Best Movie Star

Chapter 472: burner

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"I'm not good enough. Very bad! I tried my best, but I found that a person's strength is so small!"


Sitting in a chair full of sci-fi, Matthew had already hugged his head and seemed to be in pain, "I am in Africa, standing at the door of the refugee camp, looking inside, there are so many people who can't get enough to eat, even drinking water. problem refugees."


He raised his head and looked at Michelle Hammerster, "Can you imagine that kind of scene?"


The purification process is still in progress, although there is a little deviation, but Master Michelle Hammerster thinks that he can get back on the right track and did not stop. Hearing Matthew's question at this time, he can only say, " Yes, God will give us a foreshadowing."


Matthew didn't give Michelle Hammerst a chance to continue talking about those rambling things, and immediately picked up his head and said, "I can't imagine that people can still live so humble."


He suddenly aggravated his tone, "That's someone like me! I just looked at them like that. I can't do anything except to comfort them, to ensure that these situations will be passed on to the outside world!"


I don't know why, Michelle Hammerster felt that this purification treatment seemed to be deviating from the normal track more and more.


"I couldn't do anything back then!" Matthew scratched his hair, his voice full of remorse, "I can only watch the thin people continue to starve, the thirsty people have no water to drink, and the seriously ill people lie down Waiting to die in a dilapidated tent, the feeling of powerlessness, makes people panic, makes people helpless, and makes people eager to do something!"


His voice became low, "So, I set up two charitable foundations to help refugees in Africa, but the power of one person is too small. I made mistakes, but I have been refusing to admit it, I thought I could Do a lot of things, only to find that you can do too much.”


Having said this, Matthew looked up at the ceiling, "I haven't told anyone about this, I never admit that I made a mistake, but today! Here, I want to open my heart and admit that I made a serious mistake. , I shouldn't delusionally think that one person can help refugees in Africa, I should call on more people to join this great cause early."


Michelle Hammerster was stunned, the situation seemed to exceed expectations...


Matthew Huo Ran stood up and said loudly, "Lord Hammerster, please don't watch Africans die slowly. Don't let these brothers and sisters who live in the same world as us die because of lack of food and water. This catastrophe is not inevitable. We can change the course of events now, if we are willing to change together, if we are willing to take responsibility together.”


Hearing these words, Michelle Hammerst frowned, but in this case, you must say something, otherwise the preparations for Matthew Horner may be in vain.


He still looked kind and kind, "The almighty God Seitan will never abandon anyone."


This is what Matthew wanted, and without waiting for Michelle Hammerster to go down, he snatched the proposal and said, "Your Excellency, my charitable foundation will soon be heading to Africa to do everything possible to help those who are suffering. Suffering Africans, but my personal strength is too limited and I wish I could get more help."


He looked at Michelle Hammerst very seriously, "We can't do anything without enough funds, I hope Your Excellency and Scientology can help us."


Hearing this, Michelle Hammerst opened her mouth, but said nothing. Suddenly, she felt that this place was not her own territory, and the person opposite was the master.


It was clearly his own group of people who were trying to tap Matthew Horner's wallet, how did it become Matthew Horner's donation to Scientology? And the reason is justifiable, even powerless to refute.


Fortunately, this is not a public place, there are only the two of them here, otherwise they would really have to donate a sum of money...


Matthew sat back on the chair again and said, "I'm done." Regardless of Michelle Hammerst's failure to answer, he said to himself, "It's never been easier."


Michelle Hammers was a little stunned just now, but she was not an idiot. After a short thought, she couldn't help but glance at Matthew. Is this person really talking about the sin in his heart? Or intentional?


He quickly rejected the former. If what Matthew Horner said were sins, wouldn't this guy be a saint?


"The Church of Scientology is trying to help refugees in Africa." Michelle Hammerst explained a scene first.


Scientology seeks the wealth of other people, and it is not a charity organization. It is impossible for Scientology to donate money. Michelle Hammerster said that.


Matthew also knew this. Scientology wanted to purify him, so he threw out a series of so-called sins and let these people purify.


As for telling the secret in his heart, he is not that stupid yet, and he will not easily believe the so-called clergy. Maybe the gods they believe in are really saints, but they are still human after all.


