Beiyin Great Sage

Chapter 22: Sacrifice

  Chapter 22 Abandoned Son

   Pools and hillsides, giant trees grow in disorder.

  The branches of the trees here are ferocious, with few green leaves. From a distance, they look like monsters with claws and claws. Coupled with the strange red light covering the surrounding area, it is full of eerie atmosphere.

  More than forty people walked into it cautiously, as if they were wrapped in a layer of viscous liquid, and their moving speed seemed to have slowed down a lot.

   "Brother Han."

  When the figure behind him could no longer be seen, Zhao Gang lowered his voice:

"What do you think?"

   "I don't believe them." Half of Fatty Han's cheek was **** and his injury was not healed, and even his voice became hoarse:

   "Do things so absolutely, they won't let us live!"

   Zhou Jia nodded slowly.

  He thought so too.

  Those four people were ruthless, killing them at every turn, without leaving any room for them, and it didn't look like they wanted to cooperate with them.

   It is inevitable to unload the mill and kill the donkey!

   "What did Situ Lei say?" Wang Shizhong said in a muffled voice:

   "He should also come from Earth."

  In his heart, there was always a glimmer of hope.

   "How do you know he came from the earth? If he can speak Mandarin, he must be one of us?" Fatty Han glanced at him and said coldly:

   "Besides, even if he really came from Earth, and he didn't even go back, how can he send us back?"

  Wang Shizhong was silent, and after a pause, he smiled wryly:

   "Earthlings don't lie to Earthlings."

   "Do you believe this?" Huang Ying gritted her teeth:

   "What's the use of saying this? Now there are wolves in the front and tigers in the back. Do we still have a choice?"

   "Yes." One person said:

   "They don't care what we think at all. Maybe driving us here has already achieved their goal."

   "Just like Situ Lei said, give it a go, and you still have a chance."

   Fatty Han glanced at everyone:

   "You all think so?"

  According to his thinking, it should be to unite everyone to negotiate terms with the group of four, as long as everyone is not afraid of death and the things here are very important to them.

  Then, in order to achieve their goals, there is a high probability that the group of four will make compromises.

   Compromise, at least temporarily.


  People are complicated, how can it be so easy to work together?

  He still has some prestige in the original team, but those who have survived until now are all good people, and few people really obey him.

   Moreover, if he shoots the leader, if he coerces everyone into negotiating with the group of four, how can the others not know that the leader will definitely die, and he doesn't want to die.

   That's all!

   Sighing in his heart, Fatty Han's eyes dimmed:

   "I'm afraid the four of them are sure that we dare not resist. If this is the case, then let's resign ourselves to fate and take one step at a time."

"Be careful!"

   While speaking, Zhao Gang, who has the most sensitive ears, narrowed his eyes:

   "Something is coming."

  Before he finished speaking, there was an arrow whistle.


  Arrows emerged from the darkness and pierced into a man's chest. The huge force directly pushed him up from the ground, and he fell several meters away.

   After falling to the ground, he choked up a few mouthfuls of blood, and then became silent again.

"Be careful!"

   "Get out of here!"

  The crowd dispersed in disorder, looking for trees to hide.

  After this period of fighting, everyone is experienced, each finds a good position, tenses up and looks in.

   For the dead, it is commonplace.

   "Da da... da da..."

  The sound of hooves sounded, getting closer.

   Zhou Jia could see a wolf-headed cavalry running towards him through the cracks in the branches.

  However, unlike the cavalrymen I encountered before, this cavalryman was covered in rotten flesh, his eyes were dark, and he was a mutated corpse.

  After the corpse mutated and lost its eyes, it was difficult for the living to avoid its 'perception'.

  Hide, it can also 'see'.

  Zhou Jia's eyes flickered, he took a deep breath, and walked out with his shield.

  Since a fight is unavoidable, it is better to take the initiative to attack. The stronger the strength, the greater the possibility of surviving in the face of changes.

   "Ho **** ho..."

  'Seeing' the figure, the wolf rider said **** ho, the wolf corpse under his crotch suddenly accelerated, the tip of the spear in his hand trembled slightly, and slammed straight towards Zhou Jia with speed and force.

   Shield counter!


  The spear landed on the shield, was hit by it, and immediately bounced high, and the momentum of the wolf riding forward could not help but stagnate.


  The two ambushing nearby jumped up when they saw this, one holding a wooden club and the other holding an iron rod, and smashed at the cavalry and the wolf corpse respectively.

