Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 273 Feedback that comes in advance

Four days later.

The "Yunni" arrived in the star system where the level 3 Zerg world is located.

Because of the previous encounter, we took some detours and delayed some time, arriving one day later than last time.

Although Ms. Lysandra claimed that she had cleaned up the Level 3 Zerg world and cleared out all the things that had entered.

But Shandora didn't believe this and rashly let the "Yunni" land.

The "Yunni" is still hovering in a star field that can be advanced or retreated, and this time, the micro-corps did not immediately dispatch.

Sandora first sent out a large number of reconnaissance witchcraft to conduct detailed reconnaissance of the Level 3 Zerg world.

People always have to make progress. Every time they take a step, they gain wisdom.

The 11 members of the micro-legion were each assigned a part of the reconnaissance witchcraft to control.

Link sat in the operating position, looking at the level 3 Zerg world where the terrain had undergone some changes, and doubts flashed in his heart.

For some reason, when he arrived at the level 3 Zerg world this time, Link felt something was wrong before he even landed.

What's wrong doesn't mean there's a crisis, but it feels like there's something wrong with the planet in front of me.

Last time, even if there were signs of decline, it would never be like now, like a decaying old man in his dying years.

As long as there is a little powerful attack, such as the light of annihilation, it will be wiped out.

The feeling given to Link is more similar to the broken world that was the predecessor of "Small World".

"what happened?"

Muttering to himself, Link was puzzled.

"Link, I made a discovery."

Jasmine's voice sounded in Link's heart.

This is another ability shared by the "God-Eating Insect" cubs, similar to the "spiritual link" of the True Spirit Wizard.

The prerequisite for using this ability is that Link grants access permission.

Otherwise, Jasmine would not be able to convey her voice to Link and listen to Link's voice after the link is established.

"What discovery?"

Link asked in his mind.

"The silkworm baby told me that it sensed the aura of its own race, and it was also an old 'god-eating insect'!"

Jasmine said in a faint tone.

"Elderly 'God-Eating Insect'?"

Link was shocked.

The development of the "God-Eating Insect" depends on two things, eating and sleeping.

Both of these will naturally grow over time.

Unless there are exceptions, the old "God-Eating Insect" means the strongest.

Link immediately asked: "How is your strength?"

If the strength of the old "God-Eating Insect" sensed by Silkworm Baby is not damaged, the miniature army will return this time to give it snacks.

Jasmine replied: "The silkworm baby said it is dying, with only one breath left and no ability to fight."

Link still didn't feel relieved. He thought for a moment and said, "Tell me the coordinates and I'll do some reconnaissance."


Jasmine immediately told Link the location of the old "God-Eating Insect" sensed by Silkworm.

By coincidence, it happened to fall in the area where Link was responsible for reconnaissance.

Link immediately deployed several reconnaissance witchcraft to conduct a blanket search of the area.

Sure enough, we discovered some abnormalities that we had not noticed during the initial screening.

"What's the result of everyone's reconnaissance? If there are no problems, we will land."

After Shandora ordered the tower spirit to get a higher-end protective life-support suit than last time, she clapped her hands and asked loudly.

"no problem."

"The situation is good, there are no problems."

"I think we can land."

Except for Link and Jasmine, everyone else spoke up.

Link said in a deep voice: "I found something strange here."

The team must look like a team.

Concealing the situation is not a good thing and can easily lead to mistakes.

So Link comes clean.

"What's strange?"

Sandora immediately projected the real-time image of Link operating the Waze screen onto the huge screen for everyone to see.


Link controlled the Waze brain and drew an area on the real-time image. "There seems to be a high-energy reaction here. After close inspection, it was found that there seemed to be high-level Zerg activities here."

I said this entirely to avoid exposing Jasmine’s silkworm babies.

"Intensify scanning efforts."

Sandora carefully looked at the area marked by Link for a while, confirmed that it was true, and then gave instructions to the tower spirit.


Ta Ling accepted the order and immediately mobilized the reconnaissance system of the "Yunni", all modes were turned on, and a thorough scan was carried out.

After a while, the scan results came out.

The processed image appeared on the huge screen, causing a gasp of air.

The old "God-Eating Insect", which is comparable in size to the "Yunni", lies in a cloud of dust, like a low hill, extremely inconspicuous.

At this time, the tower spirit appended the information about the "God-Eating Insect" in the database to the side of the image and gave its judgment.

The old "God-Eating Insect" is about to reach the end of its life. Although its strength is not perfect, the danger is still high.

It is recommended to kill them first and then land.

