when the squad departed for to search, far away boulders brought two cubs is playing the whole day in the Sacred Temple Hall.

full of energy, and plenty of curiosity, let Little Lei black and grace to become good playmates.

Even at night Little Lei grace to be a wonderful reflection of the black room to sleep together.

Strange to say, patience is very obedient unruly black in Little Lei grace hands, the performance instill obedience.

Of course, the promise of Odin did not fall down to business, say a good three granary, have to get one, lord Odin ready before winter to build up all the remaining two, used to store the harvest this year food.

grain harvest this year, far more than last year, this time Ruvid is leading the town hall handle tax matters.

seventy percent of the food tax is not a small number, there are still some divine double the yield of the land even more how, that's enough to bring a lot of food stocks as Odin master.

The food stocks will be sold by public sale at the town hall offered to supply the required food town.

In addition to the most basic cereals, some of the production hall will be most primordial secondary processing, ground wheat flour, barley causing beer, potato flour made from potatoes and the like.

These things not only sold in public sale to the townspeople, still trading Crescent City were sold, feel lucrative caravan will naturally buy, sell to any other place.

times deeper level of processing is further processed wheat flour, baked into delicious soft white bread, sold directly to the final consumer, small town bakery did just that.

The most basic output layers of progressive, to Boulder Town brought a lot of economic benefits.

Odin lords to serfs production of food become Gold Coin, Gold Coin and use them to buy more serfs, recruit more workers, paid more pay.

serfs much food will increase correspondingly, residents in the hands of money, so they can sell food to go, and then the hands of the lord Odin Gold Coin will become more numerous.

The second to go, infinite cycle continues, the town is getting rich.

When the harvest be, Boulder Town busy in a frenzy when, far outside of Lucan is not easy.

five thousand serfs not a small number, just eating problem is in big trouble, go on a few days the team will be able to eat food, buy food to buy, but come.

There is another issue of displaced persons in central duchy had picked almost, in order to gather the number five thousand, the direction of the border to go to the job.

the face of these two problems, Lucan figure out a way out of the rock after leading his team to split along the road in the town set a stronghold.

The whole idea is to base does not move, move serfs, serfs let themselves go all the way along Boulder Town stronghold, stronghold role is to point out a path displaced persons destined Boulder Town, and provide food.

doing so can save a lot of effort, a stronghold only need one or two people is enough, but also to avoid the displaced persons had picked a long time with the army, causing food waste.

stronghold of food each person paid only once, but also want to have to rush to the next base.

The purpose of this is to prevent people light a bargain not move.

For those hoping to find a good lord of the serf, this method is very convenient, just walked all the way to eat on the line.

From half a month after the departure of Lucan began, one after another stronghold along the refugees have come to Boulder Town.

at first only a few dozen a day, but with the passage of time in the future, more and more people came every day, and more when there are two or three hundred people a day, when there are a few more than a hundred people.

They even spontaneous formation of the team, to help carry each other.

Lucan as a team leader, the duchy with troops spread the message throughout the eastern border in the area near the border spread the message that he should receive boulder shelter displaced persons.

In this way, large crowds of people gathered in Official Road, Boulder Town to walk along the base.

Lucan month ago mainly spread the message, after half a month put the focus on maintaining the base body, as a stronghold for supplementary food supplement water.

Also, when the need to use military force to fight off the bandits robbers think stronghold attention.

It is a stronghold like a flow of blood vessels, keep the serfs to transport the territory, most peak day, boulders led to receive a full five hundred serfs.

As the days passed, more and more cold weather.

busy harvest ended, Boulder Town of serfs once corpuscles down, winter is their rare break time.

This idle but is assigned a fixed part of the field, and there is serf harvest.

After six months before those new serfs to join, is not eligible to rest.


"wow! Snows it snows it! Wow ha ha!"

Odin window now, looking at the two yard cub in Fengpao.

As the Human Race collar rock northwest of countries most places, the natural snow is the earliest.

If the central region of this central Ting, snow go down the passage of time, at least half a month, if in most countries of the South, probably see snow look.

white snow like a signal, people's desire to reduce activity suddenly down, even the energetic mercenary corpuscles down, just stay at home and not going anywhere.

