Best wishes for animation production

Chapter 2 Garbage Light Modification

Gu Xue lied on the bed and shouted, looked at her phone for a while, then stood up slowly, opened the door and walked downstairs.

Since she found out that she had turned into a girl three days ago, she only walked out of the room to wash up and eat to solve her physical problems after Gu Rou left.

Staying in the room for three days doesn't mean not eating, drinking, or leaving.

Gu Xue couldn’t do it anyway.

She once watched a certain TV series and said that the main character stayed in the room and did not come out for two days and one night. He never closed his eyes and just sat on the stool, smoking one cigarette after another.

What a fart.

Even if you don’t eat or drink, you can’t have physical problems, right?

So awesome, just become a beautiful girl idol.

Well, when it was her turn, Gu Xue hoped that she would be an idol...

In the past, when she read certain works that were poisonous to her, her mind was filled with strange thoughts. Now that she was dealing with physical problems, her mind was filled with shame and wanting to die.

I wish I could jump off the building on the spot.

When she was brushing her teeth the day before yesterday, she would subconsciously turn her head to one side and not want to look in the mirror. In short, she still didn't fully accept it.

However, there are some things you have to adapt to.

While brushing her teeth today, Gu Xue looked straight into the mirror and took a closer look at her appearance.

very beautiful……

As soon as these three words appeared in his mind, Gu Xue quickly stopped thinking about it, brushed her white teeth vigorously, rinsed her mouth and face, and walked out.

The food on the dining table was still steaming. It seemed that Gu Rou knew that her sister would come down to eat after she went out, so she didn't clean it up at all.

Gu Xue finished the meal in a hurry to fill her stomach, and also cleaned the dishes and chopsticks.

Then he sat on the sofa and checked his cell phone.

Many social software on the earth can find "substitutes" with similar functions in this world. Staying at home alone will not be boring. No matter where in the world there are sand sculpture netizens, sand sculpture pictures are still interesting.

Just when Gu Xue got carried away scrolling through her phone, and even subconsciously curled up in the corner of the sofa, hugging her round thighs and changing into a more comfortable position to look at sand sculptures, a message from social software suddenly popped up, attracting her attention. force.

The general meaning is: go to work.

Three days ago, because the shock of the transformation was too great, Gu Xue chose to hide in her room to calm down. When someone sent a message asking why she didn't come to work, she made up an excuse about being sick and passed it off.

Speaking of which, today is the last day to go to work.

"I'm only nineteen years old. Is it really okay to stay up late every day to save my life..."

Gu Xue sighed and said that, but she still decided to visit her workplace in the evening for two reasons. The first was that she was interested in the level of animation production in this world, and the second was that she liked animation.

Although she often complains in her mind that doing animation is a dead end.

But she loves it.

Otherwise, the ghost will do some work and stay up late every day, causing liver problems.

Animation production is actually similar to an assembly line. Once one step is completed, it is immediately followed by the next step. If one link is stuck, for example, the original painting cannot keep up with the progress, all subsequent processes will be affected. At that time, it will be a rough line to draw and a ridiculous cut. The color of the previous hammer.

Once a certain link gets stuck and causes problems in one episode, all the processes for the following episodes will be squeezed together, and the broadcast of the TV station will not be delayed. One episode must be every week, and the construction schedule is getting tighter and tighter. Liver failure is a common occurrence. .

"I hope this world won't be too bad." Gu Xue replied to the message and planned to go upstairs and have a good sleep.

Animation companies usually work in the afternoon or early evening.

The company where Gu Xue works also starts work at five o'clock in the afternoon. Gu Xue is... the original painter.

In the afternoon, Gu Xue was awakened by the alarm clock. She went downstairs to tidy up her appearance, then looked at her T-shirt and shorts, and decided to take a shower and change her clothes.

More than ten minutes later, she came out of the bathroom, wearing sportswear, still winter, and wrapped herself tightly.

I always feel that my eyes will be attracted by the slender thighs, and it is quite awkward to attract the eyes of others...

Gu Xue changed clothes with this idea in mind and wrapped herself up tightly. But as soon as she put it on, she regretted it and felt that she was quite stupid. It was the end of July and it was the hottest time. Even though she was wearing a coat, It's bearable indoors, but you'll definitely want to die if you go out.

"What on earth am I afraid of?" Gu Xue sighed, took off her sportswear jacket, tied her long hair into a single ponytail, took her phone and headset keys, turned off the air conditioner and went out.

After taking the tram and getting off at two stops, Gu Xue quickly arrived at the door of the company.

The animation company that Gu Xue works for is called snakehead, which roughly translates to "black fish". I don't know what I want to express by choosing this name.

This company is relatively young in the industry. It started out as an outsourcing company. It has independently produced several animations and released hit movies, but most of them have received mediocre response. It has been going downhill in recent years. Last year, it had four releases in one quarter, all of which were light novel adaptations. The audience was shocked, and then... almost most of the episodes were outsourced to other companies, and the quality of three of them was even worse.

This year I learned to be smarter, and I took on two projects in July. One is a manga adaptation, Super Thigh Shueisha's project, which is currently produced by the company's core creators, and the other is a light adaptation, called "This Uncle's" My right leg is missing a big toe, but that’s not a toe, it’s a holy sword”

It smells like garbage right from the beginning... The budget is small, the construction period is short, and the production is completely random within the company. Most of the main creators are newcomers, or they were forcibly promoted, and the quality cannot be good at all.

It belongs to the type of animation that is sacrificed.

Unfortunately, Gu Xue is the original artist of the latter project...

When Gu Xue thought of these things on the tram, she almost wanted to turn around and go back.

What the hell.

Gu Xue rationally told Gu Xue that this project, including the missing toes, was simply rubbish. If her name was posted at the end of the film, it might become a dark history in the future. Let's forget it. The predecessor... was wrong. I was not good enough before, so I couldn't help it. I can only stay in this company to gain experience, but now I can find a better company or directly become a freelance original artist.

But when humans decide something, rationality is often useless.

Especially for women, Gu Xue is also a woman, at least in appearance.

She was still curious about the level of animation production in this parallel world, so she came to the door of the company and prepared to go in.

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