Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 695: Meet on a narrow road (9)

This dress is made into the shape of a butterfly. The front BRA looks like a black butterfly spreading its wings. The black lace-silk is attached to the thin fleshy silk. The tentacles of the two butterflies are made into shoulder straps. Looks dull. And the little pants below are even more eye-catching. There is a black butterfly blooming on the front and the back. There are only three thin ropes connecting the two butterflies at the front and back!

Gu Qingqing is speechless, how can she wear this dress? Before she could react, the city behind Lengsi said impatiently: "I count three times, and I will do it if you don't change. One, two, two and a half, two and a half..."

"I'll change it! I'll change it right away!" Gu Qingqing hurriedly lowered her head and put this beautiful little butterfly on her body, first wearing it, underneath it is ****** Although the bag is a bit thinner, it is not very strange. However, the above BRA...

Gu Qingqing went on and on, why didn't he see, where are the buttons on this dress?

Without the buttons, the BRA on the top is obviously out of pocket!

However, she stretched out her paws to touch it, and touched it for a long time, where's the button?

Gu Qingqing was a little anxious. She had never seen such an erotic-funny-clothing. This is too love-interesting! It's so fun that she won't give her the metal buttons of her underwear!

She rubbed it for a long time, and suddenly Lengsi City approached slightly behind her, and her voice sounded in her ears: "You little idiot, you haven't even worn the front-buttoned inner-clothes..."

After saying this, his whole hot body leaned over, stretched out his long arms, and hugged her around her body from behind, then reached out to her chest, fingers flexibly holding her two little rabbits. , Put the butterfly wing wrapped in the little rabbit with a small concealed button in the middle, and lightly button it.

With a "da", the butterfly suddenly spread its wings on her chest!

While Lengscheng held her, he was in a suit and leather shoes, but she was wearing a black butterfly underclothes. His tall body hugged her tightly from behind, his fingers still clasped her heart, and the two stood in front of the mirror. , In a small compartment.

She lowered her head and did not dare to look, but Leng Sicheng looked at the two people in the mirror, deliberately picked up a trace of her hair, and blew warmly in her ears, making her crystal earlobes a little red: "Look at how beautiful you..."

Gu Qingqing raised her pupils slightly, and saw herself in the mirror—the whole body was covered with only a few butterflies, the blushing face, the woman standing in front of the mirror at a loss, and Behind her in a suit and leather shoes, holding her Lengsi city from behind-I don’t know why, after embarrassment, she was filled with more anger, depression, shame, melancholy, and a little bit of uncomfortable. The feeling of mixed flavors.

She clearly saw the light shining in the eyes of Lengs City, which seemed to tell her that he liked her dress like this very much.

But this feeling made her unhappy at all. She is like a product being sold, like the selected women in the ancient brothel, who makes people wanton and judgemental, and will her, let alone respect her.

Why did she get coaxed so quickly by Lengs City just now? That's because she knew that Lengs City had no need to lie to her.

What did you lie to her for? He doesn't love her.

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