Time flies.

More than three weeks have passed since the painting of the final chapter of "This Uncle" started. Including the time reserved for outsourcing, next Monday is tomorrow, no, at zero o'clock today, it will be the final deadline. If there is still time by then, The original painting is not finished, so I'm sorry, but I have to do it no matter what, otherwise there won't be enough time. No matter how good your original painting is, if you don't leave enough time for the animators to draw lines, they will give up on themselves and make the work a mess. , unless it is released as a collection or delayed.

In the past three weeks or so, Gu Xue has been struggling and has been in a state of "I won't draw sand sculpture animations anymore" for a long time. However, just thinking about it, she has been progressing in an orderly manner in charge of card counting. In the middle, after clearing the two originals, I painted one original (grassland) and L/O, and then I was scolded by my sister. After the scolding, I continued to go to work, and the cycle started again.

If at first Gu Xue was willing to paint the grassland rather than clear Eryuan, in the later stage, she was even willing to clear Eryuan but was unwilling to paint the grassland...

It was really too troublesome. Several people were fighting in a melee, and the ground could be seen, and the positioning and perspective had to be considered. There were also super powers mixed in during the process, and most of the special effects needed to be hand-painted. It was simply torture.

It's normal to be stuck for a day and not know how to draw. I finally overcame it and drew it.

What follows is another battle between the protagonist and the devil, and Misawa Hiro's bastard storyboards are magnificent and majestic. It's all about big scenes and torturous shots.

To be honest, if Chisa Mihara hadn't kept a close eye on her, Gu Xue would have really wanted to give up her burden, or just fool around.

Fortunately, Chisa Mihara kept a close eye on her, and Gu Xue herself was stubborn. Before the deadline, she couldn't bear to see the perfunctory scene, so she persisted.

Ka didn't know how to draw for a day, so he watched fighting videos desperately. Of course, he wasn't copying movies with excellent fighting designs, but he was just looking for inspiration. He kept watching until inspiration came to him.

During the process, Gu Xue would discuss with Misawa Hiro every week to delete or add one or two lines, or to confirm the required acting skills. As for Gu Xue’s original purpose, to ask Misawa Hiro to delete some scenes. , after discussing it several times, I have long forgotten...

Misawa Hiroshi also gave Gu Xue a surprise. Starting from the second week, he left most of the performance inspection work to the supervisor Shinichi Abe, and started the original painting work again, painting the explosion scene that Gu Xue had abandoned. Out……

In addition to sighing that it was awesome, Gu Xue also discussed with him to add a scene and lines, and Misawa agreed.

Now Gu Xue is drawing the new shot, the new shot she added with a bad taste.

It's two o'clock in the morning, and there are still 24 hours before the deadline. Although this card is not easy, Gu Xue thinks there is nothing wrong with it, but she will definitely scold her sister.

Before this, Gu Xue had already lectured Mihara Chisa about adding lenses before the dead line, which was very random. If Mihara Chisa hadn't watched Gu Xue draw Ichihara very steadily and quickly, she would have forced it. She is forbidden to mess around.

As for Mihara Chisa, she is preparing to collect the original paintings.

Two weeks after the painting started, as Mihara Chisa expected, most people's painting progress was more or less delayed. The most serious one only passed two cards, and he still had nearly 20 cards in his hand... These people are indeed too young, this is the evaluation given by Chisa Mihara.

Chisa Mihara did not sit still. After confirming that the other party was unable to complete the work on time and that Hiroshi Misawa was unwilling to relax the standards, Chisa Mihara took back the original animator and several other original animators whose progress was also seriously delayed. Some of the shots, totaling more than 40 cards, were all outsourced to original animators outside the agency for help.

With so many shots, during this season's turn, we were able to find enough original animators to take over the work even though there was not enough time. I have to say that Mihara Chisa's connections and abilities are really good. You know, an original animator The artist definitely cannot draw so many shots. The time is too tight. Even if it is divided among five or six people, the workload is still very heavy. After all, with the current situation in the industry, the freelance original animator does not have the original animation work on hand for a few animations?

But she found it. Although she used almost all her connections, it was enough for Misawa Hiro to be grateful.

To a certain extent, the company has really found a treasure.

If we don’t consider Miss Mihara’s character,

As expected by Gu Xue, during the days when she was in charge of the production of "Uncle", she offended almost all the staff, especially the original animators whose progress was delayed. Now they have just begun to have a good impression of Mihara Chisa's appearance. , has completely disappeared. Even the people she didn't offend couldn't say they had any good impressions of her.

But she didn't care much about it herself.

Production takes place in the office.

Chisa Mihara confirmed her schedule, contacted the original animator outside the agency, and breathed a sigh of relief after receiving an accurate answer.

It's a bit funny to say that with so many original animators, in the end Chisa Mihara basically didn't have to worry about it, only Gu Xue...

It’s really a wonderful world.

She stared at Gu Xue's name for a while, and realized that she was in a trance. Chisa Mihara immediately saved and closed the schedule, stood up, picked up the keys and umbrella on the table, turned around and left.

Her colleagues in the same office are still busy with their own affairs. No one will ask Mihara Chisa what she is doing. They have never exchanged a few words with Mihara Chisa. If they don't meet every day, they will subconsciously forget about Mihara Chisa. Maybe someone like Sha.


As soon as Chisa Mihara walked out of the company door, she glanced at the sky.

It is late at night now, the sky is dark, thunder is coming, and it looks like there will be a heavy rain.

To be honest, now is not a good time to collect the original paintings. Regardless of whether others have slept or not, it is not very suitable just considering the time and weather.

But... maybe because she wanted to prove herself too much, or maybe because she didn't want to lose to anyone, Chisa Mihara had decided to leave.

Driving the company car, skillfully reversing and turning around, Mihara Chisa drove into the distance accompanied by bursts of thunder.

There were no dangers along the way. Chisa Mihara's current state is actually considered fatigue driving. She came to the company at around two o'clock in the afternoon and has not had a rest yet. But she may have extraordinary perseverance. Let alone dozing off, she did not even show her fatigue. Pass.

Even though there was no one in the car, there was only a melodious voice singing an extremely niche song.

I visited the first original animator, and it turned out that he hadn't slept. Nowadays, the last episode of most animations is in the final stage. You really can't complete the work at hand without breaking out. Since you choose to enter this industry, you have no choice.

The other party was not too surprised that Mihara Chisa came over to collect the original paintings overnight. He stood at the door and chatted with Mihara Chisa for a while. Quan thought he was relaxed. Unfortunately, Mihara Chisa had an expression that said she was thousands of miles away. The two of them After not chatting for long, Chisa Mihara bowed and turned to leave.

Seeing Chisa Mihara leaving, the original animator who was leaning on the doorway sighed, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

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