not have that ability yet.

"Let’s wait until Boulder City."

Odin secretly tossed religious matters aside, asked Ruvid and the others to stay for dinner, and let them appreciate the foul monster ice sculpture.

In a corner of the living room, there is a one-height ice sculpture. The ice sculpture part occupies the length of 2/3/2021. A stone platform is placed under the ice sculpture to hold it up.

Otherwise, the ice that Odin personally condensed would freeze the entire ground.

In the transparent ice crystal interior, the expressions of monsters are lifelike. Even if there is no vitality, the densely packed human eyes all over the body can make people frightened.

When ice sculpture first moved in, the servants of the castle did not even dare to approach it. After getting familiar with it, they did not repel its existence so much.

As for the origin of the filthy monster, Odin got a more comprehensive answer from father during his time in Bloodhoof.

The foul monsters originated in the hands of magicians. In Ancient Era, magicians were keen to create war puppets to improve their battle strength.

In their mage tower, various puppets were developed.

In the beginning, the war puppets were all made by powerful magicians. The materials used were high-end magic materials and metal minerals. Such puppets are naturally very powerful, but the shortcomings are also obvious. They are too expensive. .

Repairing is also costly and laborious. As a result, this powerful puppet was put on the shelf and became a luxurious luxury.

After a period of development, a puppet of flesh and blood mixed with metal was produced. Its production cost is lower, energy consumption is lower, and it is more suitable for the use of low- and middle-level magicians. Soon, This method is all the rage.

Once the taboo of flesh and blood puppets is opened, magicians' ideas become more and more crazy.

Why puppets need to consume energy, is it not good for them to get it by themselves?

Why do puppets still need spirit strength control? Isn't it good for them to attack the enemy by themselves?

Why is it so troublesome to make puppets, isn't it good to let them produce by themselves?

Countless magicians took these three questions and went further and further on the road of making puppets.

That’s it

Finally one day, in the inevitable process of history

The foul monster was born...

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