the other side.

Peter Lionel and Soren Lucia sent away the distinguished guests who had temporarily invited to watch the ceremony and support the occasion, and also paid attention to the storm of public opinion on the "Rivosoth Forum".

The two were well-informed, but they were also shocked by the debate that divided them into opposing sides.

"Can you still think about things like this?"

Peter Lionel looked at Soren Lucia and asked doubtfully.


Sauron Lucia, who has devoted herself to studying, practicing, researching and fighting since she was 12 years old, could not answer.

He really doesn't understand women at all.

Even if you want to solve your physical desires, you will have to engage in a roaring battle with those witches who are also playful and can catch your eye at a glance.

I have never understood a woman's heart deeply, and I have no idea what a woman's nature and aesthetics are.

At this time, Sauron Lucia noticed Sophie Lucia in the corner with her head drooped and her mood down, like a quail.

She dropped another two spots in the family's ratings.

This is the second time her rating has dropped this year, and it's all related to that nasty bumpkin.

If she does it two more times, she will fall off the family's training list.

"Sophie, come here."

Sauron Lucia waved.

"Cousin, Wizard Peter, you are looking for me. Is there anything you need me to do?"

Sophie Lucia cheered up, walked over, and asked.

"What do you think about this?"

Sauron Lucia handed the brain to Sophie Lucia and asked.

After taking the smart brain and browsing the heated debate on the forum, Sophie Lucia understood what question her cousin was asking.

She pondered for a while and summoned up the courage to speak out what was in her heart: "Cousin, Wizard Peter, I actually feel that it is quite difficult to find something on the market that catches my eye and makes me like it very much."

After a pause, Sophie Lucia gave an example, "Take the 'Defender 3202' suit I'm wearing. It comes with a changing appearance function, but no matter how I adjust it, it looks gray from the outside. It's fluttery, ordinary and low-key. But since it has the function of changing appearance, why can't it change to be more beautiful? If it weren't for safety, I wouldn't wear this suit. It's so ugly!"

"It turns out you women really have such a mentality."

Peter Lionel let out a sigh, and then asked, "Then why no one raised an opinion? It's only today that there has been such a big disturbance. If you had fought for yourself earlier, the choice would not be as bad as it is now. Less."

Sophie Lucia was a little dissatisfied and said: "Why doesn't anyone raise their opinions? Many people raise their opinions every year. But no one listens. Even many famous witches, pharmacists and alchemists do not specialize in treating women. Awareness of designing products from perspective.”

"Then why is that?"

Sauron Lucia asked in confusion.

Sophie Lucia licked her lips several times, but she couldn't answer the question.

Yes, why is this?

Sophie Lucia was puzzled and couldn't think of an answer to this question.

"What's going on between you and Link Grande?"

Sauron Lucia suddenly changed her tone and asked a question, which really caught Sophie Lucia off guard.

"No... nothing happened, just a little conflict."

Sophie Lucia hesitated to answer, feeling a little guilty.

"Small contradiction? What kind of contradiction? Please explain it carefully."

Sauron Lucia put on an inquisitive attitude, her tone was serious, and her expressionless face was very scary.

"At once……"

Sophie Lucia had always been in awe of the cousin in front of her who was known as the best person in the Lucia family in the past fifty years. With a trembling voice, she briefly described the two "papers".

After saying that, she felt a little angry again and gritted her teeth and said, "This bumpkin is very narrow-minded. As soon as I finished sending out the 'paper' on the impact of good breeding rate, he backhandedly came up with a paper on cross-breeding, which ruined the rating of my 'paper'." It’s all gone down!”

Sauron Lucia had a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Sophie Lucia was still concerned about the rating of that "paper".

I really can’t understand the importance of it.

"I am disappointed!"

He said in an indifferent tone, "You still haven't realized the importance of the problem!"


Sophie Lucia heard something was wrong in her cousin's tone. She raised her head cautiously and glanced down, then quickly lowered her head and said, "Please give me instructions, cousin."

"When a lion fights against a rabbit, he or she knows how to try his best."

Sauron Lucia seemed to hate the fact that iron cannot become steel. She endured her disappointment and gave some advice.

“Since you are destined to offend someone when you do something, you must consider the consequences and how to deal with it.

If you can resolve your grudges, you should try your best to resolve them; if you can't, you should be wary of the other party's revenge and consider how to kill the other party. "

Pointing at Sophie Lucia's eyes, Sauron Lucia continued to point.

"Your vision is too short-sighted! Your attitude is too arrogant!