Some of the mercenaries did not receive a boulder placed in the house, only to pack up and move back home, and then to spring next year.

With the house can comfortably Town had a New Year's in Boulder, and if it stops snowing, but also to pick up one or two simple tasks some exercise.

very comfortable.

This snow did not last too long, one day one night stopped, only a thin layer of snow on the ground.

little snow, but enough to make those displaced persons homeless tense, the 2nd day after the snow stopped, the refugees arrive Boulder Town team ushered in a new round of growth spurt.

Lucan led the team at this time also began to slowly back away, while the revocation stronghold, while along the road collapsed displaced persons.

It is worth mentioning that these makeshift stronghold just removed the hand, and did not destroy, but on the stand in a signpost, Lucan might even spend thinking about next year.

then bad displaced persons who later might be able to find their own according to Boulder Town stronghold left arrow.

five days after the snow stopped, with the last wave of Lucan thousand men back to the territory. People

After computing the town hall, this time brought back numerous add up to enough to have 6489 people, called the great service.

have the merit, we must reward.

Castle living room, Odin summoned Lucan alone.

"Lucan, this trip you've worked hard."

"Your honor, can not under Tangong, can bring back so many serfs, under the strength of non - oneself, but the entire team to work together. "

one-knee kneels to the Lucan said solemnly.

"Do not worry, everyone has come back this reward, but you as a team leader, when topped reactive, this is no doubt.

What is your request, or what you want to say it's great, I will consider, as appropriate. "

for the name of profit go-getters, Odin since not mean, as long as a reasonable request, he will promise down, saying finished after, Odin looked at the following Lucan, wondering what he would request made,

"divine force in gift adults, is the world's most valuable thing, Lucan hearts are satisfied , not to discuss the opening, Lucan only hope for the adults and the effectiveness of a lifetime! "

" hehe, I can not do, first, a second, second, the ranks of other people have the Gold Coin reward , except you do not reward the chief how to do that, Well ...... "

after Odin considered a moment, then began.

"reward Gold Coin hundred stout barrel, 10 bags of wheat flour, in addition, in the hills south of the forest, a group of third rank Dryad, my horse Dag responsible for guarding them.

your profession trainer, cultivation was also a natural magic, it is matched with Dryad, I Chartered you go once, can contract a Dryad, it depends on your own ability up. "

Dryad was between intelligent life among the demonic beast and biological, lifespan is long, unlimited potential, yet gentle personality.

Although slightly less offensive, but defensive power is Peak.

The difference is that with the demonic beast, Dryad this life is not to sign contracts with people, which will not work.

Only the trainer can establish a special way of contact between the two sides, just like Lucan and green tail, like birds, and did not sign any contract between them, but does not prevent.

is also a natural attribute of Dryad, absolutely trainer yearn for something even in dreams partner.

"Xie adults reward!"

"to go on, take a few days to adjust good state, ready to come to the castle to find me."

" that under the retire! "

Three days later, Lucan who went to rock Fort, he has adjusted to the optimum state.

"Now ready, then go inside, first to remind you heard, there are five third rank oak tree spirit, as well as nine Dryad developing state, if not a third rank Overruns , yet immature shaped sound Overruns are possible. "

" pointing Xie adults, under the clear. "

in a person watching a bear, with two Lucan only green tail bird entered the jungle.


"Little Green Little Red, you go separately, like a very special tree, go!"

As soon entered the jungle, stand in the shoulders of blue and red tongue whistle they flew into the sky in two directions at low altitude snatched.

With two eyes of heaven, the next action will be a lot easier, you do not waste time looking for Dryad body.

No more than five minutes to take the lead in green whistle return, seems to have been harvested.

Jojo ~

"green whistle awesome, let's look at this in the past."

Lucan touch birdie bags, green whistle guidelines to Batui the direction of the door.

After the clean-Dag, this jungle there are no third rank and above demonic beast, including a larger point size of wild beast were Kenny ate clean.

light curtains, a silhouette in the forest gallop, Odin classic live look at the scene.

After half an hour, the first head Overruns Lucan found.

"oak? Actually oak tree spirit!"

He slowly close to the Fengyun tree in front, when he entered to ten meters away, Fengyun oak camouflage removed, branches dancing, exclusion near Lucan.

