Doing things requires discipline.

Reversoth College is inclined to agree to the request of the Archmagos Tower of Michael mission.

Link Grande also agreed to come forward and negotiate with Cowell Ludwell, the sixth-level sage.

However, there is no rush.

One story is that Link's wedding is almost ready and will be held soon;

Secondly, it is impossible for Reversos College to eagerly agree to the request after the mission from the Tower of the Great Sage Michael.

In that case, it would appear that Reversoth College's status is lower than that of Michel's Tower of the Great Sage.

Since a long time ago, Michael's Tower of the Great Sage has been no longer qualified to talk to Riversoth College from a position of strength.

Putting aside these irrelevant matters, Link and Jasmine's wedding started in a low-key manner.

Link didn't invite too many guests, and it wasn't as grand as the wedding of Asander Cornet and Renee Clark.

I just invited Sage Paro, Sage Serin, Sage Cody, members of "Freedom to Do Anything", old man Murphy and Polo Salozal.

Dean Forrester received the invitation, but did not attend in person and only sent gifts.

Such distance control is just right.

There were enough looks gathering on Link.

If Dean Forrester were to attend Link and Jasmine's wedding in person, he would probably put Link at the forefront of public opinion again.

The wedding went very smoothly, and no unsightly person jumped out to cause trouble.

However, there are many comments on the River South forum about witches envying Jasmine Kidman.

The experiences of Link and Jasmine have basically been revealed.

The most eye-catching thing, the most enviable thing is that Jasmine Kidman's wizard qualifications are actually quite poor, but she "became" the Grand Sage, allowing her to win from the starting line.

In the eyes of many witches, Sage Link Grande was a nerdy academic who only knew how to study, while Jasmine Kidman was a pot of green tea that had already been brewed.

Taking advantage of the convenience of being on a first-come-first-served basis near the water, Green Tea gave full play to its tea skills and hooked up with the Grand Sage step by step.

In this way, Jasmine Kidman was able to become a third-level wizard so quickly with the resources and help she received from Grand Sage.

It's earlier than Lanie Taylor, who has the fifth-level qualification in the same class, and it's faster than most geniuses who have the fifth-level qualification in the past.

The scope is enlarged to the entire wizarding world. Among the younger generation of wizards under the age of 25, the two sages Link and Iris Clark are comparable to the top geniuses of the top wizarding forces.

That is, those who were shortlisted for two screenings related to parallel universes by the Supreme Council.

After the wedding, Lanny Taylor learned about the news on the forum and was speechless.

Those witches who pretend to "sympathize" with Lanny Taylor are more sinister and filthy than the last.

I was jealous and wanted to slander Jasmine Kidman, but instead used her as a weapon.

Lanny Taylor named the witches who danced the most happily and decided to settle accounts with them one by one after she was promoted to a third-level wizard.

"When are you going to be promoted to level three wizard?"

After leaving Link and Jasmine's new home and returning to the academy's home world, Tiffany saw Lanie's behavior and couldn't help but ask.

A major change that had not happened in thousands of years completely came after the Wizarding World sent a five-person mission to the parallel universe.

Throughout the wizarding world, the cultivation speed of wizards below the Great Sage level is accelerating.

In the past, it took twenty or thirty years to be promoted to a sage. If you are talented enough and have enough opportunities, it may only take seven or eight years now.

Lanie Taylor's progress in spiritual practice is actually not slow at all.

If she hadn't taken more time to move forward more steadily, she could actually take advantage of the great changes and rely on the resources of the Diomande family to become a third-level wizard before Jasmine.

Just choose differently.

Thinking of this, Lanny Taylor smiled and said, "Just today! Just today!"

After the words fell, a mysterious wave appeared on Lanny Taylor's body, and her whole aura suddenly changed.

In Tiffany's eyes, it was like a river flowing upstream from a low-lying place, up a high cliff, and suddenly became a broad river.

This scene made Tiffany delicious.

She also has a fifth-level qualification and has practiced for two more years than Lanie Taylor. As a result...

