Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 574: New Female Companion (15)

"Cold... Sicheng." She was shaking a little, and she closed the window clearly. There was a 24-hour constant temperature in the room. She was holding her behind her, but her body was shaking involuntarily.

He didn't speak, he just picked up her hair, from her shoulders, to her arm and her hand.

Then, he bit her finger and stroked it in his mouth.

"Don't..." She felt very strange. In the past, Lengs City had rarely treated her so "gently". She hadn't talked about it in the previous three years. Even recently, it was mostly overwhelming. At most, when you are intimate with her, you should use less strength and pay more attention to her feelings.

Leng Sicheng had never had a woman before Gu Qingqing. Before, because of jealousy of her relationship with Nie Zhining, he thought she was "unwilling". The more unwilling he was, the more he wanted to knock down her string. It's good not to toss her to death, let alone any skills or the like.

Even now, the relationship between him and Gu Qingqing has eased a lot, but except for that time after she drank the wine with added ingredients, the two of them were very hot. Which time was not a soft and hard bubble, she has never taken the initiative!

But now, seeing her body trembling, but her heart beating faster and faster. She turned her head slightly and saw Lengsi City staring at her for an instant. Only her shadow was reflected in her amber eyes, her heart shrank slightly, and her eyes were crackling like a firework, shining like a firework. dizzy.

"Don't what?" He gently pushed out her fingers, did not break her body, but hugged her from behind, but his hands were slowly rising from her slender waist, little by little, about to climb to Her heart, with slightly rough and thinly callused fingers, rubbed her in her heart, and it suddenly made her whole person unbearable!

"Cold, Lengscheng..." She was a little confused, as if she didn't recognize herself.

How could this be? What is she thinking? Why does she have numbness in her hands and feet, and why—can't push him away!

"You said... don't what, huh?" When Leng Sicheng spoke, the tail rose high, like a kite that had just been set up, attracting her to follow the voice slowly to the sky.

Just when she was trembling, Lengscheng had quietly stripped off her BRA and lifted her last barrier. She was flustered and wanted to refuse him, but she couldn't refuse him!

"No, no..." She was a little scared, not of him, but of herself! She has become less and less like herself, as if there is a black hole that is devouring her whole person, including her thoughts!

What's not working? You can't do it! To the fat of the mouth, have to watch her run away? However, Leng Sicheng still likes her blush with blurred eyes. After three years of marriage, except for the night when she took the medicine by mistake, she was the most fascinated by her today!

It's like teasing a lazy hair with a funny cat stick at home, watching her keep working hard!

Gu Qingqing wanted to run, but he circled her with his arms behind him, not letting her leave. Gu Qingqing was a little anxious: "I don't want..."

"Don't you know, when a woman says'no', does it mean she really wants it?"

The atmosphere became more and more anxious, and at exactly this time, a harsh sound sounded in the room.

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