  The timing of their choice is just right, and the strength is not weak.

   Zhou Jia's complexion changed drastically:

"Be careful!"

   Before he could finish speaking, the staggering wolf rider had already stabilized his figure. With a swipe of his spear, one person was sent flying, and then he and the wolf threw the other down.

  As for the offensive that falls on the body, it is almost useless.

  The person who was thrown away was only a rank one, and his whole body was twisted and deformed when he was hit by the spear.

   "This thing is stronger than ordinary wolf cavalry!" Zhou Jia shouted, while shrinking his body behind the shield, he slammed into the wolf cavalry with all his strength.

  Amidst the orderly squirming of the muscles, a power hidden in the body erupted quietly, poured into the arm in an instant, and blessed the shield.

  Source power!

  The wolf corpse that had just bit off the man's head on the ground turned around and slammed hard.


  The wolf rider and the wooden shield collided together.

  Zhou Jia couldn't help but let out a muffled snort, his eyes turned black and he took a few steps back.


  Huang Ying flew over, slashed across with a single sword, and beheaded the wolf rider in one fell swoop.

  The corpse of the wolf was still struggling, but Fatty Han, who also drove over, shot his head through the head.


   Several people looked at each other, their faces all frozen.

   It's just a wolf cavalry, they have dispatched three of them who are almost the strongest, and they don't know how many monsters there are below.


   Suddenly, there is a black above.

   Fatty Han's heart beat wildly, and he retreated suddenly.

  The next moment.


  A huge black shadow fell from the sky and hit Huang Ying's position straight, causing a depression on the hard ground.

  The black shadow is a tree trunk with two people hugging each other.

  Huang Ying disappeared in place, only some meat paste and blood seeped from below.


  Second-grade tiger bones, if you don’t pay attention to this kind of place, you will die if you say it!


  Accompanied by the shocking roar, the surrounding trees and branches trembled sharply, and the black images below roared and rushed towards the crowd as if they were stimulated by something.

   Mutated wolf ride!

  An armored monster nearly ten feet tall!

   A wild boar-like humanoid monster covered in black hair!


  Through a bunch of monsters, you can see a huge figure standing behind.

  The figure was more than six meters tall, like a two-story building. The fat muscles on its body showed terrifying strength, and a huge vertical eye on its big head was particularly eye-catching.

  Beside it, there are some big tree trunks.

  At this time, the monster stretched out its four thick arms, hugged one of the trees with both hands, and suddenly exerted force, throwing it towards the crowd tens of meters away.

   "Hide away!"


  The earth trembled, and two more people couldn't dodge and were smashed to pieces.

   Fatty Han got up from the ground with his face covered in dirt, and looked at the one-eyed monster. A red wooden staff in its hand attracted his attention.

   At the top of the wooden staff, there is a red gem the size of a fist.

  The red light that shrouded the surroundings seemed to come from the gem, which should be what the group of four wanted.

   Zhou Jia also saw the one-eyed monster.

   But unlike the others, his eyes did not stay on the wooden staff.

   On the thick neck of the one-eyed monster, some skulls, stones, and some shell-like things are connected in series with ropes.

   One of the unremarkable stones made his eyes shrink.

  The stars in his head told him that the thing was...

  Source Star!


  It's too late to say it, but it's too soon.

   While the group of people were still in shock, the monster below had rushed over.

   The group of monsters is like a wave, and everyone is like a fishing boat circling in it. A bump at any time may completely sink to the bottom of the water.

   There is no organization, and no one stands in front of them. Everyone is fighting on their own.

   The few people at the front were torn to pieces by a group of monsters amidst the screams before they even had time to struggle.


on the hill.


  The whip girl scanned the audience, snorted coldly, with disdain on her face:

   "A bunch of duds."

   "It's okay." Cloaked Aaron said slowly:

   "They are meant to be used for consumption, really do it..."

   "It depends on us."

   "Boss, there is no need to kill them all." Situ Lei looked sideways and said in a low voice:

   "People who have entered the product are also wanted. If they make it through..."

   "Hey..." Aaron stroked the stick, his voice erratic:

  "Decades of experience tell me that people in low positions are used to submitting to others, but as long as they have the ability to suffer, they will retaliate to death."

   "Because otherwise, sooner or later their enemies will come back and kill them."

   "This is common sense!"

  (end of this chapter)

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