At the beginning, if you don't act condescending and the price you offer is reasonable, all subsequent troubles won't happen, and any new germination method you fancy will be exclusive to you.

After that, since you have already snatched it from someone else, you must snatch it to the end, or even kill him to avoid future troubles!

Look what you have done?


He took advantage of his authority, left evidence, was reported, and lost his position.

At this time, what you actually want to do is to give Link Grande another clue, but the experiment that has not yet yielded results is done first, and the 'paper' is published first.

Do you only have ‘thesis’ in your eyes?

The bumpkin in your mouth is a new blood from Storm Sea. He is a first-year student who already knows how to conduct research, conduct experiments, publish papers, and even report the matter before the middle of the semester!

What does this mean, what does this represent, don’t you know?

As long as you ask more of your clan members, don't regard your brothers and sisters as competitors, and refer to their opinions more often, you won't know anything!

This kind of person is a genius and a top person!

As long as he doesn't die, he can stand out no matter where he is!

If you mess with this kind of person, don't you know how to deal with it?

If we can't reconcile or win over, then we must kill him!

The sooner you kill him, the better! "

Sophie Lucia's head was filled with confusion.

Is the matter serious enough?

Sauron Lucia has very good eyesight, and he immediately saw Sophie Lucia's condition.

Thinking about the fact that the other party is still only 13 years old, he has been pampered since he was a child and has been soaked in a honey pot. He has not experienced hardships and has no awareness of this aspect. He knows that no matter how much he talks now, it is useless.

He sighed deeply.

Who makes me owe her parents two lives? I can only make up for the omissions for her.

Soren Lucia turned to her good brother Peter Lionel and asked, "If I find someone to kill Link Grande now, will it have any impact on your plan?"

Peter Lionel thought about it carefully, shook his head and said regretfully: "I'm afraid not.

The bet has been made, and Link Grande has been identified as a participant. If he is killed before the two-district competition, that guy from Paro will definitely take the opportunity to cause trouble.

You know, those old guys in the college are keeping a close eye on me and Paro, for fear that we might fight.

When Paro makes a fuss, we will be the first to take the blame, and the old guys from the college will probably get sidetracked. "

"Is that so?"

Sauron Lucia was thoughtful after hearing this.

This possibility does exist, and it is not small.

If the Percy Sage's Diamond was directly awarded to Paro by the old men at the academy because of a trivial matter, it wouldn't be worth it.

The old men in the academy are very insidious. They like to support new blood without roots and suppress the development of big local families. They can definitely do such a thing.

After thinking for a while, Sauron Lucia said: "Sophie, from now on, you are not allowed to do anything against Link Grande, even the actions you did in the arena last time."


Sophie Lucia drooped her head and replied dully.

"Keep your head up!"

Sauron Lucia shouted softly, "How dejected do you look like! Go back and reflect on yourself, don't focus on messy things, concentrate on study and practice, and be promoted to an official wizard as soon as possible. That's the business!"

"Okay, cousin."

Sophie Lucia took a deep breath, responded loudly, and then left.

She knew that her cousin was doing it for her own good, so he criticized and corrected her so sharply.

Among the other peers in the family, there are too many who want to be criticized by their cousin.


Looking at Sophie Lucia's disappearing figure around the corner, Sauron Lucia, who rarely had mood swings, sighed deeply again.

"You've had enough to worry about this cousin."

Peter Lionel saw this and tried to persuade her, "She is still young and is not sensible, let alone the sinister nature of people's hearts. The more she beats her, the better she will make progress."

Sauron Lucia did not respond directly, but called up a report from her brain.

This was a file he retrieved from the family intelligence agency when he finally had some free time when Peter Lionel was sending wizard Henry Percival alone.

The above records in detail most of what Link Grande has done in the six months since he entered Riversoth College.

Peter Lionel glanced through it quickly and immediately exclaimed: "Another Sigma Paro?"

He finally knew why that guy from Paro valued Link Grande, and it turned out that he saw his own shadow.

"more than!"

Soren Lucia pulled out three more case files, and the deceased were Enrique Bernalis, Harold Andrews and Rivers Francis.

The name "Link Grand" appeared in the three case files, but he was not identified as the murderer.

"It's quite harsh."

Peter Lionel let out a sigh, "From this aspect, he looks like that guy from Cody, he is decisive in killing. This guy can't be kept. During the competition between the two districts, he was killed!"

This is the promise that Sauron Lucia wants.

But before that, he will also arrange some rougher methods.

Test and test.

What if.

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