After counting the women around Odin, Li Na was stunned on the spot, very speechless.

This guy doesn't pay attention to his loyalty to the other half at all, even if he is acting.

But he didn't. It was a noble shame to enjoy the service of six young maids grandiosely.

Li Na feels it is necessary to remind this young viscount, lest excessive attention to details prevents one from making progress, premature loss of the body affects the follow-up strength improvement.


Boulder Fort

After sending off Li Na, Odin began to prepare for the construction of the Mage Tower.

The Mage Tower is a big project. Before the Mage Tower is built, the schedule of other projects in the town must be coordinated.

Currently, there are two major projects in the boulder collar.

One is the Boulder Town Second Ring Construction Project, and the other is the Black Stone Town Development Project.

As the migration of the foreign population decreases, the construction speed of Boulder Town Second Ring Road has slowed down.

Even if there are still a large number of job vacancies in Jushiling, the population of other surrounding towns has stabilized, and it is not so easy to leave their hometowns to develop in unfamiliar towns.

This is a normal phenomenon and has nothing to do with economic development.

Although the speed of expansion has slowed down, more and more residents are applying for renovation.

After all, the superiority of stone houses is not a little bit.

In summer, it can be shaded and insulated, and in winter it can be heated by a stove. It is solid and stable, not afraid of moths, and not much stronger than a wood house.

Any family whose financial strength permits will choose to rebuild a stone house to live in.

According to demand, the Second Ring Project and the residential reconstruction project can meet development needs with only a hundred construction workers.

Then there is the Black Stone Town project, which is quite special.

Because it is not just the construction of a certain building or a certain type of building, but the deep integration of the residential system and the mining system.

During the development of Peak in Black Stone Town, more than a thousand workers built houses and paved roads here.

Until now, more than 700 workers continue to develop Black Stone Town.

Odin can't figure out how many people will be left, so he has to call Ruvid and Mela to study together.

Speaking of Shita Project, he mentioned it to Dinge, and it hasn't been officially released yet, and it happened to be done together with the research team this time.

The order to summon the two was passed on, and soon two Knights rode out of the castle to find someone.

Not long after, Ruvid and Meira were brought to Odin by Knight.

"Sit down."

In the lobby, Odin waved his hand to sit down.

"I plan to build a mage tower in the territory. I am asking you to come here. I want to ask about the specific progress of Black Stone Town, and see if I can mobilize manpower."

"This No problem, there is not much difference in the amount of work between building a mage tower and building a water tower.” Ruvid said first.

Meila is also nodded, indicating that there is no problem.

"Hehe, don't panic and pat your breasts. Take a look at the blueprint. Besides, Nightingale, go to the study and get the blueprint."

"Yes, sir."

The nightingale's maid left, and soon fetched a huge blueprint drawn by Odin and spread it out in front of the two of them.


When the two looked at the scale unit marked on the blueprint, they both rubbed their eyes, and they couldn't help wondering if they had made a mistake.

"Oh~ my lord, is your size marked wrong...Even if the mage tower was built for Miss Liz, it is too big."

Meira's knowledge He didn’t speak rashly, but based on his understanding of the master, maybe the size on the blueprint was not wrong.

Soon, the master’s answer confirmed his idea.

"The dimensions are not marked wrong, because this is not built for a certain mage, but for my division.

This is why I called you two over The reason, Laura, what's the situation in Black Stone Town now."

"Back to your lord, Black Stone Town now has 45 miner’s dormitories, 8 miner’s canteens, and 4 public baths. Meet the living needs of 5,000 people.

The number of existing miners is far from reaching the upper limit of Black Stone Town, so the development of Black Stone Town can be temporarily stopped."

"The construction speed is so fast? I remember it was only more than four months before the beginning of the year!"

"My lord, this is the success of a thousand construction workers, plus your favorite Master Dag, from time to time will come to help level the terrain, dig foundations and so on.

The speed is naturally not slow."

When it comes to Dag, Meira uses the honorific name.

Although Dag is still a few years away from the adult period of the Demonic Bear, his promotion to the seventh rank demonic beast is enough to bring his intelligence to the level of a normal person.

In addition to following Odin in human society for so many years, it can now easily communicate with people in the lingua franca of Human Race.

In this case, it is not a big deal for the residents to give Dag'an an honorific title.

Like today’s Xiaohei, after the city hall announced the official name of Dawn Star Vichy, it soon attracted a group of followers among the Odin believers, and became a believer Sect. It's strange.

Of course, whether the believer likes Xiaohei or Dag, he makes a choice based on his belief in Odin, and does not affect his collection of beliefs.

By the way, there are still more people who like Dag, after all, Dag often shows up on the construction site, and the workers like this gentle tyrannical bear.

Maybe they don’t think so when they see Dag’s brutal and slaughter side on the battlefield.

With the help of a large number of skilled construction workers and Dag, it is reasonable for Black Stone Town to expand so quickly.

"Very well, it just so happens that Black Stone Town can take this opportunity to stop its expansion. After the inhabitants fill up, it will not be too late to continue to expand."

"Everything I listen to adults!" Meira nodded said, "By the way, I have to report one more thing to you."


"This year's farmland irrigation system The number of maintenance personnel has increased to two hundred."

"Does it take so many people to repair the aqueduct? I remember that it seemed like 20 or 30 people could do it before."

"My lord, Twenty or thirty people were when they just started building the canal a few years ago." Finally it was his turn to speak, and Ruvid wiped the sweat from his forehead and continued.

"The northern arable land stretches 1,800 rams, endless, the water network and various water storage nodes are densely covered, tangled and complicated to a degree far surpasses the imagination.

Moreover, the self-arable land is in Snow Mountain in the north. After the connection, more melted Snow Mountain snow water joins the water network and merges with the water source of the Black Iron River in the south. The irrigation system is under great pressure. If it is not handled well, there is a danger of flooding."

Changing the natural environment comes at a price.

The original farmland was short of water, but now there is too much water. There are two reasons for this.

The disappearance of vast forests.

In the past, snow water flowed into the forest and would be absorbed by the soil. The deep soil layer was opened by the thick roots of tall trees, like a thick sponge absorbing snow water, and then slowly evaporating by the roots of vegetation.

Nowadays, crops do not have the deep and thick root systems of big trees. A large amount of water accumulates on the surface of the soil and has nowhere to go, and because of the height difference of the canal, it cannot flow into the river.

If you do not regularly repair the canals to increase the water volume, they will flood and flood the farmland and drown crops.

This is one of them.

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