Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 436: Geysers National Park 20

   Chapter 436 Geysers National Park 20

   As he spoke, the camera behind him shifted to the back.

  In the quiet Geyser National Park, there are howling wolves and bears wandering in the valley.

   And… the ground is starting to bulge slightly.

【Oh my god!

   Bray, you zoom in and see what's that? 】

  The reporter said to the friend of the partner next to him.

   Fu Anan poked Fu Yizhi next to him, and held the tablet in the middle to watch together.

  Under the lens, the original plain is like a piece of silk cloth placed on the water. Press it lightly with your hand and then release it. The surface floats up and down because of your hand.

   This situation lasted only five seconds, and then the ground began to heal.

   It's like blowing up a balloon.

   is getting taller and bigger.

  From the video, you can still clearly hear the deafening roar coming from under the earth's crust.

   "Blay, I, I think we should get out of here now."

  The female reporter is talking to her partner.

   However, the other party seemed to be dumbfounded. The female reporter called several times but did not get a response.

   Immediately afterwards, the "balloon" reached its limit and it was about to burst.

  Huge stones were washed away like champagne corks, and the hot lava instantly turned the screen red and then black. The people outside the TV didn't even hear the screams, everything was reduced to smoke.

the other side.

  A Boeing airliner just took off in the cabin next to Dongshu County.

  The sweet stewardess sounded the reminder inside, please fasten your seat belts.

   Then a huge column of lava shot straight up beside them.

   It's like a moth that got hit by a missile. The terrifying heat reduced it to ashes in an instant.

  Game, even the NPCs never thought of letting them go!


  The explosion is like the speed of light launched by the blue star into space, at a height of 1,500 feet, it can be clearly seen even from more than 400 kilometers away. Looking from the bottom up, it still exists until the end of the line of sight!

  Such a volcanic eruption would produce a shock wave equivalent to a magnitude 11 earthquake.

  One second after the eruption, people who were still near Geyser National Park died within two seconds, becoming the first victims of the powerful shock wave.

  The vehicles on the road were shattered and exploded by this powerful shock wave.

  People have not yet reacted, and have become the ghosts of this disaster.

  Even if you hide in an air-raid shelter, you can't escape such a powerful attack.

  Dongshu County, 50 kilometers away from Geyser National Park, the nearby airport has canceled flights, and everyone is watching this creepy volcanic eruption.

   But they didn't go far enough.

  The aftermath of the volcanic eruption rushed towards them with black gas, and what was faster than this was the shock wave.

   It only takes a dozen seconds to get here.

  The shock wave destroyed everything, all the buildings began to collapse, and the ground began to tear.

  The people who took refuge died for various reasons. Only the lucky ones who avoided the collapse and debris survived, and then continued to wait for the aftermath of the volcanic eruption.

   It all happened too short, too fast.

  More than 400 kilometers away, everyone on the road opened their windows and looked into the distance.

  All of this happened too fast, real, terrifying, and like a mime with only light and shadow. The people of Dongshu County who were recording the tragic scene in the park a moment ago died at least seven floors at this moment.

   That is 140,000.

   Almost a minute after the explosion, the shock wave reached here.

   began to shake violently, and the road surface began to be torn.

  The gas station a hundred meters away seemed to have a problem, and people ran towards the outside.

  (end of this chapter)

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