Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 2680: Finale (165)

Soon it was the day of the wedding photo shoot.

Gu Qingqing had arrived at the agreed place early in the morning. Lengs City should have returned yesterday. The plane had to go back in a strong thunderstorm and only got on the next plane early this morning. If all goes well, you should be able to come over this afternoon.

Fortunately, it is not as troublesome for a man to take photos of a woman, and the suit has been booked a long time ago. Because of Lengsicheng's lateness, Gu Qingqing finished packing up, and was still in the mood for the little guy to finish his homework and practice English for another hour. Her wedding dress was booked a month ago, and she invited the high-order designer who went to Paris Fashion Week before. In order to look good, Gu Qingqing is still cruel. This month he only eats boiled cabbage and chicken breasts, and uses his free time to work hard. Finally, he is not as good as everyone expected to pack himself into a one-foot-eight waist skirt.

The shooting location was set here at the Lengshi Group's Bincheng Beach Villa.

Leng Yunting said that he would not admit their marriage, but when he heard that they were going to take wedding photos here, he directly blocked the entire Bencheng base. In April, the peach blossoms bloomed. He also specially bought the flowering peach trees directly from other places at a high price, as well as various flowers from other places by air. There is a sea of ​​flowers by the sea. Originally, the environmental protection is in place and the water quality is good here. It is very popular because many Internet celebrities took pictures in the early stage of this scenery, and it has become a popular attraction. Visitors who check in every day, and even those who take wedding dresses are in an endless stream.

Gu Qingqing and the little guy arrived first, and it was almost time for Lengs City. Sure enough, the phone called, and the first sentence was: "Sorry, I'm still on the way, just got off the plane, but the traffic is a bit congested."

Gu Qingqing could still vaguely hear the roar of the aircraft in the background. She took out the navigation, and it turned red all the way. The road conditions suggested that there were several car accidents when driving from the airport. The original one-hour drive suddenly became two and a half. Maybe after a lot of things, her first reaction was not to complain about him being late again, but to worry about his danger: "You don't need to be too anxious. If you can't take pictures today, you can take pictures tomorrow. Safety is the most important thing."

Lengsi City is not there, she and the little guy can take pictures of the single person and mother and child first. After changing clothes and putting on makeup, the shooting location was not far from the gate, and many people could be seen from afar.

There was a commotion at the door, and it seemed that I heard a familiar voice: "I should have reserved a place here. Last time I said that it would be blocked in the morning. There should be time in the afternoon. Why don't we let us pass?"

From a distance, a man in a suit got off the front of his car and was talking anxiously to the security guard. Next to him was a woman in a wedding dress. The car next to him was also carrying a tripod and lighting boards. , Should also come to shoot wedding dresses. Moreover, this man's face seems to be...

The security guard shook his head immediately: "I'm sorry, but we have received a temporary notice. Today, we have been booked here."

"What are the opening hours?"

The security guard shook his head: "I don't know, maybe I won't be free tomorrow."

"But we made an appointment a long time ago, and we also have a large group of people here, photographers, makeup artists and so on. Who else is shooting, can we promise not to disturb them? We..."

The security guard refused, and a voice came over: "Just let them in."

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