"Just this once."

In the command hall of the fifth-level Star Destroyer Fortress, Link warned himself after withdrawing.

The actual combat drill of Plan Zero cannot be conducted too many times.

Otherwise, Grande Sage Legion will become path dependent.

The legion commander has taken the lead in charging into battle more times. It is very likely that he will encounter a slightly stronger enemy, so he will activate Plan Zero.

Link's role is that of commander, not vanguard.

Members of the Staff Office, Intelligence Office, Inspection Office, Training Office and other functional departments all looked at Link with admiration in their eyes, their admiration beyond words.

They joined the Grand Sage Legion because of Link Grand Sage's reputation as a genius.

Pharmacy, alchemy, training speed, and combat power beyond his peers, these four together constitute Link's name as a super super super genius.

These wizards have always heard of and witnessed the first three.

The last item, although Link has had several outstanding performances at the third level wizard level and below, is indeed worthy of the name.

But what will happen after being promoted to a sage?

There is a huge difference between a sage wizard and a formal wizard.

Even if the Supreme Council's record is widely circulated, it is not very strong evidence.

After this battle, all members of the Grand Sage Legion returned home, at least no one wanted to change jobs.

On the battlefield, the Grande Sage Legion completely gained the upper hand and chased after the defeated Abyss Demon Army.

How to fight a war of annihilation, how to fight a pursuit war, and how to clean the battlefield, the Grand Sage Legion has formulated relevant plans.

At this stage of the battle, Link does not need to do much micro-control. He only needs to sit in the Star Destroyer Fortress and support the legion.

It took three days to annihilate, pursue, clean the battlefield, and seize the loot.

After that comes a month of rest, experience summarization, target improvement, assault drills, and digestion of spoils.

The world of the abyss may be the "iron brother" of the wizarding world.

There are too many first middle and low-level civilized worlds conquered by new sages, and they have grown fertile and developed with the generous gifts from the abyss world.

The water world here is no exception.

After being nourished by the two abyss demon legions, the World Academy has grown significantly.

Given time, it is not impossible to raise the upper limit of transcendence to level five sage.

But Link can't be so concerned about the water world here.

In terms of output, it is not as good as the two resource-based worlds presented by Sage Rosenthal.

Not to mention the world of servants and soldiers.

Link was thinking about selling this water world to the academy, or selling it to wizards in need through the academy.

Link discussed this matter with Jasmine.

Jasmine agreed with Link's handling method, and then suggested that Link talk to Dean Forester first.

Coincidentally, Riversoth College has been taking advantage of the internal fighting in the City of Shadows to do something recently.

However, neither the inside of the college nor the outside world is very clear about what the college has done.

Link can take advantage of the opportunity to go to the dean to inquire about the situation.

This matter has no meaning to Link himself or the Grand Sage Legion.

There are also people who have a great influence on the development of the Grande family's industry.

To expand the industry, there are only two fronts: internal and external.

There are so many big families in Reversos College, and the internal market is already approaching saturation.

It is better to take the foreign trade route, which is more suitable for the Grande family.

Special potions, special alchemy products, and structures are Jasmine’s chosen flagship products.

Especially the build.

The influence of Christina's last extreme escape from a third-level wizard in Shadow City caused a great sensation after brewing.

The "Shadow Annihilation" special suit that allowed Christina to assassinate a third-level wizard without dying with the strength of a senior first-level wizard made her famous.

Although he is only a senior first-level wizard, he usually has a combat power above the average level of a second-level wizard. After his vitality explodes, he can even briefly compete with a third-level wizard.

Even if you can't beat him, you can escape being killed instantly.

Such a good thing, of course wizards will pay attention to it.

Soon, "Freedom to Do Anything", a small organization within Riversouth College, emerged.

Not to mention the wizards in "Freedom to Do Anything", not to mention each one has a "construct", at least six out of ten have "constructs" implanted in them.

This is because Link doesn't have that much time. If he has time, he will upgrade the version 1.0 "construction" of the "Free to Do Anything" members to version 1.5.

Then, the Goblin Servant Corps, a construct of the Paro Sage Legion, was discovered. The prices increased and sales increased significantly.

By this time, the identity of the founder of "Construction" could no longer be hidden.

