Best wishes for animation production

Chapter 48 Teach you how to make animation

When Gu Xue asked about outsourcing work, Misawa's eyes lit up and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

What he said just now did have the intention of making someone miserable.

It was true that he said he would not force Gu Xue to help him and Miss Mihara complete this outsourcing job, but it did not mean that he did not want Gu Xue to participate. After all, not to mention him, even many of the original animators below know that the final chapter of "This Uncle" can bring about discussion, and 80% of the credit belongs to Gu Xue.

Without her, no matter how strict Misawa Hiroshi was in asking others to hand over the original paintings for inspection, he would only be able to make "The Old Man" barely watchable and end mediocrely.

When inspecting the original painting of "This Uncle", he marveled more than once at the fact that Gu Xue, a girl, could draw such a powerful picture.

An original animator like Gu Xue is really someone that all supervisors and performers cannot resist.

Right now, not many people in the industry know who Gu Xue is. They only know that the main original animator for the final episode of "Uncle" is named Gu Xue, but they don't know what she looks like, and not many people have her contact information.

After a while, the production team who wants her to take over the job will definitely contact her, and Misawa estimates there will be a lot of people there.

Now that Gu Xue is willing to help and complete this outsourcing work together, it is really the best result. The future planning of the animation should not be delayed, and the eleventh episode of "Invasion" produced together will probably be completed perfectly...

Gu Xue saw Misawahiro's expression and knew what he was thinking, and said disgustedly: "I am doing this for Miss Mihara. If it weren't for Miss Mihara, I would never have participated. There is no point in being miserable."

Smart girls are really troublesome...

Misawa smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry." Chisa Mihara said softly.

"You don't have to apologize." Gu Xue turned around with a smile.

If Gu Xue guessed correctly, the stalemate between Miss Mihara and Misawa Hiroshi just now should have been to ask Misawa Hiroshi not to force himself to participate in the subsequent outsourcing work.

In the end, Misawa Hiroshi did not bow to beg him, but just suffered a lot.

Gu Xue was quite moved by Miss Mihara's actions.

Miss Mihara was indeed the main reason for her help, and of course the future planning of the animation. After all, she told Miss Mihara that she would try her best to win the gold reward, and she even kissed her. Gu Xue couldn't break her promise...

Watching the two of them being dragged into the quagmire by outsourcing, the future animation plans were repeatedly postponed, but she remained indifferent. Gu Xue couldn't do this kind of thing.

Moreover, if Gu Xue doesn't have enough time for future animation projects, she doesn't dare to say that she can make any good works unless she makes up her mind to work hard every day and draw the entire work by one person. But this is impossible, it is not a matter of ability. Although there is enough time, this is a government plan to train new people. Isn’t it a disgrace for her to do such an operation as one-person original painting...

Misawa sat on the chair and looked at Gu Xue's smile when he faced Miss Mihara. Thinking about the disgusted expression he just saw, he slapped his mouth and felt a little sore.

It feels like lemon again.

However, Gu Xue didn't let him feel sore for long. He quickly turned around and asked:

"What happened to "Invasion"? Why didn't you think of outsourcing until the eleventh episode? Shouldn't this kind of thing have been decided as early as the planning stage? Since you know that your company's capabilities are not enough, what have you been doing... No? , isn’t the scale of CDD Animation Workshop quite large?”

Misawa shook his head, "I don't know the specific situation.

"I only know that the episodes of "Invasion" that have been aired are very good. It is at least a few levels higher than "Uncle". Although it is not a big production, it is the animation that attracts attention this season. Now Their agency was producing the final episode and asked us to do the penultimate episode. The requirements were quite strict, but they also gave us a lot of room to play. They only gave us the script, not even the drawn storyboards, only the final episode. Yika has clear requirements and needs a big scene explosion to facilitate connection with the final episode."

"...What kind of magical operation is this?" Gu Xue was speechless.

The outsourcer doesn't even provide storyboards, so aren't you afraid of others messing around?

Misawa Hiro: "I heard from the gossip that someone gave up on himself..."

Gu Xue: "..."

"But this is not what we should be concerned about. The most important thing for us is to complete this animation episode. The other party's requirements are very strict, and it is not ruled out that it will be revised many times, so it is best for us to make it so that the other party has nothing to say. degree."

"What specific story is it about?" Because of the work on the final episode of "This Uncle", Gu Xue hasn't watched this season's new show for a while. She really doesn't know what kind of story "Invasion" is about. .

"The invasion of extraterrestrial creatures can also be simply understood as aliens, and then the protagonist, as a high school student, controls a mecha battle story... After the previous ten episodes, finally in the eleventh episode, the extraterrestrial creatures began to invade in a large scale, and then The decisive battle begins in the twelfth episode, which is also the final chapter, and the number of episodes we are responsible for is best to enhance the atmosphere before the decisive battle."

Gu Xue: "It's really cliche..."

"Have you forgotten what you just said..." Misawa smiled bitterly.

"I'm sorry, that's a fantasy story. Although it's old-fashioned, it doesn't have the drama of saving the world. High school students saving the world or something like that. Find me an adult, you bastard."

"..." Misawahiro's mouth twitched, "We can't solve the story, so we should try our best to do our job. The first half of the eleventh episode is a literary drama, and the second half is about the invasion of extraterrestrial creatures. Is there any There are few battle scenes, and in the end, the protagonist has to fight off the alien creatures alone, and then the scene explodes to heighten the atmosphere."

"My idea is this. I am responsible for the final explosion, and then I will draw the storyboard as soon as possible. If there is a battle card, please..."

Before Sanze finished speaking, Gu Xue interrupted her.

"Please free up the storyboards for the battle part and let me draw them. Please also let me be responsible for the explosions."

Misawa Hiro: "..."

"I don't mean anything else." Gu Xue explained, "I just want to complete this work as soon as possible. I will compose the storyboards for the battle cards myself, and the speed will be much, much faster. As for the explosion, just think that I am doing it for smoothness. Sex is better.”

Misawa thought for a while and nodded.

Although there was a bit of grudge in my heart, it quickly disappeared.

He was very interested in combat movies, but he had seen Gu Xue's painting speed, and then thinking about how he was grinding away, no matter what he thought, he shouldn't insist on it.

Moreover, for the battle card that Gu Xue was responsible for, she decided the composition and storyboard herself, which was not too much, because that was the most troublesome part of the whole episode.

However, Gu Xue also had to draw the explosive card by himself, which made him a little confused. He glanced at Gu Xue, a little confused...

Gu Xue ignored Misawaguang's confused gaze.

She didn't lie, she did want to draw the storyboards herself for the sake of speed, but there was another purpose.

Outsourcing, right? To exaggerate the atmosphere, right?

Then I will show you what it means to smile, what it means to have a 20W limited edition EVA, what it means to be the first hot show in history, what it means to have my drill break through the sky, what it means that my father has never hit me, and what it means to have a nuclear explosion!

I'll see how your episode 12 ends then...

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