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All over the world, influenza B germs spread out.

Shen Qiang, sitting cross-legged on the bed, clearly felt the germs that radiated out.

They were like a layer of light gauze mist, centered on Shen Qiang’s body, and spread to a distance of about 15 meters and stopped.

Later, as if they were imprisoned, even if the wind blows, they will not spread.

Not only that, but what makes Qian Qiang happy is that.

These germs are in a cylindrical range centered on Shen Qiang’s body, with a radius of 15 meters and a diameter of less than 30 meters.

All the situations have become extremely clear.

The man next door was working hard on his wife. Their child was asleep on the side, and then in the room over there, the young man wearing only big pants was sitting in front of the computer and playing games.

There is no color.

No sound can be heard.

However, those germs were scattered, but everything around them was completely fed back to Shen Qiang’s mind.

It’s like radar.

Not only that, Shen Qiang is more pleased to find that these germs will not infect people at will like ordinary germs. Only when Shen Qiang gives instructions, they will be infected through the respiratory system and oral cavity.

Apart from this, what makes Shen Qiang even more shocking is that while the source of the plague has promoted the crazy evolution of these germs, it has left them with the same deadly shackles.

That is the antibody.

When those influenza B bacteria evolved madly before, Shen Qiang just noticed that whenever those bacteria evolved to the next stage, they would leave a sample in the leaves.

But not at all Note that the reason why the samples will be separated is because, in the leaves of the plague source, there is a thin layer of antibodies against the same bacteria.

This antibody is rare.

If you don’t pay attention, you will mistakenly think it is just the leaf component of the plague.

But now, Shen Qiang, who discovered the antibody, has clearly realized that no matter how terrifying the pathogen has evolved, as long as Shen Qiang has the source of the plague.

These germs can be controlled.

They are like trained soldiers.

Completely follow Shen Qiang’s order.

Even if the germs have covered the whole body of the surrounding people, the person will not get sick without Shen Qiang’s order.

But if Shen Qiang is angry, those germs will enter in an instant to infect the human body.

However, the influenza B virus has a congenital flaw, that is, their ability to spread the infection is relatively weak. After calculation, if it is to rely on these influenza B bacteria to kill the opponent, it is difficult Things.

Even if it has evolved to a very high-end level, ordinary cold medicines against influenza B can no longer target it, but the congenital deficiency is still doomed to it, and at least 48 are needed if the infected person is not treated. He will die after hours.

In this process, once they choose to seek medical treatment.

Then, under the condition that the pronucleus of influenza B virus remains unchanged, the cure rate may be very, very high.

After all, influenza B is influenza B. Even if it has evolved to the extreme, it is still influenza B.

But once, the source of the plague has more powerful germs.

That situation will be completely different.

Horrible influenza A, atypical pneumonia, plague, cholera, and even AIDS!

If you have these samples.

That Shen Qiang will be terrifyingly powerful.

It will be just like what Medicine Sage said, and the city is just a thought in your heart.

“Can you eat other germs?” Shen Qiang asked slowly expecting the germs that were emitted.

The source of the plague shaking with three leaves conveyed the emotion of Shen Qiang yiyiyaya.

“You can only grow leaves again.”

This situation made Shen Qiang a little disappointed, but then looked at the roots of the leaves, which had sprouted like buds that were going to shoot, and I was looking forward to it. I believe it will not take long, as the source of the plague grows.

Shen Qiang will definitely have more germs.

“The host True Qi is consuming too much, can Qing Xuan help the host perform the exercises?”

Shen Qiang, awakened by Qing Xuan, immediately remembered the past.

If at that time, Shen Qiang, who jumped from the 3rd floor of the villa with the little girl, would not leave in a hurry, not because of the excessive consumption of True Qi.

On the cultivation base, Shen Qiang has entered the Spirit Movement Stage at this time.

True Qi volume is the previous generation.

It stands to reason that whether it is a battle or surgery, Shen Qiang’s ability has undoubtedly become stronger.

But the real situation is that not only does it need True Qi support when using popular, accurate, and powerful, but also consumes a lot of True Qi when using the source of the plague.

This part of True Qi will be absorbed by the roots of the plague source, and then transformed into a force that Shen Qiang does not yet understand very well, and then disperse the germs of the plague source.

In terms of the consumption of True Qi, the amount of True Qi consumed by the plague resources is smaller than that of popularity, precision, and strength.

Probably just one third of the amount of True Qi they consume.

But again, to ensure that the germs at the source of the plague, and successfully infect people within range, it will take more time, so which one consumes more True Qi.

not at all method of accurate measurement.

Only by looking at the situation at that time can we be sure.

But in any case, with the help of the source of the plague, now Shen Qiang has become far stronger than the ordinary cultivator.


He can control the disease!

“Let you help me practice hard all day long, and you have worked hard, so let me do it myself.” Qing Xuan’s kindness was rejected.

Shen Qiang himself cultivated.

Looking at Shen Qiang who is seriously cultivation, Qing Xuan’s pretty face is unreasonable, after the pink lips are slightly moved, if it is still close to the mouth, it is collected. After all, such a thing as Dual Cultivation, how does the girl feel sorry to speak.

It’s 2nd day.

Shen Qiang cultivated all night.

I went to the old goods market early, but found nothing. After simply eating something, Shen Qiang took the bus to the hospital.

On the road, two men in the seat next to them were using their mobile phones to watch the news in the circle of friends.

“The trafficker gang was extinguish sect. The police rescued a total of 7 girls and 6 boys who were trafficked. Among them, the boys have all been beaten by the gang and some girls have been abused and sexually assaulted by some people. The suspect commits a hunt…”

Looking at the report in the video on the phone, the man said angrily: “Good kill! I like this knight!”

Other passengers on the side also said one after another.

“The bastards have finally been retaliated against, damn it!”

Shen Qiang was slightly shocked and interjected: “Don’t you think people who have done this should be arrested?”

“Are you stupid?” the young man sitting next to him said angrily: “No matter who did this, he is doing harm for the people anyway. If I am the leader, I will not only catch him, but also Give him a certificate!”

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