The second extracurricular practice ended with laughter.

Similar to how Link completed the concept of the fire attribute cornerstone of "Small World" and took a giant flame salamander, Jasmine also took some good things from the planet that was completely covered in water.

After all the hard work, you can’t come back empty-handed, right?

Link didn't ask about Jasmine's specific gains. He only knew that Jasmine's strength had been improved to a certain extent, and that was enough.

When the two returned to the villa, they didn't think much about extracurricular practice-related matters.

In itself, extracurricular practice is just a short test used by the academy to assess the knowledge and witchcraft learned by wizards.

There is no difference in nature from weekly exams, monthly exams, midterm/final exams.

The exam is over, there is nothing worth worrying about.

After going through a lot of tossing, both of them were feeling some physical and mental fatigue.

After the meal, they drank tea and chatted for a while, then went back to their rooms to wash up, meditate, and rest.

The next day.

The two of them got up early as usual.

Even though the college thoughtfully gave all the wizards in training a day off.

Together with the weekend, there are three days in total, which can be used as you like without going to class and resting peacefully.



What is a break?

As long as people don’t die, learning will never stop!

Jasmine said she didn't need to rest, so she went straight into her laboratory and got busy with her own research and experiments.

Reversos Academy initially only trained elemental wizards with a focus on biology and medicine, but later focused on both combat and warfare.

It has developed to a certain extent. For various reasons, the academy, in addition to cultivating elemental wizards, has also incorporated the true spirit wizard training system from the advanced college stage, and encourages some talented people to become omnic wizards.

In addition, through various channels, the relevant knowledge and witchcraft of body-refining wizards are collected for those who are interested in converting to practice.

As a result, the wizards trained by the academy are not monotonous and limited;

This makes the academy's legion fully equipped and its combat power enhanced.

Only in terms of beast control wizards, the academy's knowledge reserve is seriously insufficient, with only some content below the sage level.

Although these contents are not incomplete to the point of being full of errors and omissions, they are far from complete and are not systematic at all.

If Jasmine wants to go far in her career as a beast-control wizard, in addition to collecting and purchasing relevant information and documents, she must rely more on her own research and experiments.

Not to mention the academy and others, even if Link wanted to help, he couldn't get involved.

The span of majors is too large and there are deep knowledge barriers.

Fortunately, the college's knowledge base in the biological field is extremely rich.

Although most of them cannot be directly used in the field of beast control, with the foundation, they can be better extended.

Jasmine conducts research and experiments on her own without any reference.

Link has not paid attention to the "Construction" project for more than a week.

If I have time today, of course I will go to the fairy world to understand the progress and fulfill my responsibilities.

In the name of the Selin Sage Pharmacy Teaching and Research Group, an application for using the cross-border portal was sent to the college.

After receiving permission, Link came to the fairy world through formal channels and approached the "Construction" project team jointly formed by the Medical Department and the Pharmacy Department.

What a coincidence, Sage Paro and Sage Serin are also here, about to accept the results of the first phase.

Link hadn't communicated with Sage Serin beforehand, so he really didn't know she would come today!

In other words, I didn’t know that Sage Paro would invite Sage Serin today to bring the relationship closer between the two people in the name of accepting the results of the first phase.

"You came just in time."

Seeing Link coming, Sage Paro immediately waved, "Come here and analyze the data to see if it meets your expectations."

Link approached, politely greeted Sage Serin and Sage Paro, nodded to the accompanying wizard Salosar and old man Murphy, and then got down to business.

On the huge screen of the "Construction" project team's office brain, various data reports for the first period and many test/comparison videos are neatly listed.

Not looking at the nearly 6,000 videos for the time being, Link clicked on all the data reports in order and spent more than half an hour reading them very carefully.

During this period, Sage Paro warmly entertained Sage Serin to drink tea and chat about the past, trying to arouse Sage Serin's emotions.

Wizard Salozal and Old Man Murphy did not dare to hang around in front of Sage Paro at this time. Even if they were bored, they accompanied Link to check the data throughout the process.

After browsing all the data reports, Link selected dozens of more representative videos from the nearly 6,000 videos, browsed them hastily, and compared them with his preliminary judgment.

"How's the result? Are you satisfied or satisfied?"

Old man Murphy saw that Link stopped what he was doing and stopped reading the reports and videos, and he stopped contemplating, so he immediately asked.

He behaves more actively than the wizard Salozal.

Wizard Salozal glared at old man Murphy, feeling a little unhappy.

Who is the Minister of Medical Affairs and the leader of the "Construction" project team?

Are you so eager to talk?