Sandora thought about it for a while, rejected the tower spirit's suggestion, and instead imprisoned him first, and then killed him if he couldn't.

However, Shandora did not "dictate", but gave full play to the spirit of democracy and asked the members for their opinions.

Link does not object to this operation, provided that the "Yunni" has the means to imprison the elderly "God-Eating Insects".

After obtaining the overall consent of the members, Sandora asked Taling to carry out the imprisonment order.

A moment later, under precise guidance, a metal cage fell from the sky, expanded and enlarged, and framed the dying old "God-Eating Insect" in it.

The old "God-Eating Insect" had no reaction at all.

They are almost dead, with only their last breath left, and they may die if they move even a little bit.

Too lazy to move.

A second more alive is a second longer.

After getting rid of the old "God-Eating Insects", there will be no obstacles in the Level 3 Zerg world that can stop the landing of the micro-legions.

Taking a shuttle, 12 people wearing high-end protective life-support suits quickly descended from the "Yuni" in outer space to the surface of the Level 3 Zerg world.

"Everyone, please note the mission route."

This time, Sandora did not control the mission route alone, but distributed it to everyone in advance.

Let the legion members have an intuitive understanding of where to go first, what to do first, where to go next, and what to do next.

It won't be like last time, taking one step, looking at one step, and not knowing the next step.

"Set off."

After everyone had seen the route, Sandora led the team and set off.

The first location is still a Zerg settlement.

This settlement is also lifeless, and no Zerg has lived in it for a long time.

Link is responsible for advance reconnaissance, elimination of danger, and vigilance, together with 6 children from the big families of the academy headquarters.

Jasmine, Lanny, Tiffany, and Fried conducted ecological research.

Under the leadership of Gerald, the other five children of the big family also chose to follow Link's command.

Either proactively or passively, Link has taken over the position of Gerald's combat team leader.

Sandora took this scene in her eyes and said nothing.

By now, Sandora has realized why she said before that she wanted to join "Freedom to Do Anything".

However, even though she knew that there were signs that her mother had intervened and it was not entirely her intention, Shandora did not choose to go back on her word.

After thinking about it, Sandora walked up to Link and whispered: "I wasn't kidding when I said I would be free to do anything before."

Link replied seriously: "I welcome you to join the 'Freedom to Do Anything', which is also not a joke."

After coming to the academy headquarters for further studies, Link and Jasmine took the time to update the "Freedom to Do Anything" constitution. From the top-level design, "Freedom to Do Anything" was publicized.

It is no longer "free to do anything" that belongs to Link alone.

There are 7 seats at the decision-making level, which are elected;

The executive level is also elected, but must be approved by the decision-making level and publicly announced;

Ordinary members are still strict about entering and leaving.

That's roughly it. There are many details, so I won't go into details.

This kind of top-level design fundamentally determines that if you want to establish a dictatorship within "freedom to do anything", it will basically not work.

If it goes too far, ordinary members will just walk away.


Shandora nodded, said nothing more, and went to inspect other places.

"How dare you accept her!"

Jerad next to him asked in surprise, "Do you know what accepting her will bring to you?"

"What's wrong with this?"

Of course, Link knew that Sandora had a special status and many people were paying attention to her every move.

There is sudden news of joining a little-known small organization. Even if this small organization is very energetic and potential, it will still cause uproar.

Many people did not dare to question Sandra, but they dared to embarrass Link Grande.

By then, what Link will face may be huge waves and endless troubles.

Thinking like this, Link showed a smile: "Let the storm come more violently."

Feeling the pride and excitement exuding from Link, Gerald was speechless.

Every super genius has his own temperament and his own pride.

Talent, hard work, strength, and character are all indispensable.

Gerald knew that he could not persuade and there was no need to persuade, so he kept his mouth shut and remained silent and alert.

Link also said nothing more.

Nearly an hour passed, and the research team completed all sampling and testing work.

There was no Zerg team to interrupt, so the sampling and testing this time was more comprehensive and in-depth than the last time.

The micro-legion quickly moved to its next destination, a small settlement where there were still sporadic Zerg activities.

The battle was about to break out and stop immediately.

The weak Zerg were unable to resist the powerful wizards who were fully armed, and they were all captured alive.

Considering the inexplicable curse and parasitism last time, no one had direct contact with the Zerg this time.

The captured Zerg were put into several different cages, and the shuttle summoned by Shandora was transported directly to the "Yun Ni".

After investigation and confirmation that there are no hidden dangers, it will be activated for various inspections, inspections, and even in vivo research.