Maybe someone who has been educated in religion since childhood thinks they are the messengers of God on earth, but he has seen that some of them are no nobler than the **** in Hollywood.


Sharing secrets with such a person risks being sold every minute.


Matthew did the whole set, stood up again, and deliberately moved his hands and feet, and said to Michelle Hammerst, "Speaking out the sins hidden in my heart, I feel relieved all over, it's been a long time. It's that feeling."


Michelle Hammerster looked at Matthew suspiciously, and also stood up. The target person said that purification was very effective. He couldn't deny it himself, and quickly said, "This is exactly the effect of purification."


Matthew talked nonsense, and was not going to stay here any longer. He said, "It's been a long time since we've been out, can we go back?"


"Of course." Michelle Hammerster made a gesture of invitation, "This way."


Following behind Michelle Hammerst, Matthew quickly returned to the banquet hall. Michelle Hammerster made an excuse, and after leaving the banquet hall, he returned to the vicinity of the purification room just now and entered. A room next to it.


He stood in front of several advanced equipment and said to the staff, "Play back the purification session."


The staff pressed the playback button, and Matthew's voice sounded in the room immediately. Michelle Hammerster shook her head while listening. The recorded things were basically useless and could not be used as a handle for Matthew Horner. Even if it is announced, it is purely free publicity for Matthew Horner.


He couldn't help frowning his gray eyebrows. On the way from the banquet hall, he kept thinking. After listening to the recording again, he basically determined one thing. This Matthew Horner is not so easy to deal with.


Compared with Tom Cruise back then, this person is much more vigilant.


However, Michelle Hammerst has considered this aspect before, and does not expect to be able to get a key development target like Matthew Horner overnight. Although he is temporarily frustrated, there is no other side. Amber Heard?


There are beautiful women who move her heart, plus long-term brainwashing, it may not fail to achieve the intended purpose.


If Amber Heard could make Matthew Horner fall in love with her, like the original Tom Cruise and Mimi Rogers, that would be great.


"How are you talking?"


In the banquet hall, Tom Cruise found Matthew and asked, "Do you feel anything special?"


Matthew looked at Tom Cruise and said with a smile, "It's very special." He shook his head and twisted his neck, "I can't tell why, but I feel a lot more relaxed. I used to be very stressed. , after talking to Her Excellency Michel Hammerster, all that pressure is gone, it's amazing."


Tom Cruise laughed, reached out and patted his arm lightly, and said, "If it works, you can come often. I will say hello to the person in charge here."


"I'll do it when I have time." Matthew murmured first, then changed the subject, "Is your beautiful young friend?"


"Do you mean Amber Heard?" Tom Cruise immediately turned to look at a place, "She should accompany Katie to the terrace over there."


He asked with concern, "Do you need me to take you there?"


Matthew shook his head slowly, "It's getting late, I should go back, I still have work tomorrow."


Tom Cruise winked at the person behind him without holding back, and said, "I'll see you off."


Matthew said politely, "Don't be so At Tom Cruise's insistence, Matthew did not refuse. The two walked out of the banquet hall and walked along the long red carpet to the Hollywood Celebrity Center. Go to the exit.


"When I was young, I had a serious dyslexia and mental disorder." Tom Cruise is still doing Matthew's work while walking. "After I joined Scientology, I received treatment, dyslexia and mental disorder. Miraculously healed."


He turned to look at Matthew, "Faith sometimes makes the impossible possible."


Matthew nodded, but didn't say anything more.


Standing on a patio at the Hollywood Celebrity Center, Amber Heard could just see the door, watching Matthew Horner bid farewell to Tom Cruise and get in the car.


Beside, Katie Holmes asked, "Why don't you send him off?"


However, Amber Heard said, "Tom has already given me his contact information, why is there such a rush? The easier it is to get it, the less attention it will be."


She turned her head and glanced at Katie Holmes. Since this silly woman can become Mrs. Cruise, why can't she try to become the mistress of Horner Manor?


That is a shortcut to cross the class, it can really achieve... fame and fortune!


On the way back to the car, Matthew was still thinking, especially whether Amber Heard was a sugar-coated cannonball. If it was, he would not be polite. The sugar-coated was taken away, and the cannonball was shot back with a cannon. ) Download Free Reader!!


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