It’s really unseemly!

Old man Murphy ignored the resentful Shalosar wizard and stared at Link closely, expecting a reply.

"Very good, even beyond my expectation, much better than expected!"

Link didn't show off and directly stated his conclusion.

"From various aspects of data analysis, the comprehensive increase in combat power is 269.78%, which is quite astonishing.

A level 1 extraordinary fairy, after being implanted with the 'Wild Strike' suit, can completely compete with a level 2 extraordinary fairy who has not received the three items of 'sublimation', 'empowerment' and 'construction'.

This is still a one-on-one result.

If it is a large-scale battle and a group charge, the performance should be even more dazzling. "

"You think so too, then that's fine!"

Old man Murphy took a long breath, and the stone in his heart fell to the ground.

Wizard Salozal felt something was wrong.

Obviously the Medical Department is the absolute main force in the "Construction" project, why does Mr. Murphy always steal the show?

No, this bad trend must be criticized.

With a roll of his eyes, Wizard Salozal smiled and said:

"Actually, our medical department has already made a similar judgment to yours, but considering that you are the founder of the 'Construction' technology, the chief designer and special consultant of the 'Construction' project, we are waiting for you to make a final decision. Just a ruling.

Now that you have confirmed the judgment of our medical department, in my opinion, it is time to consider the launch time of the second phase. "

This sentence sounds like self-promotion. In fact, there is no content about boasting about the medical department. It is all true words.

It's just analyzing data. Which wizard above the official level doesn't know the basic skills among basic skills?

Not to mention there were two sages present.

The reason why Sage Paro asked Link to analyze the data and judge whether it met his expectations was not because of Link's ability to analyze data.

There are two reasons:

First, he wanted to take the opportunity to extend Sage Serin’s stay in the fairy world and get closer to him;

Secondly, because of his status as the founder and chief designer of Link, he has the best understanding of “construction” technology.

"Heroes think alike."

Link smiled when he heard this, and he didn't mind giving it a thumbs-up, praising the medical department for its rare lack of crotch-stretching.

Old man Murphy pretended not to realize that the "hero" in Link's words was the pharmacist of the medical department, and immediately continued: "That's right, our pharmacy department has done a great job this time..."

But before Old Murphy could finish his self-promotion, Sage Serin came over, interrupted Old Murphy, and asked Link softly: "When do you think it will be more appropriate to start the second phase of the plan?"

Sage Paro also walked to Sage Serin, looking at Link quietly, waiting for a reply.

Link pondered for a moment and replied:

“I don’t think there’s a need to rush into the second phase.

Although these current data are obtained through careful testing and comparison, the 'constructed' goblin has not been tested in actual combat after all.

I think it would be more appropriate to find an opportunity to fight a few small or medium-sized battles and test the actual combat power before advancing to the second phase.

At that time, improvements or optimizations can also be made based on the performance in actual combat. "

Sage Serin did not comment on Link's thoughts, but just looked at Sage Paro.

The Pharmacy Teaching and Research Group is only the proposer of the “Construction” technology, and the partners of the “Construction” project only need to provide technical output.

The movements of the Paro Sage Legion, especially when it comes to troop movements, still have to be decided by the Paro Sage himself.

A sense of boundaries is important.

"sure, no problem."

Sage Paro met Sage Serin's inquiring gaze, nodded, and answered in the affirmative.

Link's idea is relatively down-to-earth and not aggressive, and is more in line with Sage Paro's plan.

It just so happened that the legion received an order from the academy a few days ago and needed to mobilize some servants from the fairy world and send them to other legions.

It is extremely normal for servants of different races/professionals in different worlds to transfer each other.

The Paro Sage Legion also has many servants from other races/professions in other worlds.

It's just a good time to take this opportunity to conduct a practical test.

Sage Paro decided that the servants to be mobilized would be composed of goblins who accepted the "Construction" project and goblins who did not accept any project.

Half the same for comparison.

The decision was made, Sage Paro and Sage Serin did not stay any longer and left together.

The second phase of the plan is not in a hurry. The "Construction" project team, including the Medical Department, Pharmacy Department, and the Pharmacy Teaching and Research Team represented by Link and Renee, cannot be idle and has other things to do.

From the beginning of the project to the present, a summary of each stage and aspect must be made;

The “constructed” knowledge system needs to be sorted out again;

Some technical details require reorganizing a focused training session;

Etc., etc.

Most of Link's three days of vacation had to be spent on the "Construction" project.

After careful consideration, Link informed Wizard Salozal and Old Man Murphy to organize members of the medical department and pharmacy department to conduct self-summaries and summaries within the department.

