After Odin lights up a new branch of knowledge for the smelting workshop, what follows is an increase in iron ingot consumption.

Of course, consumption growth is a process in which two inevitable factors are at work.

The number of dwarf blacksmiths;

The efficiency of dwarf blacksmiths;

Both points are well understood.

The more blacksmiths there are, the more things can be forged. In principle, you can make whatever you need. The extra capacity can be digested by taking orders from caravans or other noble lords.

The same goes for efficiency improvements.

And there is no such thing as overcapacity at present, no matter how much it is built, it can be sold.

Under the combined effect of two factors, the smelted iron ingots are not enough for the smelting workshop.

Although it has not yet been reflected, it is an inevitable result that economic activities will resume once the spring begins in the coming year.

"You can't hold back the raw materials..."

Master Odin, who anticipated this result, decided to take advantage of the winter and find a way to solve the problem.


Here is where he thinks.

To solve the problem of insufficient iron ingots, there are only two points: adjusting the consumption structure and increasing the output of iron ore.

As mentioned earlier, there are three major categories of consumption structure, from highest to lowest:

Divine King statue

Li Na’s share

Municipal facilities

They account for 50%, 30%, and 10% of the total consumption respectively.

The statue of Divine King is related to the development of Divine Kingdom and is irreplaceable; municipal facilities are related to the economic development of the territory and cannot be reduced either.

Think about it, and only the sales share allocated to Li Na can be adjusted appropriately.

This kind of adjustment seems a bit selfish, so why reduce Li Na's share?

That's because she doesn't actually need this iron ingot at the moment.

At first, he sold the iron ingots to Li Na to help her win over the nobles and strengthen her supporter group.

For Li Na, the iron ingot is just a tool to achieve an end, not a necessity.

And now Li Na has gained enough prestige with his help, and there is a stronger Supreme God temple support.

So reducing this part of the share will not bring any negative effects, it can be described as the most appropriate structural adjustment plan.

"The annual share of 10,000 tons will not be completely reduced. Leave 3,000 tons and let her distribute to those in urgent need.

This way, the next year will be an instant Seven thousand tons of usable iron ingots have been added, and the pressure on territorial consumption has been greatly eased. The next step is to find ways to increase the mining of iron ore source stones."

The part related to iron ore mining.

There are two parts of the output from the mining of the Broken Stone Ridge Mine.

One is a miner living in Black Stone Town; the other is a tribe of gray dwarves.

The miners dig shallow veins, and the gray dwarves dig deep veins, without interfering with each other, in an orderly manner.

The hired civilian miners and slave miners add up to 7,000 people. They use the Tugla-style mining method constructed by dwarf engineers, rock cattle power and metal rail cars to carry out high-efficiency mining.

Capacity accounts for 70% of the annual excavation.

The two thousand gray dwarves, relying on the innate talent digging in their blood, also made a decent amount of digging.

If the number of people on the two sides is not too different, the gray dwarf may not necessarily lose to the Human Race miners.

To increase the mining volume of iron ore source stone, the only way at present is to increase the manpower, whether it is Human Race miners or gray dwarves, as long as there are more people, the mining volume will naturally increase. .

"'s hard!"

Master Odin held his forehead with his palm and stroked his head full of broken golden hair, which was quite distressed.

The gray dwarf may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, he is impossible to go to other gray dwarf tribes to force others to mine for him, and can only wait for the gray dwarves to naturally multiply and grow the tribe scale.

At this point, Reuben is more anxious than him, so he doesn't need to be superfluous to come up with ideas.

The miners are also caught in bottleneck here.

After wave after wave of acquisition of slaves by the boulder caravan, now Danube duchy is in a situation where there is no slave to collect.

No! Sold out!

It's that simple.

The road of hiring miners is also unworkable. Under the vigorous excavation of Supreme God temples in the Rock Territory, all the vagrants who should be sent have been sent, and the rest have their own jobs. Common people who do not want to leave their hometown.

Mining is just a profession after all. Even if the treatment is good, not everyone wants it. Other tasks need to be done by people, so you can't get all your brains to mine.

The economy collapsed and became abnormal.

The same sentence, the population of Rock Territory is too small to meet the job demand of the giant stone collar, and it is too far away to absorb it.

