Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 717: Crisis (14)

Briefly introduce the situation of Mr. Liu and Miss Liu. He also told him that now his elder brother works in this store, and he does not do business every day but occupies the position of the general manager. The other party also gave him the car and the house, and he seemed to want to make friends with himself. She was afraid of any accident, did not entangle the other party, first greeted Lengscheng. At the same time, I also want him to help check, what is the situation of this company?

Leng Sicheng just drove away President Shen and President Han who despised Gu Qingqing. Because Zhang family, President Shen and President Han were all kicked out of the internal camp, a lot of shares were suddenly vacated. The guys who were originally notified to buy tickets internally, in order to spend more money to buy some stocks, are about to start fighting. Woke up.

While the office was frying, Lengsi was sitting in a chair, turning his signature pen boringly.

Every time you have a meeting, even if you have a general plan before, as long as the interests are involved, you will still fight to the death.

"I don't know if it is evenly distributed, or whether it is increased or decreased according to the proportion of shares held, or is there any shareholder who wants to buy it?"

"Why do you want to share it equally? Of course, the highest bidder will get it!"

"I also don't agree with evenly splitting. I'm still thinking about keeping it down later.

He yawned, and the people around him looked over at once: "Mr. Leng, what do you think?"

"That's Mr. Leng, I don't know what your plans are for the extra share?"

At exactly this time, Secretary Cheng brought the coffee, Leng Sicheng took a sip and put the coffee cup on the table again: "As I said earlier, this kind of coffee has to be filled with water for three minutes, and you can't just use the coffee machine to make it. You make it so that the taste is gone. Take it back and re-bubble."

Secretary Cheng stepped back, repaying all your voices of contention, and suddenly stopped. Everyone's eyes fell on Lengs City. There was no expression on his face, he still looked cold and indifferent, but his eyes were a little cold, and when he was at a loss, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

Leng Sicheng frowned. Although he didn't speak, his slightly tight lips still showed the unpleasantness in his eyes. But when he glanced in his eyes, he saw the name displayed on WeChat, and the expression on his face seemed to freeze for an instant.

Then, the trace of ice gradually cracked and melted, and quickly smoothed his squeezed eyebrows.

It was sent by Gu Qingqing!

He noticed that the curvature of the corners of his mouth was getting bigger and bigger, lowered his head slightly, and pressed his fingers on his lips to suppress the curvature of the corners of his lips.

When I opened it, I found the contents inside, but frowned slightly.

It was the company that her brother worked for, and asked him to check it out.

Also, the other party was too enthusiastic about his brother, so enthusiastic that he wanted to invite the two of them to dinner together after meeting each other twice.

The first thing is not difficult, just tell Secretary Cheng and let him check it out.

As for the second point, what is this? There are countless people and women who want to pester him every day. There are too many to count. One more Miss Liu is not much, and one missing Miss Liu is not a lot. Do you just ignore it?

After reading these two points, Leng Sicheng subconsciously flipped down. It was already at the bottom, and there was nothing else!

Why, every time she took the initiative to call him or send a text message to WeChat, it was either a mis-dial, or just canceled it right after sending it, or as it is now-for her family.

Never for him, care about him!

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