When technology develops to its extreme, will the shape of the country change...

Cao Shen's hand holding the wine glass trembled:

"No, no, no! Ha, ha..." He denied it three times.

Xiao Gang looked at Cao Shen meaningfully, noncommittal.

Cao Shen said quickly: "Didn't I just say that I may not be able to control technology, but I can control people? I'm under supervision now."

“The founder of Hashcoin disappeared after the creation of the ‘genesis block’.

The world doesn't even know who he is.

Isn’t the entire computing currency still developing well? "Xiao Gang said.

"Isn't Neumann already arrested? As long as his physical body is still there, he will still be controlled," Cao Shen said.

Xiao Gang looked at the wine glass, said nothing, raised his head and drank the rest of the wine.

He took a long breath and said after a while:

"Cao Shen, if you really want to do something in the future.

I hope I can continue to maintain my current values ​​and not do evil. "

He stretched out his hand, paused in the air for a moment, patted Cao Shen heavily on the shoulder, and said solemnly:


Cao Shen was a little dazed for a moment. When he came to his senses, Xiao Gang had already stood up and said:

"The wine I have here is pretty good. I'll get you something else to try."

Many years later, when Cao Shen recalled this moment, he could only sigh.

I comforted myself in my heart. I didn't respond to Xiao Gang at first. Maybe it didn't count as a promise, so I didn't break my promise...

Xiao Gang stood by the attic door, holding on to the door frame, looking back at Cao Shen from a distance.

A flash of thunder outside the glass wall illuminated Cao Shen's profile.

In a trance, it seemed to overlap with another face.

Sean Neumann…

Xiao Gang's wine was indeed good wine. Even Cao Shen, who was not good at drinking, drank a lot, not to mention that he met his close friend when he drank.

Although he and Xiao Gang are different in age, they are very similar in terms of values ​​​​and views on many things. It was rare that the two of them had time to chat openly since they met. This time they drank and chatted, it was the happiest time since Cao Shen came to this world.

With Xiao Gang around, Cao Shen rarely felt lonely in his heart.

Loneliness is the emotional helplessness of mediocre people.

Loneliness is the solitary character of a loner.

Loneliness is common, loneliness is rare.

A lonely person will not be lonely, but when everyone is drunk and I am alone, it often makes people feel sad.

To Cao Shen, Xiao Gang is a rare companion when walking alone in the desert.

Make a way where there is no one, and never be alone.

Cao Shen woke up on the rattan sofa. It was already dawn and he had a thin blanket draped over him.

The butler carried a basket of snacks and put them on a plate for him, and handed him a steaming handkerchief to wipe his hands with.

"Where's Mr. Xiao?" Cao Shen took the scarf and wiped his face.

"Mr. Xiao has already left by plane and asked the chef to come over and make breakfast for you.

I didn’t call you when I left, so I asked you to sleep a little longer. "

He continued with a smile: "He said it's good to be young. He can eat and sleep. It's not like he can't sleep at night and wakes up early in the morning."

A chef was specially invited for him...

Cao Shen ate the steaming shrimp dumplings, which tasted really good.

I thought to myself that Boss Xiao was very busy, and he seemed to get no more sleep than himself.

"Where are Mr. Xiao flying this time? Are you going back to Xiangjiang?" Cao Shen asked casually.

The housekeeper smiled and replied: "He is going back to the United States. He had something to do there and came back at short notice.

"Oh..." Cao Shen stuffed a barbecued pork bun into his mouth and nodded.

He obviously came back specifically for his own affairs. Brother Xiao really had nothing to say to him.

After breakfast, Cao Shen headed back home.

My home is actually not far from here, just three blocks away.

It probably rained all night last night and the ground was still wet.

But it was raining heavily, and there was rarely a breeze in the morning.

Cao Shen didn't take the bus, so he walked back with his legs and stretched himself. It was rare to feel this kind of leisure.

Mainly because I was in a good mood while chatting last night, so I let this good mood spread again during a walk.

With the experience of being watched on the last trip, the bodyguards this time stayed far away, allowing their boss to live like an "ordinary person".