Then tomorrow morning, there will be a plenary summary meeting.

Link himself copied a data report and video, took it back to the academy headquarters, and worked overtime to sort out the "construct" knowledge system.

Simplify where necessary, expand where necessary, and add new where necessary.

In short, it’s just one word, busy.

I was busy until Sunday evening, and finally finished all the work in the "Construction" phase of the project.

no pain no gain.

Although high-intensity busyness brings mental and physical fatigue, the rewards are also very great.

The “constructed” knowledge system has so far taken initial shape.

The two major stages of wizard apprentice and formal wizard have corresponding relatively complete designs.

The stage of wizard apprenticeship is mainly about implanting single "construct" pieces.

The comprehensive carrying capacity of the body and soul of a first-class wizard apprentice can support 1 to 3 single "constructs";

The combined carrying capacity of the body and soul of a second-class wizard apprentice can support 3 to 5 single "constructs";

The combined carrying capacity of the body and soul of a third-class wizard apprentice can support 6 to 10 single "constructs".

However, if the development potential is taken into consideration, the single pieces implanted in the early stage can be assembled into a set similar to "Wild Strike" later.

In this way, single pieces cannot be implanted at will, wasting the number of implants and occupying the comprehensive carrying capacity.

Instead, specific items should be implanted selectively and preset.

Link made theoretical estimates based on existing data and found:

A third-level wizard apprentice, if the comprehensive carrying capacity is developed to the maximum, can be implanted with 2 sets equivalent to level 1 witchcraft.

what does that mean?

This means that if Link's "Construction" technology matures further and can be promoted on a large scale, countless wizard apprentices who are eager for immediate combat power will choose to implant "Construction"!

Think about those 0-level witchcraft whose attack and defense power are incomparable to even 1-level witchcraft.

You can know that Link's guess is not outrageous.

However, after coming to this conclusion, Link felt uneasy.

This is just an improvement in the wizard apprenticeship stage.

When it comes to the official wizard stage, it becomes even more exaggerated.

Preliminary estimates:

A level 1 wizard can implant 2 to 3 sets of effects equivalent to 2nd level witchcraft;

Level 2 wizards can implant 4 to 6 sets of effects equivalent to 3rd level witchcraft;

A third-level wizard can implant 8 to 12 sets of effects equivalent to 3rd level witchcraft, or 1 to 2 sets of effects equivalent to 4th level witchcraft.

The reason why it can be deduced now is that a third-level wizard can implant a suit with the same effect as a fourth-level witchcraft, but this concept did not exist before.

It's because Link didn't understand any rules before today!

In the early hours of this morning, through the operation of "Occlumency" which can be performed once every 96 hours, I entered a wonderful meditative state and sensed the operating rules of the "solar system" in the small world of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Link successfully comprehended a trace of the rules of gravity, one of the four fundamental forces of the universe.

And I came up with the idea of ​​creating a related 4-ring witchcraft.

Link was able to make such an inference only now that he had a relatively clear intuitive understanding of the 4th Ring Witchcraft.

Looking at the inference he just made, Link felt a little numb.

He even repeated the data calculation several times until he was sure that using different models, each calculation would yield the same result.

Only then did I dare to believe my own inference.


Clicking his tongue, Link didn't know how to express his mood at the moment.

The "construction" thing seems to have gone a little astray and gone too far!

Even if Link was ambitious at the beginning, he was rushing to create a new wizard school and perfect the "construction" technology and knowledge system.

He also didn't expect that "Construction" would actually allow a third-level wizard to have sage-level combat power for a short period of time without the help of large-scale witchcraft!

"Should I celebrate, or should I have a headache?"

Link muttered to himself.

After thinking for a moment, Link decided to kick the ball out, and urgently contacted Sage Serin and made an appointment to meet in her office in the laboratory building.

"Moli, I have something urgent to go out on."

Before leaving the house, Link informed Jasmine, who had just returned to the villa, and left in a hurry.

Jasmine turned her head and glanced at Link's leaving figure, then turned and entered the restaurant to prepare for today's dinner.

Office on the top floor of the laboratory building of the Pharmacy Teaching and Research Group.

"You are so anxious to find me, what happened?"

Sage Serin saw Link walking into the office and asked directly.


Link handed over the portable smart computer.

What is displayed on the screen is Link's multiple calculation processes and calculation results.


Sage Serin quickly read the entire content and asked in surprise, "What is your estimate of the possibility of this inference actually being true?"

"More than 60%."

Link gave a more conservative probability.

In fact, Link believes that the possibility is at least 80%.

