Best Actor

Vol 2 Chapter 88: Reality is always stranger

    This is really just the beginning, no one thought that whether Weinstein or Vladimir, or Nia, the screenwriter and heroine, this film can be obtained in the first week of release 11 million box office. Sean didn't expect that although he had some confidence in his own intuition, the initial estimate was only a few million, which was similar to the number of theaters. How could he know that it was not only so much higher, but also boarded the North American box office. Top of the list!

    You must know that "BJ's Single Diary", which came in second, is only a few hundred thousand short. Although it has been released for a week, it has been released in more than 2,000 theaters! Therefore, once this result was announced, everyone lost their voices. Even if "My Big Greek Wedding" is a good movie, it is too exaggerated, right?

    At the same time, Miramax is also very proud, because this week's North American box office charts occupy the top three "My Big Greek Wedding", "BJ's Diary of a Single" and "Extraordinary" The three films "Little Secret Service" were all released by them, and it can be said that there is no limelight for a while.

    However, the more exaggerated is still to come, a movie is popular and the box office is also quite good, the theater chain will inevitably increase the number of screens to show, so in the second week, the theater chain of the show almost doubled After a while, it increased to 1300, and the weekend box office reached 17.5 million! The newly released "Life and Death" starring Stallone, which won 12 million yuan, was firmly pressed down, and it won the championship of the box office list.

    This is another miracle. Generally speaking, after a movie is released, after consuming a certain audience's enthusiasm, the box office will drop somewhat, and this figure is generally around 30%, while "My Grand" Greek Weddings is down only around 20%. While there is an element of increased theaters, the decline is too low, which is mostly only seen on movies that have passed their peaks.

    This just goes to show that the movie is a hit with audiences and they're all looking forward to seeing it in theaters, is that possible? !

    Even so, this low-cost romantic comedy is still on the road, and in its third week, although Universal's "The Mummy Returns" topped the North American box office chart with a box office of nearly 70 million in its first week, But "My Big Greek Wedding", which has increased to 2,000 theaters, still managed to score 23.2 million.

    Then in the fourth week, while the theater chain remained stable, although there was a relatively obvious decline at last, only 1680 weekend box office, although "The Mummy Returns" received more than 33 million yuan is still strong , but it still surpassed the just-released Columbia product. Only 16.5 million "Jihadi Knight" firmly holds the second position, and the total box office is more than 80 million. It is only a matter of time before North America breaks 100 million.

      box office! Is the world crazy? Even those film critics who were optimistic about this movie before, never thought it would be so good.

    "The biggest dark horse in the whole of April was Samsara Film's "My Great Greek Wedding", this humble romantic comedy, after its release, it showed amazing explosive power for two consecutive weeks Sit at the top of the North American box office chart. As a romantic comedy theme that has been produced by countless directors, it is quite good to have such a level. Maybe after entering the summer season, its momentum will be curbed, but it will not It cannot be erased from the fact that, as it was released in late April, it was one of the best-performing films in the whole of April.” This is the conclusion of The Hollywood Reporter, although it has given a high evaluation, it seems that it is still too high. Look down on this movie.

    "I can't believe it, in one to two weeks at most, the North American box office will definitely exceed 100 million, and ... if this momentum can be maintained, it will be 40 million to 50 million box office. It's possible... how did you see it, Sean?" In the office of Samsara Pictures, Vladimir asked Sean very calmly.

      The box office of 11 million is a bit exaggerated. But four weeks later, every time the weekend box office numbers came out, he had to ask himself: Is this exaggeration?

    Vladimir thought that he had already seen great winds and waves in Bowei, and the unexpected success of "Blair Witch" became a typical example of small to big, but he did not touch him much, but This time he was shocked.

    "I said, it's intuition." Sean smiled reservedly, "Reality is always more bizarre than fiction."

    He couldn't help but feel unhappy, the box office figures were the most convincing thing, even many well-known actors, film critics and film company bosses were speechless in the face of this situation, not to mention "New York" The Post is a gossip tabloid. So from the second week of the movie's release, they were silent, and there was nothing in the newspapers about "My Big Greek Wedding", as if the movie didn't exist even if someone blogged or otherwise. Laugh at them for being blind, and they don't make any excuses.

    It has to be said that this trick is very clever. If he is really cheeky and says that this is the credit of other producers, Sean only needs to say what happened when the movie was made, and it is enough to make them continue to lose face. As a tabloid that has existed for decades, there must be a set of guidelines for seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

    So, even though Sean wants to disgust them, there is no way to face this situation for a while, but to do it according to the advice of public relations.

    "You don't need to speak, and you don't need to appear in front of the media in person, just let the crew let the director and starring continue to accept a certain degree of exposure, so that "My Grand Greek Wedding" will continue to appear in the media Above, they can't say a single extra word," Richard Leyson said.

     What the New York Post did before.

    But then again, he really didn't expect "My Grand Greek Wedding" to be so successful. I believe that although this movie in the previous life performed well, it will definitely not be as popular as it is now , otherwise he must have more impressions than always vague feelings.

    Rao is so, and it is too exaggerated, so he sighed to Vladimir that reality is always more bizarre than fiction.

      , and then united several production companies to make the film and let Nia play the heroine.

    Even so, the production team is completely unknown. Although Tom Hanks has a signature in the producer column, his ranking is quite low, and it can almost be regarded as a name, unless deliberately Look for it, or you won't notice it. And there was not much publicity, and there was no way to expand the popularity by participating in film festivals. After the production was completed, it was released at any time. At first, there were only 100 theaters, as if they had no hope for this film at all. .

    And then, no one expected that "My Big Greek Wedding" would be released in North America for a whole year, and reaped 240 million North American box office, becoming the highest-grossing romantic comedy in North America. It can be said that this movie is completely supported by word of mouth. This simple and very close to life romantic comedy has been praised by every audience after watching it, and word of mouth has led more people to enter. Cinema, thus creating a miracle.

    As Melanie Haas commented in this column: If there is any charm of this movie that can't be ignored, it is this original, It's all about the life that happens around us.

    Therefore, it is also Nia Vardals' life as a screenwriter and heroine who participated in the Sundance Film Festival under the condition that the quality of the film is guaranteed and received a very good Word of mouth, and then Sean joined forces with Vladimir, who wanted to gamble, and persuaded Weinstein, who was curious about Sean, to take over the distribution work, so the original version was thrown away in terms of publicity from the beginning.

      The official website also throws out some topical content from time to time, coupled with Google's dedicated promotion, other media may not have much response, but the Internet is quite lively.

    Finally, the "New York Post" ran out to stir up the storm again, leading a bunch of tabloids to sneer. Although it was aimed at Sean, it was also a promotion for the movie. The timing was so good that Sean wondered at one point if Weinstein had been in touch.

    In short, it is precisely because of the combination of these factors that eventually led to the blowout phenomenon after the release of "My Big Greek Wedding", so it is no wonder that Sean sighed so much.

    "This also has your credit, and I have to thank you for the script you recommended, Todd." Sean finally did not get carried away, and then said so.

    "Although I think the script is good, I didn't expect it to reach this point." Vladimir leaned back in the chair and sighed, but after he sat up straight, his eyes changed immediately Gotta be sharp.

    "What are you going to do next, Sean?" he asked, looking at him with a smile that seemed very curious.

    "Which aspect do you mean?" Sean asked calmly.

    Vladimir did not answer directly, but looked at him for a while before saying: "The box office results exceeded expectations, and the ledger is probably not easy to do."


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