Best wishes for animation production

Chapter 58 Chief Producer...

The chief painting supervisor looked at Zhu Chi with a face full of coffee, confused.

But Zhu Chi ignored him at all and didn't even apologize. After squirting the coffee, he coughed violently a few times. After he recovered a little, he immediately turned his head away to confirm the safety of the original painting.

At the critical moment, he resisted the urge to spray coffee on the original painting and turned his head away, but he was not sure whether it would affect Chiyu. If he sprayed it on it, it would be over.

Fortunately, the original painting was not affected.

Zhu Chi breathed a sigh of relief. Although his throat was even more uncomfortable due to the cough just now, he did not touch the coffee on the table again. Instead, he immediately lowered his head and quickly flipped through the original painting again.

Turned it over again.

Read it again...

Then, he picked up the other cards of original paintings on the table and looked at the number of shots written on the rhythm sheet. After confirming that they were consecutive shots, he immediately unfolded the rhythm sheet, pulled out the original paintings, and started flipping.

The office suddenly became very quiet, only the sound of paper being flipped echoed in the office.

The chief assistant painting supervisor still looked confused. Looking at Zhu Chi who was indifferent to him, his face exuded a strong aroma of coffee and resentment...

Isn’t it time to apologize next? There is nothing wrong with it.

Why don't you get me a piece of paper?


Cursing fiercely in his mind, the chief painting supervisor helped himself wipe his face with paper.

However, despite the scolding, he was still very curious, because he had never seen Zhu Chi so serious. From the look of him, he seemed to have forgotten to even check, and just wanted to see the performance of the camera.

Unable to hold back his curiosity, the chief painting supervisor and assistant put his head closer again.

But Zhu Chi might have found him annoying, so he reached out and pushed his head away without even raising his eyelids.

Chief Painting Supervisor and Assistant: "..."

Zhu Chi quickly flipped through the original paintings, over and over again. Finally, ten minutes later, he finished flipping through all four cards of original paintings.

He stopped.

"Damn it, did our company give extra money to the original artist of this card? Or is the original artist on the opposite side crazy?"

Sighing excitedly, he turned his head again.

Looking at the somewhat embarrassed Sanada behind him, he said confusedly: "Is this what you call so good!? Can you draw this damn good thing? Or can someone else draw it?"

Sanada: "..."

It’s no wonder that Zhu Chi was so excited. It was probably because his psychological expectations were too low. When he actually saw the original paintings of these cards, he was really shocked. He originally thought it was just a routine method of dodging missiles and teleporting to approach extraterrestrial creatures. Then the close combat card only focuses on showing the speed of the robot driven by the protagonist.

It's a bit dry, almost nothing, but still acceptable.

But really read it.

How is this so dry? This is not hiding from missiles... No, it is hiding from missiles, but there is no need to be so exaggerated!

I directly drew the trajectory of the missile, and there were still a lot of them! He also chases the robot driven by the protagonist.

In order to avoid the missiles, the robot driven by the protagonist unfolded its light wings, passed through the high-rise buildings, and then suddenly took off into the air. During this period, the opponent actually drew the missiles one by one! What's even more outrageous is that when taking off, the opponent did not use the flow back (streamline background) commonly used in this type of lens, but directly drew the background animation of the building!

Move your back, holy shit.

After the robot driven by the protagonist rose into the air, the missiles were still chasing after it. The missiles that appeared on the original drawing paper became more and more dense, but the machine moved around without being hurt.

In the last scene of this card, the robot driven by the protagonist made a sharp turn in the air. While dodging, two missiles collided and exploded. The light wings behind him suddenly spread out, and an extraterrestrial creature accelerated and approached the missile-launching creature, which is where the camera was. The ground raised his fist.

After Zhu Chi flipped through the original paintings, he really got goosebumps when he saw the top one, which was the original painting where the protagonist raised his fist.

To express speed, what better effect than this lens!


The shots designed to express speed in previous robot animations were all too weak, right?

It was really the first time for Zhu Chi to see such bold and crazy original paintings, and he actually dared to be so messy. Moreover, he also understood why the original paintings of these cards were so thick. In order to keep the trajectory of the missile from being messy, the opponent drew many, many pictures. Count, and... it's still a completely original painting, and the opponent didn't cut it at all!

Seeing that Sanada was silent, Zhu Chi took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart and the immediate desire to get to know the original painter opposite him, rubbed his eyebrows, and said with complicated emotions: "I now understand why the other person draws so slowly, and the design is like this Are you really going to die for the shot? Although the painting is very, very good, everything in an animation episode cannot be solved with just one shot."

The original paintings of these cards are engraved, but they are of no use.

The broadcast time still has to be delayed, and judging from the completion level of the other party's cards, it is very likely that they have just completed these cards in such a long time. Even if there are still some, in order to rush for time later, they may not be as detailed and shocking as the few cards now.

When Zhu Chi thought of this, he felt a little melancholy and couldn't describe his mood.

"Chief Producer..." Sanada hesitated for a moment and wanted to speak.


Zhu Chi seemed to have thought of something again and interrupted him again. He stood up quickly, put away the original paintings on the table and picked them up. Then he said to Sanada: "I'll take these original paintings to the line camera and check them again. Look at it carefully, and then go to the supervisor. Please talk to the people in the program management department, contact the other company, and tell them that we will recruit some people here to help them complete Eryuan's work. "

"However, remember to ask the original painter over there who is responsible for this shot to stop messing around. No matter how messy they are, they must be restrained. Although I also like the shots drawn by the other person's original artist, but one or two of these shots are still not enough. Well, if all the scenes are done like this, the eleventh episode probably won’t be aired next year.”

After Zhu Chi finished speaking, he held the original painting between his arm and abdomen and ran towards the door.

Sanada was confused for a while and was interrupted several times. Finally he couldn't bear it anymore and said loudly:

"Just wait for me!"

Zhu Chi was startled, stopped and turned to look at him.

Seeing Zhu Chi's expression, Sanada hesitated for a moment and said with a sneer: "Chief Producer... just listen to me. The person who sent me the original painting mentioned that he will make the B-part of the eleventh episode of "Invasion" in the next few days. Send all the footage over for review so we can get ready..."

After hearing Sanada's words, Zhu Chi had a wonderful expression on his face.

"...So, I'm going to eat shit?"

Sanada: "..."

Chief Painting Supervisor and Assistant: "..."

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