The transmission of news between the civilian class is slow to death, and communication between two adjacent towns is difficult, let alone passing through an earl to work in a completely unfamiliar place, impossible .

Some people in the Rock Territory are relying on the Supreme God Temple. Although there is the Supreme God Temple in the Heavenly Fire City, the distance is too far, and the economy is developed there, and there are few unemployed people.

In addition to the predation of the bloodfiend organization, there is no extra population to migrate to the Boulder Nation.

After much deliberation, Odin found that this problem has no solution. Didn't expect the original excess iron ore production capacity to finally drag the smelting workshop back.

"What should I do...Is it left alone? It's a headache!"

I rubbed my eyes and decided to put this question aside. This is a real problem. It's useless to rely on thinking, it needs some opportunities.

"Open the light curtain and take a look, relax for a while, maybe you can find some reminder icons or the like."

With a buzzing sound, the map light curtain unfolded.

Because there are too many icons on the map, it will affect the line of sight, so all the icons that have been viewed are hidden by him, and only new icons that have not been viewed will be displayed.

There is exactly one icon representing the papermaking workshop.

Click to enter

【The incredible magic papermaking workshop covers an area of ​​20,000 square meters and is composed of various composite buildings with extremely high production capacity.

Currently, there are 300 workers and a daily output of 100,000 sheets of rice paper.

With the leading application of high-efficiency magic machine, it will set off a paper revolution on Ella continent, and the blood-free butcher will destroy all the old-fashioned. 】

Compared with simple buildings, the annotations displayed by the heart of faith in complex magic buildings are simpler, and it's only a few words to sum it up.

Maybe the data is too complicated. It takes one after another to explain the details of the entire papermaking workshop for several pages of light curtains to unfold.

After more than a month of running-in adjustment, the production capacity of the papermaking workshop has stabilized at 100,000 sheets.

This data is not something that can be achieved in just one day of construction, but 10,000 to 20,000, which is slowly increasing. Among them, Director Parrison has made hard work.

If one package is packed with one hundred rice paper, it will produce one thousand copies per day, which is not much, but just perfect.

If it expands, the cultivated forest will not be able to bear it.

After all, it has only been cultivated for a year. If the harvest is too fast, it will cause negative growth of the birch forest, so it is necessary to leave room for growth.

If you want to continue to increase production capacity in the future, you can increase the workers in the final papermaking process. The efficiency of the previous magic machine is far beyond this pure manual process.

Just be responsible for improving this artificial shortcoming, which is very convenient.

Thinking of this, the problem of shortage of manpower has come again.

Master Odin pinched off the light curtain, instead of digging into the horns, he turned to think about other things that are worthy of joy.

During this period of winter, apart from smelting workshops and papermaking workshops, which are about to become the two pillar industries of the future, there is another place worth mentioning.

That is the aspect of Saint Spirit Tower.

Speaking of which Since the completion of the Saint Spirit Tower and the establishment of the Holy Spirit Division, it has steadily developed in accordance with the system set by Odin, very calm.

Only one of the bigger moves was the [Guideer Project] made in the summer of last year, and there was a wave of learning magic in the territory.

According to the report a few days before the summer fire, the number of official members of Saint Spirit Tower increased to 95. The Guider plans to train a total of 55 apprentices, all of whom are still in the learning stage.

Just raising these one hundred and fifty magicians is enough to bring down any wealthy earl lord, let alone maintain the operation of various demon arrays and polydemon arrays above and below the Saint Spirit Tower.

The cost is so huge that it is staggering.

With the support of Master Odin's strong financial resources, Saint Spirit Tower has grown for two full years, and now it has finally seen a little bit of a rise.

The number of magician members has increased, and the four types of wizard groups have grown in size, and their strength has increased a lot.

The combat team performed very eye-catching in the annihilation battle of Asgara, with its fast casting speed, tacit teamwork, and ruthless and ruthless mannerism that almost crushed the same-level mages.

Because the combat team does this professionally, in Saint Spirit Tower, all they have to do is rigorous training day after day, meditation, and accumulation of magic power.

A combat assessment is conducted once a month. Once the hard targets are not met, they will be demoted to ordinary members and will not enjoy the high welfare benefits of the combat team.

