
Master Odin stretched a lazy waist. After the "two-three plan" was drawn up, he could not be an arm-flinging shopkeeper, the heart of faith You also need to plan here.

"Master, take a coffee break."

The nightingale maid walked into the study and brought a cup of tea with a clear fragrance on the table, smelling the aroma, let His slack spirit regained strength.

"This is the new tea? Where did it come from?"

"Yes, sir, it was a gift from Mira Elder, who was accompanying you back to the territory for the first time. According to her It’s very expensive."

"Oh~she even specially prepared a gift that time when she returned to the territory. It's so unpredictable, it tastes great."

After Nightingale left, she raised her spirits. Master Odin called out the light curtain softly.


In an instant, the light curtain stretched to half the size of the wall, and the screen showed a clear bird's-eye view of the boulder collar.

Because of the vigorous activity of residents, the range of bright areas and semi-fog areas has increased, and the whole picture looks more comfortable.

In fact, there is nothing to arrange, that is, the Power of Faith that has been accumulated for a long time is used to unlock the Divine King statue function, so as to speed up the accumulation of Power of Faith. Anyway, it is also placed.

For now, there are four Divine King statues with fully unlocked functions, all of which are inside the boulder collar.

There are nine statues left in the territory that are not activated. Outside the territory are Heavenly Fire City, Wukou Town, and the lower reaches of the river port of Wukou Town, as well as 13 of them including Morning Glory Town, Alaska City, etc. town.

All of the above means that there are still twenty-four Divine King statues left.

On the light screen display, all the 24 Divine King statues have 100% activation, and they will be unlocked using Power of Faith.

"Good guy, so much, let’s see how much Power of Faith I have, and open the faith pool."


Power of Faith: 13920

Seven-day average daily income: 233,000

Seven-day average daily consumption: 32,000

Net daily income: 201,000

Daily consumption is high, but they are all used on the blade.

Knight and magician under his command, everyday all will give them elemental energy to assist their cultivation, otherwise how could they progress so fast.

The god-given land unlocked in the entire territory also accounts for a considerable proportion.

In addition, there are also elemental concentration blessings within the boulder city that increase the chance of innate talent being born. This unlocking method is called the city of choice by Odin.

Really appropriate.

Needless to say, the source of the daily harvest. On February 18, in the towns with the Supreme God Temple, all believers add up to 300,000, and they collect as much as 23w of Power of Faith every day.

After all the temples were built in the 13th town of Wukou, the temple did not expand due to the manpower of the priests, and the hereditary territory controlled by the nobles, it is difficult to accept this thing that affects the upper-level dominance of the temple. appear.

"Well...After the first batch of regular priests of the Academy of Priests graduate, you can first popularize the unlord towns managed by the palace."

Master Odin thought about the countermeasures.

In this society with the largest aristocratic system, you must not force yourself, you must proceed slowly and steadily.

I thought about it, and finally my eyes fell on the total amount of Power of Faith.

139.2 million!

Unlocking all the functions of a Divine King statue requires 15 million points. If you do this, you can unlock nine of them and you can leave 4.2 million, which just happens to unlock all the remaining nine Divine King statues of the giant stone leader. .

"Heart of Faith! Unlock the remaining statues of the boulder collar!"

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! …

"The command has been confirmed, the target is being locked..."

"The goal has been confirmed, and Power of Faith is being mobilized..."

A total of 135 million drops of Power of Faith is the first time he has used so much in one breath after gaining the heart of faith.

crash-bang ~

The tornado sucks water, the white waves are surging, and the rushing river of faith straddles the dimensional barriers and descends over the boulder territory.

Then divide 1 to 9 and inject different Divine King statues.

"All the functions of the statue have been turned on, the unlocking is complete..."

As the last comment disappears, nine statue icons after unlocking are lit on the map, proving that these statues have started Executive function.

"Well...In this case, Power of Faith's daily income will increase again in a short time, which is not bad."

After Power of Faith is processed, it is Divine Kingdom's turn. Over there.

Divine Kingdom has nothing to say. The five Saks who became gods and guards were diligent in cultivation, observing the order of everything in the space.

They have a new body that grows very fast, they have reached the golden elementary level in only three years, and there is still a huge potential to be tapped.

As for the wall of gray fog, because it did not expand the space of the Divine Kingdom, it did not change much, maintaining considerable strength.

Seeing that there are millions of Power of Faith in his hands, Master Odin decided to strengthen the rock layer under the soil to prepare for future expansion.

