
Master Odin suddenly woke up. Isn't this what he was looking for?

"You are great Liz! You solved the big problem for the master! haha!"

In Liz's dull eyes, Odin quickly left the hall disappeared.

After Liz's call, Master Odin remembered a cheat book [Frost Chain] that he had already studied.

The content inside is to imprison the enemy through various forms of frost chains to achieve different levels of imprisonment effects.

This cheat book Odin only mastered the most superficial part, and did not study its essence in depth.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! …

The stone wall turned, Odin stepped into the secret room, scanned his eyes, and found the fighting skills cheat on the bookshelf.

"This is it, this time I must study it thoroughly, and then apply it to the scale link link!"

The master Odin who saw hope immediately plunged in and started repairing Learn this special fighting skill.

[Advanced Fighting Skills•Frost Chains]

As the name suggests, it is to condense a special chain form with Frost Fighting Skills, and the effect is imprisonment.

as small as snakes, insects, mouse and ants, as large as giant dragons, all can be imprisoned.

Practice to the depths, even Knight's Battle Qi core, demonic beast magic core, and the energy circuit in the mage's body can also be imprisoned.

It can't be cultivation, can't use the elemental energy in the body, and become an ordinary person.

There are as many as ten chain forms detailed in the cheats, each with its own unique function.

From the perspective of imprisonment alone, this cheat has almost reached the apex of the Ice Attribute category.


On the training ground, Master Odin suddenly threw away a long ice chain in his empty hand, winding the iron pillar in front of him up and down.

Holding one end of the chain in Odin's hand, loudly shouted, "Receive!"

The tiny structure in the ice chain changed rapidly and produced a strong contraction force.

Boom... Click...!

The hardness of the refined solid iron column is too strong, and it resists the strength of the contraction of the ice chain.

Boom... Click...!

The ice chain burst out of debris, the structure collapsed, and the stretched chain body suddenly softened.

But Odin did not give up. As long as the chain is still in his hands, the frost that grows freely can create endless possibilities.

"Strong contraction form! Get it for me!"

Small ice cracks hummed, and the soft ice chain resembles a dead python that has been brought back to life. I want Encourage your whole body to strangle the enemy.

Under the new structural change, the ice chain shrinks and wriggles on the iron pillar to the extent that naked eye is visible, like a real python winding and strangling the monster.

creak …

The iron column wailed that it was forced to deform, and the straight column gradually slanted under the tremendous force.

The soldiers outside the training ground were started to fall the chin by this scene. They knew how hard a one-meter-diameter solid iron pillar was.


Master Odin took a sigh of relief and retracted the ice chain.

For now, the strongest physical structure is this kind of chain with a powerful contraction shape.

Now what he has to do is to reduce the ice chain of this form to the millimeter level year-on-year, and also open twelve link points around the hexagonal ice scale to link the scales to each other.

This difficulty is quite high.

However, Master Odin did not give up, but relied on his strong spirit strength to improve his Battle Qi strength control.

That's it

Time passes day by day.

Solin and Ruben at the smelting workshop were inspired by the rare blueprint to forge their forging nature.

Because the dwarf tribe system has taken shape and has entered a state of healthy development, there is no need for them as patriarchs to worry about it.

So both of them are basically working hard in the smelting workshop.

In addition to cultivation, Master Odin also makes full use of his spare time to study combat skills and improve his strength.


Lion City

The Mercenary Guild Branch is also the only 4-Star level branch of Danube.

As a golden junior Knight, Camero is in a bad mood.

It's not that losing the gambling game made him so depressed. At any rate, his status is here. The 30,000 Gold Coin owed to Richard Richard has already been resolved through the support of the family.

"Li Na...why! This woman always appears in my mind!"

Since the last time he defeated Li Na's hand in the gambling game, not only did he not feel resentful, but instead healed The hair is lingering in my heart, and even the cultivation can't calm my mind.

It is ridiculous to say that Camero, who has always regarded women as playthings, has finally received retribution.

Li Na, who never gave him a good face, became Heart Demon on his way forward.

Of course, it can also be said to be an inner attachment formed under the synthesis of various factors.

There are only two ways to get rid of this obsession, either to conquer Li Na and defeat Heart Demon, or...to be completely conquered by Li Na and become Heart Demon.

Camero feels more uncomfortable as he thinks about it. Battle Qi fluctuates violently and is very unstable.

"Master Camero, what's the matter with you?"

It just so happened that a female employee of the mercenary guild sent him the mission file for signature, but Camero became popular Frightened his eyes back a few steps.

"Ah! Lord Camero, what are you going to do...Don't...Ah..."

The office door was slammed shut by the strong wind. This is Camero. Few people will come up to the exclusive office.

The voice of the female staff member calling for help disappeared as the door closed.


Half an hour later

The sober Camero finally stopped his brutality and looked at the white flesh underneath. There was no trace of guilt in his heart, but he felt a little excited.

But reason told him that this is not a good place.


Camero took out a bag of coins naked and threw them on the woman.

"There are a hundred Gold Coins in it. If you dare to leak out, you and your family... will die!"

Under the coercion and temptation, the innocent woman The staff only chose to pick up the purse and leave.

Although he just finished venting, Camero did not feel satisfied.

The loss of reason is enough to alert him and strengthen his determination.

"Odin...Who is this person..."

When the gambling started that day, the Master Bai Feng behind Li Na revealed the name of Odin and advised Li Na not to enter the gambling game. .

He didn't care at the time. Looking back now, it is indeed very intriguing.


"The subordinate is here."

A person walked quietly outside the door, and he was at the door when Camero was violent. Waiting.

"There is a man named Odin in the Lion City, find him for me, but don’t disturb him, understand?

If the Lion City doesn’t have one, then it must be in the surrounding city. In short, this person is not simple, be patient."

"As you bid!"

After watching Sonic turn and leave, Camero was nodded with confidence.

This person is not a subordinate who only slaps a horse, but a guardian specially trained by the clover family, who was rewarded to him by the clan when he became an adult.

The guardians are a bit similar to the dead men trained in the family, but they are not rigid and have a unique code of conduct.

They are only responsible to the highest Elder Council in the clan, not puppets who follow their words.

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