Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 294 The two images of rich and poor

Recruitment is always a two-way street.

The draftee can choose to accept it or refuse it outright.

Everything depends on the personal wishes of the recruiter, and the recruiter cannot force it.

This time, the recruitment from the strange sage Fletcher Domingo came without any warning and was an emergency.

Link didn't know anything about Sage Fletcher Domingo or this recruitment mission, so of course he couldn't make a rash decision.

Whether you accept or reject, you should be cautious and make a choice after comprehensive consideration.

After reading the recruitment notice, Link pondered for a while and decided to report the matter directly to Dean Forrester for guidance.

Instead of investigating the information about Sage Fletcher Domingo and the recruitment mission through Sandora or other channels, then make your own decision.

After all, Fletcher Domingo is a fifth-level sage. In Link's previous life, he was just a prince, unlike Sandora Diomande, whose identity is pure.

If Link chooses to accept the call directly without consulting Dean Forrester, it would be equivalent to Li Guang accepting the generalship of the local vassal king Liang Wang despite being a military general in the imperial court.

Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal.

Which superior would dare to use such a subordinate with confidence?

Link is now fledgling and needs the big tree of Dean Forest to protect him from the wind and rain.

But I don’t want to be thought of as having two minds, wavering, and treading two boats without even realizing it.

As a result, not only could we not take advantage of the shelter of the big tree to block the wind and rain, but we were hit by the branches.


Taking out the encrypted cross-border communicator, regardless of whether the time was right or not, Link directly sent a communication request to Dean Forrester.

"What's the emergency? Are you looking for me so late?"

The communication was connected, and Dean Forester's voice came from the encrypted cross-border communicator.

His tone was as calm as ever, without making people feel too stressed.

However, Link knew in his heart that if he couldn't give a good reason, there would be no other punishment, and the top tea leaves would be much less.

"Dean, I just received a call from a fifth-level sage named Fletcher Domingo. I don't know how to deal with it now. I would like to hear your suggestions."

Link quickly made a truthful report.

"Fletcher Domingo?"

Dean Forrester asked in confusion, "Why did he think of recruiting you? Where did he learn about you? What does he want to recruit you for? Just wait a moment and I'll check."

With that said, Dean Forrester put the cross-border communication on hold for the time being.

Then, through some channels, learn about Fletcher Domingo Sage’s recent developments and arrangements for the coming period.

As the dean of the Junior College and the Senior College of Riversouth College, Forester Diomande sometimes does not understand some things about the college headquarters in a timely manner when he is in the local area.

Just like this time, Dean Forrester was not clear about the fact that Sage Fletcher Domingo, who had returned from the front line to rest at the academy headquarters, served as the leader of the assessment team for the second extracurricular practical activity for advanced wizards.

Therefore, it is unknown that Sage Fletcher Domingo paid more attention to Link Grande under the guidance of Ms. Lysandra.

Little did he know that Link's many performances had successfully aroused the curiosity of Sage Fletcher Domingo.

This recruitment was sent to Link immediately after Fletcher officially received the mission from the academy.

Within a moment, Dean Forrester found out the ins and outs of Link's unexpected incident and was a little speechless.

The task of sniping a team returning from pioneering in another world in Shadow City was assigned by Forrest himself.

The purpose is very simple, which is to cooperate with a strategy he is presiding over, release some smoke bombs, and confuse some people and forces.

The foreign pioneering team in Shadow City, apart from a fifth-level sage who is responsible for the team's safety, all team members are first- and second-level wizards.

Let alone a fourth-level sage, there is not even a third-level wizard.

Based on the principle of equal competition, Riversoth College could only send out first-level wizards and second-level wizards except Fletcher Domingo, a fifth-level sage.

The number of people must be consistent with the otherworld pioneering team of Shadow City.

In this way, even if the incident of sniping at the alien pioneering team in Shadow City is exposed, Reversoth College will not fall into passive public opinion.

Logically speaking, as the task issuer, Dean Frist must follow up the entire process, even if it is just to understand the progress of the task.

It's just that he has a lot of things to be busy with, so he entrusted this not very important task to several departments of the college headquarters for execution.

There were some things that delayed the time today, and Dean Frist has not checked the progress receipts of various tasks.

Therefore, they did not learn in time that Sage Fletcher Domingo was selected to lead the team that sniped at the alien world in Shadow City, and that the recruitment notice was directly sent to Link Grande.

As for the reason why Sage Fletcher Domingo recruited Link Grande in the first place, Dean Forrester also figured it out and was even more speechless.