When these things were done, the weather outside was getting late, and he was finally able to concentrate on dealing with the battle in the Elf Forest.

The Giant Stone Knight Group has now grown to 600 official knights, and two hundred elites have been transferred, leaving four hundred.

To maintain the security of your territory, you only need to leave a hundred enough, which means you can also draw three hundred silver knights or more to join the battle against the monsters.

The battle mage team of the Holy Spirit Mage Tower has hundreds of members, and only the strongest fifty were dispatched. The remaining battle mages are waiting for orders to the battlefield in the Saint Spirit Tower.

In addition to these available battle strengths, there are three of his familiars.

Rocky Roar·Dag

Dawn Star·Vichy

And, uh...the least ostentatious, drooling fish·big mouth.

Of course, because it lurks at the bottom of the lake all the year round, the citizens are not even aware of its existence, so Odin did not give an official name to Dazui.

But there will definitely be some in the future.

Since they are fighting monsters, Dag and Xiao Hei naturally can't let them idle. It is said that Dag ate the golden apple and worked hard with the engineering team for two years.

Originally, too fast progress led to a noticeable improvement in the somewhat vain fleshy body, from a sluggish chubby bear to a nimble chubby bear.

So Master Odin spent three days dispatching all the battle strengths that could be mobilized to the Forest of Elf to fight against the monsters, and Kunas unified the actions.

The addition of a large number of battle strengths has greatly accelerated the speed of the army's clearance of monster strongholds.

There are fewer and fewer monster strongholds close to the line of defense, and the number of monsters coming to attack also decreases accordingly. Mu Elder Lin can mobilize more Elf archers to join the Qing suppression army.

For a time, the course of the war changed from the hard defense of the Scarlet Tribe to a joint counterattack.

The corpses piled up and burned pillars of fire one after another. Even because there were too many monsters in the stronghold, one pillar of fire could continue to burn for three days and three nights.

The multiple fire pillars that existed at the same time burned through the demonic energy clouds, burning the carpet of flesh and blood and the magic tree.

Starting from the line of defense, the carpet of flesh and blood shrank day by day, revealing the original appearance of the black soil infiltrated by blood.

It is difficult to completely restore the original appearance, but this is a good start. Now you have to stick to it until you kill all the monsters in this area.

When Odin led the boulder leader 90% of the battle strength to counterattack the Black Forest, other Elf tribes were not so lucky.


Baiwu Tribe

One of the seven tribes of Elf, the strength is equivalent to that of the Crimson Tribe with the Compass of Destiny.

The Elf of this tribe is good at tame animals and possesses very superb skills in this regard. The famous Chimera perches are special buildings developed by the Baiwu tribe.

La Mansa and Mullin discussed that night, La Mansa took the other two Elders from the tribe to visit the Baiwu tribe.

The Elf Forest is an irregular ellipse surrounded by the Black Forest. In the middle of the ellipse is the ancient Holy Tree where Queen Elf is located.

The seven Elf tribes each occupy a territory around the Holy Tree, guarding the Holy Tree without interfering with each other.

The Baiwu tribe is not adjacent to the Crimson tribe, and there is a Biblade tribe in between.

It is disrespectful to cross other tribes without saying hello, and saying hello is a waste of time, so La Mansa chose to detour from a location close to the inner ring of the Holy Tree.



It looks like a lot of old Lamanshas are old and strong, traveling flexibly in the woods. Not long after, they The destination is here.


A green-tailed bird came from the top of the tree.

"hehe, Elf Elder, the scarlet tribe, came to visit Enqi Great Elder."


The bird only crowed twice and didn't move, but An Elf came out from the deep woods. His body was only as big as a thirteen-fourteen-year-old child. His face was still childish. At first glance, he knew that he was a juvenile Elf.

"Little Laqi has seen Elf Elder, three Elders, please come with me."

Said Laqi turned around and led the way.

"Uh...it's not right, here are you on guard?" La Mansa asked puzzled.

"Of course it's me."

"Your parents, it's okay to let adult Elf do it."

"They resist on the frontline What about monsters."

Little Laqi said without looking back.

La Mansha's face tightened, and he shook his head and stopped talking. The more he saw the difficulties of other tribes, the more he felt fortunate.

Perhaps to domesticate the demonic beast, the Baiwu tribe covers an area as large as one of the very best. They walked from the inside to the outside and saw several huge and strange Chimera perches. , But the Chimera above is nowhere to be seen.