Link Grande, a super super genius wizard who has entered the sight of major wizarding forces many times with different identities, this time, caused an even greater sensation as the founder of "Construct".

There is no shortage of discerning people in the wizarding world.

"Construct" has the potential to open up a new genre, and many wizards have seen it.

The wizards didn't think that Link Grande wouldn't think of this.

So, here comes the problem.

Has the Construct Wizard genre been created?

What is the theoretical upper limit?

Did Link Grand change his major?

Was he promoted to Sage as a Construct Wizard?

Jasmine believes that if Dean Forrester agrees, Link can export some 1.0 "constructs" to the City of Shadows to prepare for the official promotion of the Construct Wizard genre in the future.

After careful consideration, Link generally agreed with Jasmine's suggestion.

After resting, the Grande Sage Legion broke out of camp and returned in triumph.

After preliminary communication with Dean Frist, Link reached a sales agreement with the college.

The fertile water world was obtained here and sold for a good price.

After evaluation, the output of the water world here is approximately worth 2 standard level 3 magic stones per quarter, which is 8 standard level 3 magic stones per year.

According to the market standards of the wizarding world, the selling price of an undeveloped resource-based world = annual output value * 40 years.

With this algorithm, the seller certainly doesn’t lose money, but he doesn’t make a profit either.

Because the buyer still has to invest time and resources to develop the purchased resource-based world, the price cannot be too high.

But for Link, 320 pieces of standard level three magic stones is already a very good price.

The krypton gold card drawing system requires 10 standard third-level magic stones and 100 standard third-level magic stones for the next two card drawings.

After drawing twice, there are still 210 standard third-level magic stones left, which can be used to expand the Grand family's industry and maintain the Grand Sage Army.

Leading the Grand Sage Legion back to the station arranged by the academy, Link issued an order to disband.

The ten-day paid leave made the Legion extremely excited.

It would be more satisfying than defeating two abyss demon legions without any loss.

There is no way, the legion commander's performance is too dazzling, the three main regiments, the guard regiment, and even the servant regiment just need to expand the results.

There is really no room for improvement.

"Jasmine, come quickly!"

Link reported to the academy, received approval, and immediately returned to his native Riversouth City, his villa in the North District.

As soon as he entered the door, Link pulled Jasmine towards the study on the second floor.

That anxious look made Jasmine look forward to what was going to happen next.

The tire is stable.


The scene reappears.

Link actually just held her and took a deep breath.


Jasmine waited for Link to finish breathing, then stepped on her weird husband hard and walked out of the study proudly.

Just wait.

It's not dark yet.

Waiting until the dead of night, I will let you know the power of a young woman who knows the taste of food, but has held it in for three months!

Link shuddered as his premonition was triggered.

He had a bad feeling, but he didn't quite know what was wrong.

Anyway, it’s not life-threatening.

The situation has undergone major changes that have not happened in thousands of years. Jasmine Kidman has stepped on the trend and is now a third-level wizard.

This improvement rate is faster than that of Lanny Taylor, who has a fifth-level qualification.

Opportunity is so unreasonable.

During the trip to the north, exchanges and learning, Jasmine's natal spiritual beast, the God-Eating Insect, benefited greatly, and its development progress was greatly advanced, entering the growth stage.

The two major characteristics of the God-Eating Insect are concealment and prediction.

It was the hidden characteristics shared by the God-Eating Insects with Jasmine that made Link's premonition blurry.

"Let's take a step and see."

After Link vaguely realized that the source of the trouble was Jasmine, he gave up his prying eyes.

He took a deep breath and called out the system with a thought.

This time, can you understand the essence of the one- or two-krypton gold card drawing system?

At one time, Link also thought that the system might be related to the Saint of Nostrodam.

"Draw a card."

Putting aside distracting thoughts, Link drank softly in his heart.

110 standard third-level magic stones disappeared in a way that Link, who became a fourth-level sage, could not catch.

On the unpretentious panel, the content changed.