There are actually signs that my second sister, Ms. Lysandra, is involved.

What kind of trouble is this?

Are you bored?

trouble making!

"You accept the call."

Dean Forrester resumed communication with Link and said, "Actually, even if Domingo doesn't recruit you, you have already entered the sniper team list. Whether Domingo recruits you or not, it doesn't matter."

If you think about it carefully, how could the departments at the academy headquarters that were entrusted by Dean Forrester ignore Link when selecting members of the sniper team?

This is a monster that has been publicly recognized by more than one sage, including Dean Forrester, as having combat power comparable to that of a third-level wizard.

Of course, make full use of it.

"Okay, Dean."

Link agreed at first, and then asked, "In the recruitment notice, the description of the mission details is somewhat unclear. Dean, can you reveal some inside information to me?"

Upon hearing this, Dean Frist asked seriously: "Can you strictly keep it a secret?"

"I can!"

Link's heart thumped, feeling something bad, but he had to respond loudly and affirmatively.

"Really? I can do that too."

Sure enough, Dean Frist replied lightly and hung up the cross-border communication.

Putting down the encrypted cross-border communicator, Link picked up his portable computer, clicked on the recruitment notice again, and chose to accept it.

Dean Forrester did not disclose the inside story of this recruitment mission, which does not mean that Link will stop his efforts to collect information.

He first looked up Fletcher Domingo's specific information through the academy's public information, and roughly understood the opponent's personality, style, command ability and fighting style.

Afterwards, I contacted Sandora Diomande, hoping to learn more specific information about Fletcher Domingo through her connections and channels.

Shandora's reply was very quick and concise, just one sentence:

Fletcher Domingo is a straightforward man, not understanding the world, brave in battle, indifferent to others, and considerate of his subordinates.

This evaluation is not very good, but it is not bad either.

If true, then it might not be difficult to get along with Sage Fletcher Domingo.

the other side.

After Dean Forrester hung up the call, he left the office, traveled through the starry sky, and directly found his second sister, Lysandra, who was leisurely and contented.

"What do you want to do again? Didn't it just stop for a few days? Can you stop causing trouble all the time, second sister!"

Facing the second sister who always went her own way and was willful, Dean Forrester's expression showed deep helplessness.

"What did I do again?"

Lissandra looked directly into Forrest's eyes and said calmly, "What did I do wrong again?"

Dean Frist opened and closed his lips several times, but was speechless.

Is this something of a right or wrong nature?

This thing is of no necessary nature!

Taking a deep breath, Dean Frist asked: "How did he make you unhappy and make you want to torment him again?"

"He didn't mess with me!"

Lissandra curled her lips and said faintly, "But why is Sandra just a branch general manager and vice president? There is a president over her head?"


Dean Frist was immediately speechless and didn't know what to say.

The little ones are having a little fuss, so naturally the little ones will make the fuss on their own.

You, a dignified sixth-level sage, why do you want to interfere in this?

Dean Forrester had no choice but to leave directly, too lazy to continue "invoking troops to prosecute".

He thought that his second sister was going to arrange another ambush incident, similar to the last one, so he hurriedly came to stop it.

In the end, after working for a long time, he just wanted to use this method to torment others and settle the injustice for his daughter?

More than outrageous!

It’s simply outrageous!

Ms. Lysandra ignored this episode and continued to taste the Pu'er + tangerine peel tea soup.

Apart from anything else, the tea leaves and tea drinks developed by Link Grande are indeed good.

Academy headquarters world.

Villa, study room.

After Link agreed to be recruited, he received another notification.

Click on it and you will see the time and place where the team will gather.

The team's gathering time was ten days later, but the mission was to be carried out two weeks later, which surprised Link.

Generally speaking, this kind of temporary team recruitment task will not have a long buffer time.

This time, however, I had plenty of resources and could prepare calmly.

It doesn't look like a temporary mission at all, but more like a long-planned action.

After reading the notice, Link stopped paying attention to the recruitment mission, left the study, and went back to the bedroom to rest.

Next week.

Link and Jasmine resumed their normal class rhythm.

Until the weekend comes.

The actual feedback from the first phase of the "Construction" project is not that fast, so there is no need to go to the fairy world.

Because he had to take time off to carry out the recruitment mission, Link did not conduct long-term research and experiments, so he did not need to go to his own laboratory.

After Sage Serin learned that Link was going on a mission, he reduced Link's workload and stopped going to the laboratory building.

So, at the weekend, Link unexpectedly found that he had two more days at his disposal.