There are also some shelters enclosed by fences, which are also empty.

Don't think about it, I will definitely pull to the front line to fight against the monsters.

"I hope there is a suitable riding beast, but don't die."

Ramansha secretly thought, unconsciously speeding up under her feet, and exerting her mind power. Big hand, lifted Little Kira to the ground, and led him forward quickly.

"Don't move, you come and tell me the direction."

"If you want to see Elder, you can only go to the front line now. Go straight in that direction without taking me. , I have to go back to watch."


La Mansa put down Little Kira and moved on.

Half an hour later, a group of three people saw the line of defense belonging to the Baiwu tribe.


An extremely tragic scene appeared in front of the three Elders, Elf with the corpse separated, the demonic beast with bloody battles, and the tall man who would not hesitate to block the monster with his body. Order tree spirit.

The Dryad tribe is the last card to use. You must know that the Scarlet Tribe did not order the Dryad to go to the front even during the most difficult period. Now the Dryad of the Baiwu Tribe has suffered heavy losses.

Looking at the precarious line of defense, it is obvious that this is not the time to talk about things.


La Mansa loudly shouted, waved his staff and rushed up.

boom~ boom~ …

"seventh rank ·the spring comes upon a withered tree"

"seventh rank ·Tree bound forever burial"

"seventh rank · Falling Leaves Wind Kill"

One group recovers spell, two groups kill spell, powerful magic wave rages on the battlefield.

The newly added three high-ranking Elf Elders of the earth injected new life into the endangered line of defense, and instantly reversed the battle.

"Everyone hold on! In a spurt of energy, destroy the monsters!"

La Mansa did not forget to shout a few words while casting the spell, increasing the sense of existence.

"Reinforcements! Reinforcements are coming!"

The arrival of the suspected reinforcements boosted morale. The Elf warriors of the Baiwu tribe urged their final strength and did not retreat.


After the three people in La Mansa ignored the loss of magic power and released their magic wildly, the number of monsters quickly dropped below 30%. This was the critical point for their retreat.

"The monster has retreated..."

"Defend it, the line of defense is kept!"

The surviving Elf shouted in excitement, and he could see the sun tomorrow. .

Looking at the barbarians everywhere, La Mansa is not happy. Elf Elder of the Baiwu tribe is also happy that doesn’t raise.

What if they hold on, their defensive power There is not much left, can you hold it next time, what about next time?

Looking at the three elderly Elf in front of him, Mattie couldn't help but wonder.

"I haven't seen these figures in the heroic Elf, maybe they are retired...don't care."

Although I don’t understand, it’s not the time for whispering, Ma Di wiped the black blood from his face and took the initiative to greet him.

"Thank you for the support of the three...Elf heroes, otherwise the Baiwu tribe will not be protected."

"Hehe, you misunderstood, we are not reinforcements from the royal family, we are from the Crimson Tribe Elf Elder, you don’t know me, but your Great Elder, Gerssen Jima, must know me."

"Ah~It turned out to be a distinguished guest from the Scarlet Tribe. Great Elder is in another position on the defense line. Please follow I'll come."

Matti took the three of them along the line of defense, and when they encountered the remaining monsters that had not been removed, they inevitably came to help. When they saw Gergi, the sky had arrived. evening.

After a few hurried greetings, Gergi had to wait for the arrangement to finish, and he ignored them for a while.

Stroking the potholes on the tree wall, La Mansa expressed understanding. If Odin were not there, the Scarlet Tribe would be in the same situation as them.

It wasn't until late at night that Gergi, who had counted the battle losses, found three people resting on the tree wall.

"I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting for so long."

After saying hello, Gergi turned to the other Elf beside him and said, "You go back and rest first. , Maybe there will be a monster attack tomorrow. It’s important to raise your spirits and regain your physical strength. I’ll do it here."


Everyone one after another saluted retired and left.

After a while, the surrounding air was as silent as death, and under the cold moonlight, this blood-stained tree wall defense line was like dead bones.

Gergie Elder, who looked a little blessed, leaned against the raised tree barrier and gave a wry smile:

"La Mansa, my old friend, I’m glad you can today Come to see me, I hope you didn't escape to me because the defense line was broken."

In a dangerous situation, Gergi Elder is still in the mood to joke.

"You, you, if I escape, I need to be here with you nonsense, I would have run away long ago, haha!"

Ramansha made a joke on the other hand, the wall The bad mood on the site has eased a lot.

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