"Don't you have anything to say?"

After waiting for more than an hour, Jasmine had already rushed back to the combat zone of Revosos College. Only then did Link wait until Lotus Snow finally came out of his memories.

As soon as they met, Link asked directly without caring about anything else.

"What's there to say?"

Lotsino shrugged and replied in a nonchalant tone, "Things are already like this. It's useless to say more."

"Better than not saying anything."

Link took a big step forward, his upper body leaning forward slightly, his expression extremely solemn.

"What do you want me to say? I'm sorry? I was wrong?"

Lotsino frowned slightly, with an unhappy and impatient look on his face.

Link ignored him and just stared into Lotsnow's eyes, silently waiting for Lotsnow to give a positive answer.

"What exactly do you want me to say?"

Seemingly annoyed by Link's stare, Lotusnow raised his voice and said, "You have to understand, even if you are my cheap brother for the rest of my life, I don't owe you anything!"

"You're out of your mind."

When Link heard this, there was a sarcastic look in his eyes, "It seems that your plan did not succeed, and it suffered interference or even a blow."

"Don't make random guesses about something you don't know."

Lotsino rolled his eyes and said impatiently, "I emphasize one last time that I have nothing to say to you. Also, I would like to ask, where is my starship?"

"The advance team of Riversoth College has been completely crippled. The four combined legions have suffered over 40% casualties. Jasmine rushed back to clean up the mess."

Regarding this issue, Link was not ambiguous and told the truth about what he learned.

Then, Link continued to ask: "Are you sure you have nothing to say to me?"

The wording of Link's question has changed. From "want" at the beginning to "want" now, it has a different meaning.

It also means that Link's state of mind is different.

Lotsino noticed this very subtle but important change.

Lotsino, who was about to take out another starship of the same model and go to a certain place, was stunned for a moment, then stopped what he was doing, tilted his head slightly, and met Link's firm eyes.

In this look, Lotusno saw a fire, a fire hidden in Link's heart that was burning and about to get out of control.

Obviously, something happened that made Link Grande, who had always been very good at forbearance and restraint, no longer want to be forbearing and restrained.

If today, Lotus Nuo really has nothing to say and nothing to say, then Link Grande and Lotus Nuo Grande will not even have cheap brothers from now on. Do.

It stands to reason that as the reincarnation of a saint, Lotusnow does not need to value this advantageous brotherly relationship at all.

However, due to some unspeakable reasons, Lotus Snow must maintain a relatively close distance from Link Grande.

There are many things Lotusnow must accomplish if he wants to regain his position as a saint.

There are some things here that Lotusnow can do on his own.

There are also some things that require some external help.

River Diomande, Soth Diomande, all members of the Diomande family, and even the entire River Soth Academy are not qualified to provide external help to Lotus Snow.

Only Link Grande can play some role in some things.

Most of the things that require Link Grande's help have not yet been completed.

Therefore, Lotus Snow really can't fall out with Link right now.


With a soft sigh, Lotusnow decided to take a step back and say something.

After a little bit of composure, Lotsino asked: "What do you want to know?"

"What do you want to say, what can you say, what do you want to say, I want to know."

After hearing this, Link framed a vague but directional range for Lotto Snow.

This is a rhetoric.

Maybe it can let Link know more things and secrets.

Lotsino knew this.

"Come in and chat."

Lotsino rolled his eyes at Link angrily, took out the shrunken starship, and restored it to its normal size.

Taking the lead in walking into the open hatch, Lotus Snow granted Link access permission.

As the reincarnation of a saint, Lotsnow has no shortage of wealth.

The highest-end starships of the Immortal Civilization, let alone two, can be purchased at that price even if you buy dozens or hundreds of them.

However, the highest-grade items were always the scarcest, and it wasn't just that Lotsino could buy as many boats as he wanted.

Relying on the identity and character of the reincarnation of the saint, after Lotesnow came to the parallel universe, through the relationship with the Heavenly Master Xu Jing in the Heavenly Master's Mansion, he was able to buy only three ships at a high price.