After watching Jasmine drive away from the villa, she went to her own laboratory to conduct research and experiments related to beast control wizards.

Link was actually a little idle.

After thinking about it, Link applied to the academy and decided to take this opportunity to return to the wizarding world.

Christina's daughter has been entrusted to Link for quite some time.

He has been fostered in the home of Asander Cornet and Renee Clark.

Link hasn't gone to see it in person yet, which is really a bit regretful.

With the approval of the academy, Link immediately drove to the cross-border portal and returned to his homeland.

On the way, Link informed Asander that he was going to visit Christina's daughter.

"Link, why didn't you tell me in advance when you came back?"

Assand made a video call and asked in confusion.

Link explained: "I didn't know before that I would have time this weekend. It was a last-minute decision without making any schedule."

"Okay, you come directly to the headquarters. I brought Garona here."

Asander said this without further delving into Link's temporary decision.

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

After hanging up the communication, Link discovered something very speechless.

Christina's daughter's name was Garona, and he didn't even know whether it was Christina who gave it to her, or whether it was Assander and Renee who gave it to her.

Obviously, he and Renee are jointly responsible for the cooperation between the Selin Sage Pharmacy Teaching and Research Group and the Paro Sage Legion, so they have a lot of time to communicate.

After complaining to himself in his heart, Link came to the "Freedom to Do Anything" headquarters.

"Hello, boss!"

The welcome team that Asander temporarily organized was not large in number, but it was full of energy in saluting and greeting.

"Okay, hello everyone!"

Link waved in response, and then, accompanied by Asander, spent some time chatting with the members who came to welcome him back.

After a brief exchange with everyone, no one was left behind, and the rain and dew were all wet, Link just let the members disperse and do their own things.

"What are you doing this for? It's too vain!"

On the way to the general manager's office, Link couldn't help but give a reminder, "I think we shouldn't do this kind of scene work like today in the future."


Assand agreed simply.

In fact, he didn't want to engage in such nonsense.

However, before getting a clear statement from Link, he had to do it once or twice.

This was used to test Link's views and attitude towards this kind of thing.

"Where's Garona?"

Link did not make the atmosphere tense. After mentioning it, he pretended that it had not happened and asked instead, "How is she doing? Is there anything unusual?"

After learning that Asander and Renee decided to adopt Christina's daughter, Link sent them all the details of Christina's mother and daughter, excluding the private parts.

Asander naturally knew that the abnormal behavior Link was asking about was the connection between Garona's soul and body, and whether her personality was affected by the blood of the demon snake.

He immediately replied: "No, everything is fine."

"Ah That's good."

Link nodded.

The general manager's office arrived at this time, and the door was open.

As soon as he entered the door, Link saw Garona crawling around on the floor and moving constantly.

Heading up, turning over, sitting, crawling, standing, walking, the baby's movement development sequence.

Garona has climbed smoothly, standing very close and walking not far.

"Ah! Ah!"

When Garona saw Link, she immediately opened her mouth and shouted.

There was also a look of longing for closeness in his eyes.


Link was confused.

What was going on? Why did Garona, who had never seen him before, behave like this?

He occasionally heard Jasmine mention that Asander and Renee had always felt that Garona was too quiet and not lively enough.

I thought of many ways to tease Garona and release her nature.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Garona had already turned around and crawled towards Link.

He quickly crawled to Link's feet.

"Ah! Ah!"

Garona called, tugging at Link's trousers with both hands, looking like she wanted to hug him.


Link bent down and carefully picked up Garona.


Garona immediately hugged Link's neck tightly with her hands, resting her head on Link's shoulder, with a happy smile on her face.

"Oh! My heart is so sad!"

Assand looked at this scene, his tone was a little sour, "I have taken Garona for so long, but it is not as good as the first time you came to see her!"

"Ah! Ah!"

Before Link could respond, Garona seemed to understand Assandre's words.

She raised her head, released one hand, and waved towards Assander.

It seems to be saying, don't be jealous, Garona still loves you.

This greedy look of both wanting and wanting successfully made Asande laugh.

What is Link doing now?

He was carefully sensing the specific situation of Garona's soul and body, and had already made a rather startling discovery.

In order to prevent his perception from being wrong, Link checked it several times.

"Link, what's wrong?"

Asander sensed the fluctuations of mental power and magic power in Link's body and immediately asked, "Is there something wrong with Garona?"

"no problem."

Link shook his head, "Good thing!"

"What good thing?"

Assand continued to ask.

"Renee told you about the 'Construct' I created?"