She was promoted only two days earlier than Lanie Taylor.

But soon, Tiffany adjusted her mood.

The two of them followed Shandora, who was looking at this side with a smile, and returned to the academy's home world.

Of course Shandora was happy.

Link Grande's promotion to Sage so early is enough to prove that her ideas are tenable.

Tiffany Colonna and Lanie Taylor became third-level wizards so quickly. Of course, it was due to their own qualifications and hard work, but Shandora's vision and training cannot be denied.

The children of the world's largest family in the academy's headquarters, peers with fifth-level qualifications, have yet to produce even a third-level wizard.

The fourth generation of the Diomande family must respect her, Sandora Diomande!

After seeing off all the guests, Link and Jasmine were finally free.

The two ordered the smart butler to clean the house, organize the housework, and hid in the wedding room to collect gifts.

After that, they spent a few days leisurely in the wonderful post-marriage life.

Link and Jasmine had just stepped out of their cozy comfort zone and were busy with their own business.

Jasmine must continue to pay attention to the Grande family's industry, and she must not neglect her own practice. There are many things to do.

As for Link, he took the initiative to find Ms. Lysandra and said that he could cooperate with the academy at any time and come forward to negotiate with the sixth-level sage Cowell Ludwell.

Somehow, Ms. Lysandra's attitude toward Link changed.

Not as repulsive as before.

But both of them knew that there was a thorn between them that could not be pulled out.

Even if Link gets the chance to kill Sauron Rukia.

Once it’s done, it’s done, it can’t be ignored.

Lady Lyssandra tells Link to go back and get ready, and may ask him to show up this afternoon.

The academy will not let Link's appearance go to waste, and the rewards that have been prepared are even distributed in advance.

Two bases of "ammunition" have been replenished to the Starfleet of the Grand Sage Legion.

This made Link quite happy.

With two bases, we can fight another battle of annihilation like last time.

The value is approximately equal to 6 to 12 standard level three magic stones.

This entry price is not low for a fourth-level sage.

The time soon came to afternoon.

Link, led by Ms. Lysandra, came to a villa in the central area of ​​Reversos City.

The headquarters world of each wizarding force has extremely strict access control.

Even with an ally like the University of Mesobrada, Reversoth College will carefully decide whether to allow outsiders to enter its world.

The last time, it was the Great Sage Michelle who summoned Lysandra in person, and Cowell Ludwell brought Lysandra into the main world of the Tower of the Great Sage Michelle.

Just like that, I took precautions in the middle of the process and teleported several times.

Riversouth College will of course receive the delegation from the Tower of the Great Sage Michelle in the wizarding world itself, in the central area of ​​Riversouth City.

Negotiating with Link Grande in person is something Cowell Ludwell has repeatedly insisted on.

This afternoon, I was finally satisfied.

All other members of the mission were excluded. In the huge conference hall, only Cowell Ludwell, a sixth-level sage, was waiting for Link's arrival.

Ms. Lysandra was quite surprised to see this scene.

"Ma'am, could you please step aside?"

The first words Cowell Ludwell said were even more surprising.


Ms. Lysandra refused without thinking.

This request is really too unreasonable and seems to be going too far.

"All right."

Cowell Ludwell was not surprised to receive such a reply.

He actually shrugged, acting a little frivolously, and his tone, posture and movements were not very appropriate.

Ms. Lysandra could not help but frown.

Even though it was well prepared, the academy also judged that Cowell Ludwell was holding back some bad tricks when he named him to negotiate with Link Grande.

However, when things came to a close, Ms. Lysandra felt that she and others were still too optimistic.

At this moment, Cowell Ludwell turned to look at the calm Link and said with a smile: "Hello, Sage Grande, I am Cowell Ludwell, we met last time Pass."

"Met Sage Ludwell."

Link responded briefly without saying much.

Before coming, Link had set the rules for today's meeting and negotiation.

Listen more, see more, think more, talk less.

Cowell smiled, not feeling offended by Link's secretly guarded behavior, but rather appreciating it.