Jasmine drove one away, and now she took out another one, leaving only one in her pocket.

How much? Not much.

If one ship is missing or damaged, it will be difficult to replace it.

Therefore, Lotus Snow did not give Link the control authority as before.

Link waited for more than three hours, and within this time, he followed Lotus Snow into the starship.

The two entered the cockpit one after another.

Lotsino was not in a hurry to communicate with Link. He first set the navigation coordinates for the starship and entered the intelligent navigation mode, and then called Link to the leisure cabin.

Arriving at the bar, Lotsino poured two glasses of spirits: "Sit down, let's have a good chat."

Link sat next to Lotus Snow, but did not go to get the liquor.

Lotsino didn't force it, and took a sip on his own, and then said: "Since you want to know so much, then I will break it down and talk to you about it. There is just one thing, if you hear something , it makes your mood worse, don’t blame it on me.”

"Well, I listen. Don't worry, it won't happen."

Link immediately expressed his stance and made a promise.

After raising his head and taking another sip of wine, Lotsino said: "You know, I actually don't want to face that old boy Michelle, nor do I want to look for stars or light. All of this is out of my control. Maybe. Saying that, you will think I am a bit pretentious. A dignified saint is reincarnated and can temporarily restore the status and strength of a saint at any time, so why can't he help himself? Haha..."

Lotsino laughed sarcastically, and continued:

"Not to mention the reincarnation of saints, even among the five guys in the Supreme Council, which one can be truly free and do whatever they want?

The same is true for the immortals and deities in the heavenly court of the immortal civilization.

Ancestral Celestial Master, a man of such high moral character and high prestige, is he still plotting and scheming for the benefit of the Celestial Master's Mansion and his descendants?

When people live in this world, no matter how high and powerful they are, they cannot escape from the net.

The only difference is that some people have small and thin nets, and some people have large and thick nets.

But no matter what, there is always a net that surrounds you, and you cannot break free or escape. "

Having said this, Lotusnow gave Link a meaningful look: "Ever since your true spirit crossed the universe and became a 'stranger' in the wizarding civilization, you have been tightly enveloped by a large and thick net. Entangled. You want to break free and escape, but the more you struggle and the more you want to escape, the tighter the network becomes."

"Is it possible that Cheng Cheng is so resigned to his fate?"

Link calmly asked with a hint of emotion.

"Accept fate?"

Lotsino sneered, "Sometimes, accepting your fate is not as unbearable as you think."

"That's just some of the time, but what about the other times?"

A glimmer of light flashed in Link's eyes, as if he thought of something, and then asked.

"Some other time."

Lotsino prolonged his tone a little and sighed, "Then we have to work hard, give it a try, and give it a try. What if we succeed?"

"for example?"

Link pushed further and made a request.

"Michelle barely succeeded in trying."

After raising his head and drinking down the strong wine in the glass, Lotusno sighed, with deep loneliness and sadness in his tone and expression.

Wizards major in spiritual power and magic.

Mental power is the superficial manifestation of will.

Emotions are also another superficial manifestation of will.

As the reincarnation of a saint, one can imagine how high the quality and quantity of Lotus Nuo's spiritual power is.

Therefore, Lotte Snow's loneliness and sadness directly caused changes in the air pressure and aura in the leisure cabin.

The entire leisure cabin instantly entered an ultra-low pressure environment.

In other words, Link is a fourth-level sage wizard who can be promoted to a fifth-level sage at any time. Otherwise, Link will not be able to stay in the leisure cabin for long.

Even so, after a while, Link also felt some pressure.

The natal construction suit instantly covers the whole body and enters extreme survival mode to resist the increasingly lower air pressure and changes in the aura.

Fortunately, Lotsino's emotional appearance did not last long, and he quickly came back to his senses and put away the loneliness and sadness that once again struck him.

"Sorry, I really lost my temper."