Link didn't answer directly, but asked a question.

"I took the initiative to learn more about it myself."

Assand replied, his words were quite cautious.

Link smiled and said, "Garona is naturally suitable for implanting a 'construct', and her overall carrying capacity far exceeds that of others."

"Is it okay to be so young?"

Assand let out an exclamation, and then solemnly said, "It's better not to give it up."

It is not a good thing for a child to dance with a machete.

Garona itself had problems due to the influence of the Shadow Demonic Serpent's bloodline.

If it weren't for the joint research of Link and Sage Serin, it's another question whether it would have been born, let alone not died in infancy and thrived.

Now, in order to suppress the negative impact of the Shadow Serpent's bloodline on the soul, the connection between Garona's soul and body is very special.

The soul is like a kite that is flown very high and far away, and the connection with the physical body is the thin thread. If something unexpected happens, it may be broken.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything random."

Link explained, "First of all, we need to design one or several suits suitable for Garona. Secondly, I have a hunch that after implanting the suit, Garona's soul will not have to worry about being affected by the blood of the Shadow Serpent."

"Are you sure? Are you very sure?"

Concern leads to chaos.

Asande has not been raising Garona for a long time, but he really loves this little baby girl.

At this moment, I even got a little confused and asked a relatively novice question.

"Yes, and it's big."

Link saw this and gave a very positive reply.

Taking a deep breath, Assand calmed down his chaotic mood, regained his composure, and sighed: "Oh! I said something stupid!"


Link in turn comforted Asander.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Perhaps sensing the sudden rise and fall of Asander's mood, Garona shouted and opened her hands towards Asander.

At the same time, her upper body reached forward, wanting Assander to hug her.

Asander immediately reached out and took Garona from Link's arms.


Garona hugged Asander's arms, stretched out her right hand, touched Asander's eyes, and wiped them gently.

I don’t know what she is wiping.


Looking at this scene, Link sighed.

Christina entrusted her daughter Garona to him, and he "passed it over" to Assander and Renee for adoption. After all, he did not regret Christina's entrustment.


He stayed in the general manager's office and teased Garona with Asander for a long time, until Garona yawned greatly and slowly fell asleep.

Link just left to chat with the backbones of the Friends Group, the Social Terrorism Group and the Third Echelon.

This time he returned to the wizarding world because Link wanted to take a look at Christina's daughter.

After reading it, it is natural to deepen the relationship with your direct relatives.

After chatting for a long time, answering some questions, and then having a lunch at my villa in the North District, it can be said that everything was covered.

It was an impromptu but relatively successful team-building activity.

After the meal, the backbone members of the third echelon were very discerning and took the initiative to say goodbye and leave, leaving space for Link, the Friends Group, and the Social Terrorism Group.

"Boss, what do you think of them?"

After the key members left, Buck immediately couldn't hold himself back and asked.

"good, very good."

Link was not stingy with his praise at all, and then changed the subject and asked, "Are your resources in all aspects sufficient?"

Without thinking, Buck opened his mouth to answer.

Linn, who was sitting next to him, stretched out his hand to cover Buck's mouth to stop him from talking, and then asked seriously: "Is the boss at the headquarters short of manpower?"

Link didn't hide anything and said directly: "I hope to move the 'Freedom to Do Anything' headquarters there as soon as possible."


With a solemn look on his face, Lin En said solemnly, "Don't worry, boss, we will not fall behind in our training progress. We will be promoted to level two wizards as soon as possible."

Link waved his hand and said with a smile: "I don't mean to rush you. You still have to practice slowly and steadily, don't be too anxious."

After a pause, Link emphasized: "I'm just asking if your resources are enough. If not, just ask your eldest sister and get it from my magic stone."

"Thank you for your concern, boss. We have enough resources."

Looking at each other, the Friendship Group and the Social Terrorism Group replied in unison.

Over the years, they have benefited from the big boss a lot, and relied on their relationship with the big boss to make a lot of magic stones.

They also know that as the stalls get bigger and bigger, the financial pressure will become greater despite the big boss’s income.

Why do you have the nerve to reach out and get the magic stone from the boss again?

They accidentally heard the eldest sister say what the big brother's most common emotion was for a period of time.

Therefore, both the Friendship Group and the Social Terrorism Group clearly know one fact.

That is, despite the fact that the big boss has opened up three sources of wealth: potions, tea drinks and tea leaves, magic stones are flowing into his pockets.

In fact, while the boss is very rich...

Very poor! (End of chapter)

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