Higher, faster and stronger are the fighting spirit of the combat group mage.

The battle strength is considerable, but in Odin's view, this is not the main one.

The path of independent research and development of magic equipment that he fancy, the alchemy team is going wider and wider.

A large number of excellent magic items stand out in the competition of various research and development squads and become the iconic output of Saint Spirit Tower. In other major cities, there is even a phenomenon that some magic equipment is in short supply.

The research has results, the results have benefits, and the benefits promote the motivation to form a strong research atmosphere and academic atmosphere. This is the production magician that Odin expects.

Research and development requires teamwork and effort.

Saint Spirit Tower provides the most suitable research environment for the alchemists under his command, and also gives them research and development motivation.

The high monthly salary and cultivation resource benefits don’t have to run for life and waste time on repetitive and meaningless mercenary tasks.

As for the so-called alchemist guild, it is no different from the mercenary guild. It also publishes various alchemy tasks for alchemists to receive, earning commissions or cultivation resources.

Researching new gadgets is something that only a few alchemists standing at the top of the alchemy guild’s pyramid will consider. The things they research often meet the needs of higher-level nobles, and it’s not too much. effect.

The Saint Spirit Tower is more pure.

In such an environment, the mages of the alchemy group can relax and work hard to develop good equipment that meets the market.

Otherwise, the Four Seas Caravan spans the half of the Human Race countries in the west. No merchandise can be obtained, and no boulders can be obtained. He has also painstakingly obtained rare seafood from the coast to give him. Enjoy.

On this basis, it is sufficient to illustrate the superiority of the Saint Spirit Tower R&D system.

In addition, under the contribution point system, there are two options for the blueprint equipment developed by the R&D team.

First, the blueprint of the developed equipment can be handed over to Saint Spirit Tower, and after the blueprint level is assessed, a large amount of contribution points will be obtained at one time.

Different levels get different contribution points, the better the blueprint, the more you get.

After receiving the contribution point, the development rights of the blueprint belong to Saint Spirit Tower. How to use it in the future and how much revenue it generates have nothing to do with the developer.

In addition to keeping blueprint secrets, developers can only develop and use them on a small scale, and must not disclose it to other forces.

More specific terms will be specified in the contract, so I won’t repeat them.

The second option is the long-term dividend model.

Members provide blueprints, Saint Spirit Tower arranges manpower, provides materials, and looks for sales channels. Every blueprint owner sold will get a certain percentage of dividends.

Because the cost and sale are on the Saint Spirit Tower side, the blueprint owner's dividend ratio is not high, and according to the blueprint level, it is between 10% and 30%.

The benefits of this approach lie in the long-term nature and certain unknowns.

If it happens to be very suitable for a certain profession or a certain purpose, it will be able to get continuous income, and it may be peak of life from then on.

In the face of unknown temptation, I am confident that blueprint will develop squad more inclined to choose the long-term dividend model, but the current choice of this method is basically 10% of the income, not more than 20%.

Odin also joined the fun, and gave the blueprint design of the lighting tube to Xia Huo, and asked her to try to make some samples and sell them to see if there is a market prospect.

The above is related to the independent research and development of squad, in addition to this, there are plans to develop squad.

As the name implies

It is a planned research and development for a certain purpose.

It does not have specific research objects like spontaneous research. For example, I want to make a wand, what elemental attribute the wand is, what quality, and what emphasis, etc., have been clear. Direction.

Then then slowly try a good combination in this direction.

But the content of the planned research is not so specific, it is very abstract, it is just a concept and a goal.

This research and development method is a fresh attempt that has never been done before, and Xiahuo is exploring it.

First, a certain senior person in the territory put forward a certain demand to Saint Spirit Tower and applied for a solution.

Then Xiahuo evaluates the demand and initially judges the completed probability and cost input.

If she feels reliable, she will let Saint Spirit Tower take the lead in arranging personnel to plan the development of squad to carry out related research.


When I wrote this, I suddenly remembered that there is a small theater of Asgara City Battle Mage that I didn’t write... it’s almost impossible.

Because the timeline has passed, it doesn't make much sense to add it. I took the time to write a special event and put it in the group at night. If you are interested, you can check it out. It is estimated that it will be posted later.

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