In the second ring street, in addition to these new labels, there are other old labels, such as public bathrooms.

In the cold winter, the indoor bathroom with steaming heat and white mist has become the most popular place in the whole town.

Residents who have worked hard for a day will choose to take a comfortable hot bath before going to bed to wash away their fatigue.

Some businessmen even saw business opportunities and wanted to build their own bathrooms and open them to the outside world. Unfortunately, the land in residential areas is under the planning of the city hall and it is impossible to sell.

The private conversion of residential buildings for commercial purposes is also not allowed.

Therefore, no private bathhouse has appeared yet.

"My lord, the construction team has been recruiting people during the time you left. Now there are about 1,000 workers in the entire construction team, and serf workers account for 40% of them.

I feel that the current construction team has enough manpower. Do you want to suspend recruitment?"

"Pause? How can I do it!"

Odin astonished.

"Trifling a thousand construction workers! How can we build a real big city! Keep recruiting!"

"There is no local manpower, just bring in from other towns! Such a good salary and Living conditions, I don’t believe they won’t come!"

Odin touched the chin and continued to think about the population.

"By the way, how many residential houses are currently sold?"

"Back to your lord, there are 2553 houses on the second ring, 1886 houses have been sold, and the price is three Gold 50 silver."

"Well, keep this price unchanged for now, even if the market is hot, don't raise the price. A price that is too high will make the grassroots workers unable to buy a house.

Without a fixed house, there is no sense of belonging. Naturally, there is also a lack of opportunities to marry and have children, which is not good for the natural growth of the population."

"Ruvid understands."

The administrative officer nodded should arrive .

He can't help but care about housing prices. In his previous life, he was a hard-failed man who was poisoned by high housing prices. Naturally, he couldn't let his territory follow the old path.

In addition to the residential area, the Commerce District also has some changes, which can be seen from the light curtain without Ruvid's explanation.

Winery, two additional rooms were built.

Five additional poultry farms have been built.

An additional hydraulic mill was built.

These all are built to meet the growing needs of towns, there is nothing to say.

There was no major action in the area of ​​arable land. During this period, officials in charge of arable land production such as the Production Department of the City Hall adjusted the allocation of arable land and detailed repairs.

Speaking of his arable land in Boulder Town, because it has too many favorable conditions, the current output of groceries is already at the top of the Ella continent.

Fertile forest black soil (good soil quality)

nameless mountain range The snow water flowing down and the river water drained by the Black Iron River are dual-irrigated (abundant water sources)

Large amount of fermented and mature organic fertilizer (increases fertility)

Serf who is full of passion for planting and has a strong body (fine planting)

Divine Vestige

The above five points may only be combined in the boulder collar.

And all these have created the miracle of a bumper harvest.

"My lord, this year's autumn harvest is plentiful harvest. A total of 13,500 tons of grain was harvested from the arable land of 1,800 rams, and 70% of the grain tax has been collected and put into the warehouse."

"Also, after the accumulation of the caravan, the four granaries were filled with three, and the fourth granary was half-filled."

You know, Little Lei is kind to him. The built granary is 20,000 tons, which means that the town now stores 70,000 tons of grain, enough for the entire town’s 20,000 people to eat for more than ten years!

"Since there are so many grains in stock, please tell Meira that the caravan does not need to purchase grains for the time being, otherwise it will be a waste of too much grain to be consumed, and by the way, let the grain market calm down. .

Let him work harder on acquiring serfs and workers. Those who live in distress but are unwilling to sell as slaves can let them do hard work.

The status of a free citizen is well paid, and it’s absolutely no problem to support yourself. I think no one can refuse such a good condition.

The important thing is publicity! You are better at this aspect, you can teach Mela ."

"The subordinates took it down."

Ruvid took out his chest and took out a notebook to quickly write down the adult's instructions.

In other towns, impossible will offer Boulder Town so many jobs and cultivated land for people to choose from.

It is even more likely that some people want to work and want to make money, but the town where they are located does not have that many jobs to accommodate them, and there is not even more arable land.

Then those who have no resources become poor.

Maintaining population growth is Odin's concern and the key to development.

After running for such a long time, he must adjust the population absorption strategy in a timely manner when the serfs from all over the country have been sold out.

Aim the goal of recruitment to the bottom groups who want to struggle, but suffer from no opportunities, and use good salaries and social benefits to attract them to settle.

For them, Boulder Town is a blue ocean that needs to be developed.

In the three years that Jushi led its independence, from trifling with a population of less than 1,000 to today’s population of 20,000.

This leap-forward change is inseparable from Master Odin's decision-making.

Until now, in the area around Duchy's southern border Fengsang, including all parts of the central region, there is still news that the giant stone leader Baron is taking in stray serfs.

From time to time, there will be serfs in small groups rushing over.

Of the total population of 20,000, serfs accounted for eleven thousand, which is the largest part.

The second major part is the group of mercenaries.

From the winter of the first year, the news that the boulder possesses a large number of low-level demonic beasts has been spread, which attracted many mercenaries who came to try their luck at that time.

However, the facts did not disappoint these mercenaries. More and more mercenaries flooded into the town.

As a lord, he followed this momentum and established a complete mercenary development system.

Including taverns, shops, acquisitions, hotels, and the most important mercenary guild.

This system satisfies all aspects of mercenary professions from making money to consumption, from job rating to receiving tasks.

In the first half of the second year, this mercenary system officially played a huge role.

A large number of mercenaries came to the resource-rich Boulder Town to work hard and settle down.

The first ring residential area project during the same period benefited from this wave of mercenaries. Every time a new house was built, it was quickly bought by these rich mercenaries.

Up to now, in the winter of the third year, the mercenary system has played a role for two years, and all aspects have matured and stabilized.

According to the register of the Mercenary Guild, there are 5,000 mercenaries registered in Boulder Town, and 3,000 settled in Boulder Town.

Among the three thousand people who have settled here, they are certainly not all widows and widows. Those with wives and children make up the majority.

So to be precise, in Boulder Town, the population belonging to the mercenary system occupies about 6,000 people.

In this way, there will be 17,000 people in the two parts of serfs and mercenaries.

The remaining three thousand people, including one thousand aborigines, and two thousand freedmen and businessmen who have migrated over, together make up 20,000 people.

In addition, because of the large number of serfs, many dormitories of various levels were built in the three villages.

If it weren't for the dormitory buildings that could accommodate the dense serfs, the size of the village might have exceeded the residential area.

Odin and Ruvid have communicated for a long time, and basically understand the changes in the town one after another.

Next is the situation of the smelting workshop and lover tribe that he is more concerned about.

After completing the promotion of the Viscount, the next leap of the Boulder collar has been determined.

Whether the body refinement department is mature, whether the workers are skilled, and whether Dwarf Race is obedient or not, directly affect the smooth development of iron ore.

So Master Odin waited until the end to ask this question.

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