There were still some surviving insect eggs in this small settlement, but they were not sent to the incubation pool in time, and they were also found by the micro army.

Out of the researcher's instinct, Link carefully observed these eggs, and the "small world" actually gave out a hint of throbbing and longing.

What the "small world" longs for are good things that can help it evolve.

After absorbing the core of the exhausted world, the gap in the material level of the fourth evolution has been filled.

The opportunity for the fifth evolution has not yet arrived.

Logically speaking, "Small World" is now in a state where it has been too full and has not yet digested it.

It is impossible to desire anything anymore.

But when he encountered these insect eggs, he reacted like this.

What does this mean?

It means there is something wrong with these insect eggs, something very wrong!

I saw Lani commanding the puppets to be transported, preparing to transport these insect eggs.

Link spoke up in time: "Wait a minute, don't move in a hurry. I feel like these eggs are not simple."

"What's not a simple method?"

This sentence instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Sandra asked directly.

"It's not clear yet, intuition."

Link tells the truth.

He really didn't know yet. If the "small world" hadn't been throbbing, he wouldn't have noticed any difference in these eggs.

"What needs to be done?"

Sandora asked again.

"Don't do anything for now, I'll take a look."

Link answered calmly.


Sandora was not disappointed. She directed everyone who focused their attention here to go back to their posts and perform their duties.

This freed up research space for Link.

"Let me see what's so special about you."

Squatting in front of the insect eggs, Link maximized his perception without using any equipment, and "scanned" the eggs over and over again.

At the same time, Flandre is also trying her best to communicate with the origin of the "small world", trying to figure out what it desires.

After a while, they both made a discovery at the same time.

The origin of the "small world" told Flandre that it was longing for the special radiation that it sensed last time.

Link discovered that there was an extremely subtle and extremely obscure radiation fluctuation inside the egg.

Last time, Link deduced that there may be a radiation source that promotes the evolution of the Zerg.

At that time, the Zerg individuals that were still born were exposed to radiation sources, and the evolved individuals that survived were forcibly screened out.

As a result, many settlements became deserted and lifeless.

Link had to sigh with emotion, the Zerg are so adaptable.

Direct exposure, excessive mortality?

Then start from the time when you are still in the eggs, accept the radiation source, and adapt in advance.

In this way, Zerg that are successfully born will naturally be more resistant and able to withstand exposure to radiation sources, and have a greater chance of successful evolution.

After understanding this, Link added a goal in his mind for this trip: to obtain a radiation source.

He wanted to see what would happen to the "small world" after it absorbed the radiation source.

"Needs isolation and containment."

Link stood up, told Sandora his deductions, and gave suggestions at the same time.


Shandora nodded to Lanny who was waiting aside.

Lanny immediately took out the isolation and containment device from the space storage witch, commanded the puppets to be moved, and put the eggs into the isolation and containment device one by one.

Suddenly, Link remembered the live insect egg he found among a pile of dead insect eggs last time, and asked, "What was the test result of that insect egg last time?"

Shandora replied briefly: "Dead."

Link understood immediately.

The activity of that insect egg was already very low, and if the environment suddenly changed, even if it continued to replenish its vitality, it would not be able to escape the end of death.

Since Shandora didn't mention the test results, it proved that there was nothing to mention.

The investigation of this small settlement was quickly concluded.

The miniature army packed up their belongings and set off for the next destination.

While resting in the middle, Jasmine approached Link and said from the bottom of her heart: "Link, I need to collect some specific resources, which are needed for the cultivation of mother nest seeds."

"Is the quantity large?"


Link thought for a while and replied: "I'll go find Shandora to discuss it."

Jasmine shook her head: "I'll go by myself."

After saying these words, Jasmine disconnected the link to her heart and went directly to Shandora.

Anti-eavesdropping rune wards come into play.

Even Link didn't hear clearly what Jasmine and Sandora said, let alone others.

All you could see was that Sandora's face changed, as if she was a little angry, but it was obviously not directed at Jasmine.

By the time the anti-eavesdropping rune barrier was released, Sandora's expression had returned to normal.

And Jasmine's eyes flashed with joy.


Link asked directly Jasmine who walked back to him.

"Shandora has transferred another shuttle and some mining puppets from the 'Yunni' to help me mine resources elsewhere."

Jasmine replied, "She emphasized that since she has become a member of 'Free to Do Anything', she should help the development of the organization and other members."


Link nodded and said nothing more.

Agree with Sandra to join "Freedom to Do Anything", isn't this the benefit?

It’s not just trouble!

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