"Hey! I can understand the words? I called Lucan, is a hobby natural trainer, I can touch you do?"


is a response to his mind strong whip tree, plenty of strength in the surface of the soil plowed gully, Lucan awkward tumbling escape.

This time tumbling beyond the scope of the attack, Dryad make two roar, people can feel the meaning expelled.

"Well, it seems that the first character some introverted, and I do not want to make friends, I leave it wants."

Lucan under the direction and moved towards a rush Overruns go.

Dryad degree of wisdom third rank is not high, only with ordinary wild beast almost the same, except that roots absorb nutrients, and driven wild beast demonic beast.

Lucan led blue tail of the bird, to find a consecutive four trees are fine this result, it has not been driven close.

The last time a wiser Lucan, just standing a safe distance does not move, but let the tail Green bird go into action.

Green Bird catch the worm tail, trees, it is beneficial, Dryad naturally not expelled.

Last two blue bird up and down busy for a long time, the Dryad only the body of harmful insect clean up a clean, green clean-up after the end of the tail and bird in front of Dryad falls Lucan hands.

This is the idea Lucan, reduced hostile Overruns of the tail with green bird, expressed their favor.

Green End birds fly back, Lukenmomo sit cross-legged, motionless.

This is Lucan's Second Step - sit, think of myself as a tree.

Of course, he is not completely do nothing but try to use their own natural magic with the Dryads greeting.

As a mild natural magic vines, spread in the past from the ground. When

ten meters

five meters

three meters

in the trunk is about to come into contact, the magic Overruns also extends, intertwined.

look closely, you will find two kinds of magic there are subtle differences.

Lucan natural magic of color to be deeper, which means that he is more pure magic.

most important it is that control will be shipped on the part of the magic spirit strength, feel the Dryads from above Lucan emotions.

friendly and gentle.

Lucan in the recovery magic, and even give up a part of the magic of self-absorption Overruns.

By these two steps, which greatly pulled into the relationship between the two.

"means bad!"

Odin master got a mouth.

As he considered to Lucan in a spurt of energy to win this time Dryad's head, but the screen display Lucan left.

back to the castle after

Lucan letting our reason.

And so it is felt Dryad magic in exchange still has a very strong emotional alert, then he gave up the idea hard on the bow, ready to fight a protracted war.

"Your honor, hoping to exchange Lucan once, ask permission of adults with this head Dryads every day."

"In exchange for your sake so hard, quasi!"

after obtaining permission Sir Lord, Lucan every morning with a green whistle red tongue to, apart from anything else the one that is physical body, then after the end of a wave of the magic of the exchange.

Lucan cultivation basically every day a little out of natural magic is to take into account, and if it did not make it last made a big loss. Each

to, Lucan will slowly pull into the distance between them, to test the reaction.

Until adhere to a week, he can hand touching the trunk, and Dryad has not shown driving means.

The tenth day

Lucan in green bird clean up the tail when the insect completely in Dryad who planted magic ties, on the occasion of the completion of the two sides tie, Fengyun oak Dryad finally lifted disguise, exposing the true face.

Ancient Life Tree as shown with a withdrawal, the middle position occurs Shugan Human Race features resembles a face, the two branches thick hair drawn down to form two arms.

But Ancient Life Tree's face very clearly evident, and the floating tree trunks, with people how to not like, but is full details.

Lucan front of the head third rank Dryad sent a lot, though also a face, but it is vague, can barely distinguish from the bark of the lines which are the eyes which is the nose.

"You can walk it, I know there woodlots better than here, I think there should be more suitable for you grow, not very far."

represents the open mouth of a texture a co-issued Shen Ming people howl, but Lucan listen to understand, Dryad is that he go very slow.

"This is really a hassle, if you go very slow, then the delay is very time, right! You wait a minute, I'll be right back."

Lucan suddenly thought What, quickly walked away a short while, as he drove the five camel cow appeared, her hand holding a bundle of coarse twine.

"You disguised as an oak tree, I used it five camel trek how are you."

In this way, after allowing the Dryad, the head of this kind Lucan link under the magic oak tree spirit brought a higher concentration of elements bluebells grow.

Here, he can concentrate on this first domesticated from Dryads come.

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