【Link Grande

Wizard Qualifications: Unknown, affinity to all elements

Wizard Level: Level 4 Sage;

Level 0 witchcraft: (omitted)

Native build: Warframe (4th ring) (loadable module)

1st level witchcraft: (omitted)

2nd Ring Witchcraft: (omitted)

3rd Ring Witchcraft: (omitted)

Level 4 Witchcraft: Repulse Gravitational Field (Mastery), Return to Laixi (Creation Completed)

Status: Unknown bond

Card pack: "Twin" contract card, talent sharing card, talent fusion card

Used: "Alchemy Specialization" talent card, "Witchcraft Specialization" talent card, "Material Specialization" talent card

Number of card draws: 0 (1 standard level 4 magic stone)]

Two consecutive draws, but no big explosion.

The krypton gold card drawing system is still the same.

Link also did not see the operating mechanism of the system, let alone the essence of the system.

There are three items worth noting on the panel, namely "Status", "Talent Sharing Card", and "Talent Fusion Card".

As for the 4-ring witchcraft "Return and Come Back", it was just the name given to Link's self-created teleportation witchcraft due to his youthful problems in his previous life.

The so-called state of unknown bonds has actually existed since the world of human immortality and martial arts.

If Link guessed correctly, it was the "karma" created after killing the Holy Mother of White Lotus with the two imitation seals given by Heavenly Master Xu Jing.

The effect of the "Talent Sharing Card" is that Link can share one of his talents with a designated person.

The effect of the "Talent Fusion Card" is to fuse two talents.

After careful consideration, Link chose to fuse the "Alchemy Talent" and the "Witchcraft Talent".

In fact, "alchemy talent" and "material talent" are the most suitable combination in theory.

But Link had his own considerations.

The Construct Wizard genre was essentially created, with the theoretical upper limit reaching the Great Sage level.

However, in order to reach this theoretical upper limit, or even push it higher, Link must accumulate more.

This accumulation includes but is not limited to knowledge, resources and talents.

The "Construction" of version 1.0 can essentially be understood as alternative alchemy or novel witchcraft.

Therefore, Link wanted to see if the product of the fusion of "Alchemy Talent" and "Witchcraft Talent" could help develop the Construct Wizard genre.

After a while, the fusion ended.

A brand new talent appeared, and Link couldn't help but look weird.

"Alchemy talent" + "Witchcraft talent" = "Mysterious talent"!

This result made Link's mood extremely complicated.

Is it possible that the krypton gold card drawing system is really related to the extinct mysterious wizard saint Nostromo?

In this case, what does it mean that the wizarding world favored the "Occlumency" and "Multi-threaded Thinking" status cards that were once taken away from the system?

Link thought for a while, but didn't come up with any useful results, so he simply didn't think about it.

There are too many lice and they are not itchy.

Anyway, he already carries the "karma" with Master Xu Jing of the parallel universe, so he won't be in a hurry to get rid of the resurrection backhand left by the Saint of Nostrodam like before.

Just focus on the present and focus on improving yourself.

If he can become a saint one day, these things will not be a concern.

The person to use the "Talent Sharing Card" is of course Jasmine, who has become his wife.


It's quiet at night.

Jasmine showed off her feminine power and wanted to vent her anger as she was teased for nothing during the day.

Link had just finished a victorious battle with plundering and plundering, and decided to change his tactics, focusing on back and forth. The emphasis was on being as slow as a forest and as motionless as a mountain.

After a long and fierce battle, it finally ended with Jasmine withdrawing her troops and begging for mercy.

After consolidating his family status, Link did not forget about business and shared the fused "mysterious talent" with Jasmine.

Immediately, Link remembered that the "Twin Contract Card" he got from the last draw had not been used yet.

Just give it to Jasmine together.

After using it conveniently, Link recalled the function of the "Twin" contract card.

After using the "Twin" contract card, Link can designate one person to temporarily sign a "Twin" contract with them.

The effective scope of the contract is the coverage area of ​​Link's mental power.

The duration changes depending on how much spiritual power Link injects when using the Contract Card.

During the period and scope of the "twin" contract, Link and the person who signed the contract live and die together, and can change shapes at will.

In order to extend the duration of the contract as much as possible, Link injected most of his spiritual power at once.

"Jasmine, you are so happy."

Suddenly, Link hugged the panting Jasmine and suddenly spoke out.

"How to say?"

Jasmine rested her head on Link's right arm and asked lazily.

"Because you can always get hundreds of millions of gains!" (End of this chapter)

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