Best Movie Star

Chapter 265: Brokeback Mountain

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"It shouldn't be wrong."

Inside the office, Helen Herman said to Matthew, "If nothing else, it's the action-adventure project Jerry Bruckheimer has in his hands related to the Declaration of Independence."

Matthew nodded lightly, "I remember this time last year, you told me that Jerry Bruckheimer was preparing two new projects, and now that "King Arthur" is almost finished, the script for this project has not yet been determined."

Helen Herman didn't find it strange, and said, "There is not enough money, even Jerry Bruckheimer can only wait, I know from inside Disney Pictures, the script has been written from the beginning to the present, and it has been carried out. In nine months, Jerry Bruckheimer overturned it at least six times, and it hasn't been finalized yet."

She lifted her glasses, "This time you directly participated in the audition with makeup, the specific content of the audition is unknown, and I don't know what kind of actor this is at present, let alone the outside world, it is estimated that Jerry Bruckheimer and that The two screenwriters have not determined the character of the male protagonist."

Matthew nodded again, "I know."

This must be a very weird audition. This project has been on the desk for so long. Although it has not been announced to the public, some news must have leaked out. Since it is an audition, it means that he is not the only one who received the invitation. The situation was actually very beneficial to him.

Others are not sure what character this is, but Matthew remembers a few.

Among the films I have seen, the character played by Nicolas Cage, the entire family has been searching for the treasure of the Templars for generations, until he finally got some clues, and he himself is proficient in the history and decryption of the American Revolutionary War...

There was still more than a week before the audition, and he knew that he had to prepare and check more information about the American Revolutionary War.

"This is just one of our alternative projects." Helen-Hellman said again at this time, "This project has been delayed for so long, and the future is too uncertain. If it messes up..."

Matthew wondered if this was the case in the past, and said, "Do we have any other options?"

According to the past history of Hollywood, if a film keeps delaying changes and delays, it is very likely that it will eventually become a hit.

Helen Herman glanced at him, "Of course!" She said obviously deliberately, "You're picking up girls on vacation, don't you think I'm on vacation too?"

Matthew didn't take Helen Herman's words, but said, "Tell me about it."

"Pirates of the Caribbean's super high box office and Will Turner's popularity with audiences has made you attract the attention of many directors and producers." Helen Herman took out a document from a drawer and pushed it to the horse. In front of Xiu, "This is the crew and related materials that I have organized to invite you."

Without waiting for Matthew to look, she simply said, "Michael Bay invited you to audition for his new project, which is about clones. Ridley Scott called me specifically. Ask your schedule, he's working on a mega-production of epic warfare. Focus and Oscar-winning Ann Lee want you to be the lead actor in a movie adaptation. And some budgets are only a few hundred Small projects worth 10,000 dollars basically don’t need to be considered, and they don’t match your current coffee position and route.”

While listening to Helen Herman say, Matthew quickly flipped through the document. The invitations for small projects really don't need to be considered, such as the rebooted version of "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". If he participates in such a project , in which role? The brainless young man who was sawed off with a chainsaw by a murderer, or a murderer wearing a mask?

He is now a second-tier star, or a second-tier star who has never played a youth genre theme. Playing such a role, isn't it a step backwards?

It is estimated that the other party will give it a try. After all, there is no need to pay for an invitation. What if the person who invites is dizzy and agrees? Even if they don't agree, they not only have no losses, but they can also hype news like "Matthew Horner intends to appear, but unfortunately missed it because of the schedule", and borrowing a wave of his popularity, there is no loss at all.

Those who can mix in Hollywood either have a very good family background or are talented.

Matthew also discovered that since he broke away from the category of a small actor and became a star-level actor, the surrounding situation has undergone fundamental changes from before. Basically, no one has a direct confrontation with him face-to-face. As it came out, all the competition was hidden under the glossy exterior.

Of course, his fame was short-lived. After becoming a star actor, he only starred in two films, "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Dawn of the Living Dead." The former got along well with Johnny Depp and Keira Knightley. , The contradictions and competition between them all stay at the level of the agent. The latter is the absolute male protagonist invited by Sean Daniel. He doesn't even need an audition. He is the biggest actor in the crew, and there is no competition and conflict.