Very good, he was not promoted to a sage at a young age, and he was not complacent and arrogant because he beat up the super genius of his generation in the Supreme Council.

Only wizards who can always be humble and cautious can continue to climb to the top.

The reason is simple, this type of wizard is not so easy to die in the middle (cú).

A dead genius, no matter how talented he is, is still a dead person.

Only living geniuses can continue to realize their potential.

Link Grande's performance is worthy of what he will talk about next.

Cowell turned his head, looked at Ms. Lysandra, and said in a very serious and solemn tone: "Great Sage Michelle has decided to give up the Michelle District in exchange for Sage Link Grande to join Mi Tower of the Great Sage of Sher.”


When Ms. Lysandra heard this, she was so shocked that she almost jumped up.

Is the Great Sage Michelle going to give up the Michelle District?

This news directly broke Ms. Lysandra's determination.

"Ma'am, you heard me right."

Cowell's lips curled into a smile, admiring the beauty of Ms. Lysandra's gaffes and hesitant mood swings, which caused the fruits on the twigs to continue to rise and fall.

When Ms. Lysandra gradually regained her composure and glared over, Cowell restrained his explicit gaze.

Yes, Cowell did that on purpose.

Only by constantly stimulating Lissandra's mind can the next negotiation be possible.

Adhering to this principle, Cowell continued to add: "Madam, I might as well make it clear that the Great Sage Michelle has made up his mind to give up the Michelle District. However, in the end, it will be given to you River South College. Whether we should give it to other districts that are qualified to establish independent districts depends on whether you can meet our conditions."

After a pause, Cowell emphasized every word: "Our conditions are very simple, that is, Sage Link Grande transfers to our Tower of Sage Michelle."

After saying these words, Cowell nodded to Link, showed a friendly smile, and then walked away.

Walking to the door of the conference hall, Cowell stopped again and said without looking back: "Seven days. From the time I proposed to meet and negotiate with Sage Link Grande to the time you agreed to this request, a total of seven days have passed. So. , I will also give you seven days to think about it carefully."

Only Link and Ms. Lysandra were left in the conference hall.

Everyone has different moods and different ideas.

After a while, Ms. Lysandra calmed down completely, looked at the calm Link, opened her mouth to say something, but swallowed it back.

Her behavior just now was really inappropriate.

It was too inconsistent with her status and strength as a sixth-level true spiritual wizard sage.

This is weird.

I don’t know what method Cowell Ludwell used to arouse her emotions.

Under shock, a person's external performance is a true reflection of his inner thoughts.

Ms. Lissandra knew that Link once practiced as a true spirit wizard and his level was quite good.

Of course I knew that my true thoughts were exposed the moment I heard the conditions proposed by Cowell.

That is, it is very cost-effective to exchange a Link Grande for a Michelle District.

In this way, the atmosphere between the two was actually quite tense.

Link adhered to the principles of listening more, seeing more, thinking more, and talking less. He remained calm and had no intention of speaking actively.

Ms. Lysandra couldn't lose face and explained to Link that her previous behavior was due to Cowell's trick. Even if she had an idea, she would not act on it easily.

Okay, I can't explain this clearly.

"Go back by yourself."

Ms. Lysandra is not a coy character. Since the explanation is not clear, she will not explain it, she said in a tone of voice.


Link nodded, stood up, and left.

No procrastination, no revealing of ideas.


Ms. Lysandra sighed, and with a thought, she teleported to Dean Frist's office.

"Are you really moved?"

Dean Forrester stood by the window, looking east.

Michael's Tower is in that direction.


Ms. Lysandra didn’t hold anything back and answered honestly.

"If it were me, I would be moved too."

Dean Forrester turned around and said decisively, "But we cannot agree to this condition."


Ms. Lysandra asked in a calm tone.

She just wanted to know what her brother thought, but she didn't necessarily want to replace Michelle District with Link Grande.

"Ask your grandfather for the specific reason."

Dean Frist did not explain, but teleported away, leaving only one sentence.

"Link Grande is more valuable than Michelle District." (End of Chapter)

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