Today is New Year’s Eve, and the dumplings wish you good luck in the Year of the Ox! Bullish! In good health! May all go well with you! ! ! Fa Fa Fa in the coming year! ! !


After all 30 streets on the south side of the second ring residential area of ​​Boulder Town are completed, because the There are hundreds of households that have not been sold, and there is no rush to build in the next step.

Thousands of construction team workers led by Meira were divided into two parts this spring.

Among them, 800 people are the main part, responsible for building Black Stone Town from scratch.

The remaining 300 skilled workers will build a new castle for Sir Lord.

Two major projects were started in two lines.

As for his new home, Odin is still very concerned. If he wants to live comfortably, he has to design it himself.

"Open the light curtain."

"Zoom in to the planned site of the new castle."

An empty space soon appeared on the light curtain.

It was originally a woodland, but after a winter of felling, it turned it into a clearing.

This location is very peculiar, with the rushing Black Iron River in the north, a mountain in the west, and woodland in the south.

Only the east side is a gravel road in and out. This road has been paved recently.

"A tributary can just be extended from the Black Iron River, surrounding the castle to create a moat.

The hill on the west side has a wide view, and a watchtower can be built."

"I like the layout of the No.5 Guard. The castle can be divided into two layers, inside and outside, and two city walls can be built to strengthen the defensive power."

Odin is thinking while in the parchment There are sketches on it.

In addition to the rigid facilities of the castle, Odin also painted a large number of internal structural designs.

For example, a large bedroom where the bedroom and bathroom are merged together.

Hollow water pipe hidden inside the stone wall.

Also, he has had enough of the ancient toilet experience. He urgently needs to design a convenient and hygienic flushing toilet to improve his happiness index.

He doesn't need to design too complicated, he uses a simple mechanical structure to make a water valve that can be opened and closed, and then let the water flow from top to bottom wash away the excrement.

Of course, if you want to really improve your happiness index, hot water is indispensable at all times.

To satisfy this point, it must be done with the help of magic array.

Build a water transfer hub and a heating hub at the top of the castle.

Thinking of this, Odin couldn't help but miss Little Lei a little. Well, such a hard-working, hard-working little girl, there will be no more after leaving.

Fortunately, he doesn't need a high level magic array. After looking for a mission issued by the Mercenary Guild, he can still hire an amateur Array Master.

For the water pipe, Odin decided to use metal copper to make it.

Copper water pipes have high ductility and stability, use high lifespan, and will not produce harmful substances to the human body.

In addition to the higher cost and the more difficult process, it is almost a perfect water pipe material.

However, his inventory of metal ingots is already very large, and consuming a little copper is just drizzle.

Thinking of this, he can't wait to live in the new city.

In order to speed up the construction process, Odin decided to go to the Treant Woodland to catch a strong man.




A mass of Roshan is lying in the magic tree Hu hu fell asleep by the house, and the snoring sounded all over the sky and spread throughout the woodland.

Since coming back, Dag has entered a hibernation state, which means that he has not awakened since the beginning of this sleep.

The leaves on the roof of the magic tree tremble with frequency.

Although no one is shoveling snow here, Dag’s own heat dissipates all the snow in a radius of 100 meters.

Odin walked to the Dashboard, tsk tsk sighed.

"This guy, the magic tree house can't hold it anymore."

He even began to doubt whether it was a good or a bad thing for him to absorb the Soul Crystal of the Ghostface Spider to Dag.

The height of the dag crawling on the ground is one third of the height of the tree house, which is six meters. It is hard to imagine how big it will stand up.

It may not be able to wake it up in ordinary ways, so Odin had to wake up Dag through the master-servant contract.

"Wake up Dage, it’s spring!"

"Wake up…"

A large amount of information is directly transmitted to Dage through the contract. Soul, after five minutes of indiscriminate bombardment, Dag finally moved.

" Master..."

Dag first curled his body into a ball in the middle, and then stretched his waist greatly.

ao wu ……

The deep howling sound resounded throughout the mountain forest, large swaths of birds were shocked into the sky, chirp chirp twitter twitter screamed.

As the body stretches, the skeletons on Dag's whole body explode like firecrackers.

ao wu ……

The horrible wave of magic power rolls up like a wave, and the tyrannical aura rushes into the sky.

"This is, seventh rank!!!"

Odin was surprised.

The seventh rank is comparable to the strength of Earth Knight, and any seventh rank demonic beast is like a forest overlord.

Take Broken Stone Ridge as an example, the seventh rank demonic beast may not be born.

Dag is lucky.

Three years ago, it was just an ordinary, immature fourth rank bull-earth bear.

But since following Odin, its fate has changed.

Daily life energy and Earth Element energy have not been cut off. Every day meat can eat it and vomit.

With sufficient energy instillation, the magic in its body gradually becomes pure.

Odin also personally brought it to train magic, train physical fitness, and tap potential.

Then go to the battlefield and experience the fighting and fighting on the battlefield.

The most important thing is that Soul Crystal that perfectly fits Dag's huge origin.

All of this led to Dag becoming the seventh rank demonic beast.

"So comfortable master! I feel like I can lift a mountain!"

"hehe, this is because of the illusion caused by the skyrocketing strength, not really able to lift A mountain, your master, I used to... uh... don’t do this... stop Dag!!"

The whole woodland trembles suddenly, the amplitude of the tremor becomes more and more violent, and the source of the tremor is Dag. Grid, it is using its newly mastered Power of Earth to strip the entire tree forest to the sky.

Tear and pull~

There is a deep gully on the ground, which really tends to lift up.

"Stop it!"

Hearing the master's command, Dag quickly stopped his movements and restored the gully, without seeing any signs of tearing. .

Odin wiped the sweat on his head.

"Good risk! You almost destroyed the woodland!"

"Sorry master...I still can't master the new power well..."

Dag bowed his head and apologized to Odin.

creak creak ~

In the surrounding woods, a few small tree spirits fled hurriedly and danced to Dag. They are the tree seedlings that Maokai planted before he left. .

Now it has developed into a small tree spirit, with the ability to move freely.

Dag, as the guardian demonic beast appointed by Maokai, is naturally approached by the tree spirit.

"What do they say?"

"Hehe, because the earthquake just made them feel scared, they thought it was a powerful demonic beast invading the woodland, and then they sought my protection. "

"It's not a good thing you did."

ao wu ~ao wu ~

Dag comforted them with animal language, and it took them a long time to let them Settle down and go back to the place where it was rooted.

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