It’s not yet the morning rush hour, so there aren’t many vehicles and pedestrians on the road.

But the breakfast stall is already out, with pancakes and fruit, fried dough sticks, egg-filled pancakes, big meat buns...

The rising warmth and white smoke filled the entire city with smoke and smoke.

Although he had already eaten breakfast, Cao Shen also joined in the fun and bought a fried dough stick from a stall.

The stall owner hung the payment QR code of his "Tongfu Bao" on a paper box beside the stall.

Cao Shen was happy, this "Yourong Technology" has good execution capabilities, and customers have penetrated here.

In the original world, it would take two or three years for QR code payment to penetrate to this extent.

If you look carefully, you can see that they only have our own products, not Tao Pay and Yi Pay Pay.

I guess these guys are still competing in the "sharing" market, so they can't be bothered.

It seems that I have to talk to my comrades from "Yourong Technology" later to arrange the strategy for the next stage.

It was only a twenty-minute walk home, and there were more and more people there.

Crowds of people with sleepy eyes poured out from the light rail and rushed to various office buildings to start a new journey for the day.

Cao Shen stood on the side of the road for a while. Why did he feel that there were not as many people as there were a year ago?

Looking up and looking around, I saw huge "For Lease" messages on the glass exterior walls of many office buildings.

Could it be that the "video conferencing system" we made worked?

The truth is indeed true. Thanks to the super easy-to-use "Produced by Cao Shen", many companies have now adopted the "work from home" strategy.

This will not only reduce employee commuting time, but also greatly reduce office space rental costs, office equipment purchase and maintenance costs.

Even snacks and cleaning costs in the pantry can be saved a lot.

Of course, it is not possible for everyone to work from home. Just like Xishen Technology, many people still have to "work". However, at least it saves some people time, effort and money, right?

Cao Shen ate the last piece of fried dough sticks, clapped his hands, and went home satisfied.

The little princess, who had not seen Cao Shen all night, rushed to the door, sniffed hard with her little nose, and then ran away with her tail raised in disgust.

It seemed to be the smell of alcohol, so Cao Shen grabbed his collar and smelled it.

System, who was mopping the floor, ran over, pointed at Cao Shen and said with a wicked smile:

【Host! If you don't come home at night, where are you wandering? Hehehehehe. 】

He leaned closer and smelled:

[Okay, you go drink! Have you ever been kidnapped to see lollipops?]

Cao Shen, who was changing her shoes, wanted to hit her on the head with his slipper.

He bounced a chestnut hard on her head:

"Go, go, go. You're small, but you have a lot of crooked ideas."

The system sniffed, his smiling face immediately froze, and he said angrily:

【Host! You ate fried dough sticks!

You actually ate fried dough sticks outside!

Your hands still smell!

You ate fried dough sticks and you didn’t bring them back for me to smell!

You eat alone! 】

Cao Shen turned around and went to take a shower, ignoring her at all.

This system is the reincarnation of a greedy ghost!

Smell everything you eat, smell it hard, and your eyes will shine.

When it comes to eating, I get more excited than anything else!

The system followed behind with a click, not letting go:

[Host, you have gone too far! Eat delicious food without thinking about me at all...]

Cao Shen was so entangled that he had no choice but to turn around:

"We have a big meal for lunch today! Let you smell it enough!"

Bang, the bathroom door is closed.

The system stopped now, as if he was about to win a big prize, and he was waiting for the arrival of noon with great anticipation.

The villa is just a bit better, and it's convenient to order takeaway.

Since moving here, Cao Shen's recipes have become much richer.

Just after taking a shower and planning to masturbate the little princess, Cao Shen's phone rang.

It's senior sister.

"Junior brother, come to the company to receive the goods. Someone has brought in a lot of big guys and asked you to sign for them."

"Ah? What is it?"

Zhang Beixin looked at the "military vehicles" parked downstairs of the company, the rows of "soldier brothers" unloading their goods neatly, and the piles of tightly packed things. One by one, the men in uniform stood ready to surround her and ask Mr. Cao to "sign for acceptance."

Gulu, swallowed his saliva:

"You'd better come and see for yourself..."

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