But when it came to level 4 witchcraft, Link chose to play it safe and did not make any bold statements.

"Is there any way to verify it?"

Sage Serin thought for a while and asked again.

Since Link contacted Sage Serin, he certainly had a way to verify it.

It's just that this method may not be able to be promoted based on Link's current identity and status.

He said: "There is a way, but it is more troublesome."

"What solution? What trouble?"

Sage Serin asked.

"Let me transform a 4-level witchcraft into a 'constructed' 4-level suit."

Link said what was on his mind.

Hearing this, Sage Serin suddenly looked at Link, his eyes full of surprise.

Link met Sage Serin's gaze calmly, and nodded slightly but firmly, confirming Sage Serin's guess.

Now, he can indeed learn the fourth-level witchcraft that can only be mastered by a fourth-level sage or a third-level wizard in the transformation stage.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

Sage Serin still couldn't believe it.


Link nodded again.

"That's it!"

Sage Serin let out a sigh of unknown meaning, leaned back and closed his eyes.

On the surface, I can still maintain calm, but in my heart, there are huge waves!

A second-level wizard, she could confirm that Link Grande's current mental power fluctuations and properties were still in the category of a second-level wizard.

It doesn't matter if his combat power is comparable to that of a third-level wizard. After all, the secret of Link's "small world" has been widely circulated.

However, being able to learn 4th level witchcraft is too outrageous.

Not to mention the transformation stage, a second-level wizard who is not even a third-level wizard can actually understand a trace of the rules.

Sage Serin rummaged through the history of the wizarding world that he knew, and found only a few similar secrets.

And the protagonists of these secrets are all either saints or ninth-level great sages!

Doesn't this mean that Link Grande has the appearance of a saint?

Compared with the fact that "construction" technology can allow third-level wizards to have sage-level combat power in a short period of time, this thing is really shocking, okay?

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

Opening his eyes, Sage Serin forcibly regained his composure, looked directly into Link's eyes, and solemnly emphasized, "You know that a second-level wizard can understand a trace of the rules, and you can learn a fourth-level wizard that contains some of the power of the rules. Technique, what does it mean?"

Link was stunned for a moment.

Dark under the lamp!

This is darkness under the lamp!

All he had previously thought about was "construction" and he didn't think deeply about it at all.

Only then did he react after hearing Sage Serin's reminder.


Cursing in his heart, Link didn't know what to say about himself.

Even if you have already made up your mind not to do things like pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger, the special features should be revealed when they should be revealed.

However, it is not revealed in such a way.

Fortunately, the first one to discover this was Sage Serin and not anyone else.

For example, Soren Lucia, Peter Lionel, Lysandra Diomande...

"I see."

Link, who also forced himself to remain calm, could only answer Sage Serin like this.

"Contact Dean Frist yourself and tell him about this matter. I will not be involved."

Sage Serin was a little tired. He waved his hand and gave the order to expel the guests. At the same time, he made a promise, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this, including Paro. As for the 'Construction', it can theoretically make the third-level wizard implant The effect is equivalent to the 4th level witchcraft suit. If you announce this possibility to the outside world, just say that I discovered it. Do you understand?"

"Understood, thank you Wizard Serin."

Link was grateful for Sage Serin's plan to "steal credit".

Meanwhile, Link plans to take Sage Serin's advice.

In this world where great power belongs to oneself, many unspoken secrets may become known.

What's more, what has already been said?

There are always many unexpected ways, such as inexplicable premonitions, such as voices that no one else can hear, such as mysterious prophecies, to spread the secrets spoken out.

Now that things are like this, Link can no longer be an ostrich burying his head in the sand, but must find a way to minimize the impact of possible leaks.

Seeking asylum from the immediate boss of his faction, Dean Forrester, was obviously the best choice.

"Call me sister from now on. There's no need to be too polite and appear aloof."

Sage Serin looked at Link who stood up and walked out, and suddenly said this.

"Yes, sister."

Link behaved as usual, immediately turned around and shouted, then walked out of the office.

"Tsk! None of them make people worry."

Sage Serin sighed, found all the surveillance videos in the office, and deleted all the originals + local backups.

Completely deleted and irreparable.

As a well-known pharmacist, it makes sense to install a surveillance camera in the office.

Once a theft occurs, at least there will be evidence, right?

After leaving the laboratory building, Link immediately took out the encrypted cross-border communicator and sent a communication request to Dean Forrester.

Before the communication could be connected, an irresistible force was exerted on Link.

The world changes in the blink of an eye.

Link disappeared from the spot. (End of chapter)

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