Taking the glass of strong wine that Link didn't touch, Lotusnow raised his head and drank it in one gulp, saying apologetically.

Link put away his natal construction suit with a serious expression on his face: "You are in something wrong. Are you sure you are okay?"

"I'm sure there's something wrong with me. I'm going to be in big trouble."

Putting down the wine glass, Lotsino poured two more glasses of strong wine and said calmly.

His tone was extremely indifferent, as if the person he said was in big trouble was not himself.

Link frowned slightly, and after a moment gave up empathizing with Lotus Snow, and turned to focus on what he should focus on: "Let's go back to the topic we talked about before."

Lotsnow glanced sideways at Link and saw that Link was determined and showed no concern for him, so he couldn't help but sigh heavily.

Yes, cheap brothers are cheap brothers, they have no emotional basis at all.

I thought I could use the misfortune to avoid some topics I didn’t want to talk about.

Since the plan failed, we can only really talk about it.

With this thought in mind, Lotsino stopped being pretentious and continued:

"The reason for everything that happened today was that Michelle refused to accept her fate and did not want to die after her life span was exhausted. She wanted to extend her lifespan by being promoted to a saint.

To this end, Michelle did many, many things.

No matter what the benefits and rewards of that thing are, or whether the cost is high, as long as there is a little bit that may help his promotion, Michelle will definitely do it.

This is the reason why we sent people to surround you, and this is also the reason why we sent people to attack the advance team of Riversouth College. "

"Wait a minute, Great Sage Michel sent people to attack the advance group for promotion, not for revenge or to vent his anger?"

Link discovered the blind spot in time, interrupted Lotus Snow's narration, and asked doubtfully.

"Revenge? Vent your anger? The old boy Michelle only thinks of revenge or venting his anger like this when he has time to spare. If he really wants to take revenge or vent his anger, he will definitely go after the bastard couple Rivo and South. "

With a sneer, Lotus Snow refuted Link's statement unceremoniously.

"But how can attacking the advance regiment help Michelle get promoted?"

Link still had a question about Lotusnow's statement.

"Of course I want you to have a smooth mind."

Lotsino said matter-of-factly, "Although I said that the current guys in the Supreme Council can't help themselves, they are relatively involuntary. Look at it from the perspective of ordinary wizards, and even sage-level and great sage-level wizards. , the wizard saint must be extremely free and do whatever he wants. The question is, what does it mean to do whatever he wants?"

When Link heard this, he was thoughtful.

What does it mean to do as one pleases?

According to Lotusno's words, as long as your mind can always flow smoothly, you can do whatever you want.

From this perspective, when Great Sage Michelle sent people to attack the advance team of River South College at the most critical time for transfer and promotion, it would indeed make his mind smooth.

So, why did they send people to surround Link and Jasmine?

Are you also asking for a smooth mind?

Link didn't think so and asked directly.

After listening to Link's question, Lotusnow took another deep look at Link and said, "Old boy Michelle told me that he never said he wanted to own Link Grande."

After a pause, Lotusnow emphasized: "Between saints, there is no way to lie."

The expression on Link's face became serious.

Since Michelle didn't say she wanted to own Link Grande, how should we explain Michelle's several actions in the Tower of the Great Sage?

Is it a smoke bomb that Michelle deliberately released to hide some real purpose or movement, or is it because Michelle must make a gesture to win over Link Grande for certain interests?

Both are possible, and more.

Link did not expand his thoughts to make further speculations.

The topic went around and around, but Lotsino still didn't get to the point, which was a bit unclear.

With this thought, something was wrong with the way Link looked at Lotsnow.

Lotsnow noticed Link's eyes very keenly and asked in surprise: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Link didn't answer and just continued to look.

Seeing that Link didn't reply, nor did he restrain or change, Lotusno simply ignored it and sipped the strong wine in the glass leisurely.

He has already said everything he wants to say, everything he can say, and everything he wants to say.

As for what he said, Lotus Snow didn't care whether it could satisfy Link's request.

So be it.

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