Anyway, Matthew felt like he was in the lucky category.

After reading the document, Matthew asked Helen Herman, "What do you think of these invitations?"

"Most of them came to rub off on you and the popularity of "Pirates of the Caribbean". Helen Herman can see clearly that "Pirates of the Caribbean" has just dropped in North America with a box office of more than 350 million US dollars, and the sequel is yet to come. When the official announcement was made, Matthew, one of the male protagonists, was receiving attention. On the other hand, Johnny Depp received invitations, which were estimated to be much more than Matthew. She said, "Except for the three projects I told you, all others can be rejected directly."

Helen Herman added, "Among all the invitations, only these three projects have an initial budget of tens of millions."

Matthew knows that this is Helen Herman's style. Whenever there is a project, the first consideration is never whether it can win the award, but the commercial value.

"What about the three that invested more than ten million dollars?" he asked again.

The way Helen Herman treats Matthew has already changed unknowingly. The toothpaste-squeezing way of speaking and the simple and rude attitude completely disappeared as Matthew became a second-tier star, even if she thought I am more professional and choose a more appropriate one, and I will explain the reasons patiently and in detail.

In fact, Matthew himself knew that when he changed from a young actor to a star, Helen Herman was also quietly changing from a decision maker to a service provider.

This is also what the agent behind the star must get used to. The California Talent Act expressly stipulates that the longest contract period between an entertainment agent and a client shall not exceed three years, and the star has a relatively wide choice. May block the star.

In the Hollywood circle, what can always be heard is that the Jewish people block so-and-so stars, and there is never any news that CAA or agents block stars, because the longest brokerage contract is only three years.

Celebrities listen to the agent's words, most of them are profitable, hello me hello everyone.

Once there is a conflict of interest, it is normal for stars to fire their agents. For example, after the Oscars this year, Tom Cruise, who failed again in the Olympics, directly fired CAA and agent Pie-Kingsley, although CAA and Pie- Jinsili is quite displeased. In private, from her beliefs to her private life to her sexual orientation, she has made many small actions to discredit Tom Cruise, but Tom Cruise is still Tom Cruise. The status of a superstar will not be caused by speculation. Changed with CAA and Pie-Kingsley.

Don't talk about Tom Cruise's level, let's talk about Charlize Theron, a second-tier star, in order to change the inherent image of the vase, she also fired her agent for the best actress Oscar with "The Devil".

This agent is to Charlize Theron what Helen Herman is to him, the agent who discovered and made their mark with one hand.

But for greater profits, Charlize Theron fired the agent without hesitation.

If he remembered correctly, Charlize Theron's career took a big step forward.

Of course, Matthew thinks that he and Helen Herman are very compatible now. Whether it is the future style route or the film selection principle of the first commercial, the concept is quite the same, and there is no idea of ​​changing the agent.

Helen Herman apparently thought about it for a long time and said, "The invitation from Focus Films and Ann Lee can be excluded first." She explained directly, "First of all, the investment in the film is very low, probably only a little more than 10 million US dollars, you If you want to act, you must reduce your salary. Secondly, director Ann Lee just screwed up "The Hulk", and it is more risky to cooperate with him. Finally, and the most critical point, this is based on Annie Proulx's novel a film, and the original novel tells the story of a **** man.”

"Gay man?" Matthew immediately thought of "Brokeback this work is so famous, even if he only watches popcorn movies, he has heard of this name before. Where I lived at that time, broken back even became synonymous with homosexuality.

Although I haven't seen this movie, and I don't know more specific circumstances, it must have been a huge success for a movie to have such an influence.

If he has outstanding acting skills, wants to win awards, and is ready to transform, "Brokeback Mountain" is definitely a very good choice.

It's a pity that Matthew has a clear self-awareness, his acting skills are average, the Oscar performance award is optional, and now he is not even an A-list star, there is no need for transformation, and he does not want to join the independent literary film circle.

Also, he has no interest in making a base at all, even if it is to make a movie, he shudders just thinking about it.

So, just thinking about it for a few seconds, he nodded to Helen Herman, "Okay! This can be ruled out!"

Seeing that Matthew had followed her advice, Helen Herman continued without pausing, "There are two other options."


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