Big Panda Boss

Chapter 814: Coincidentally not

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Kegan Nou stared at Chen Fan and didn't question the reason, because he expected that the other party would definitely not be able to explain it.

"I hope you know what you are doing and don't get into trouble." Kegan Nuo took out a magic circle and threw it over, and said in a deep voice, "Give it to him so we can monitor his position at any time."

"Okay." Chen Fan responded readily.

"Let's go." Kegan Nuo waved his hand and led the team away.

Marduk immediately let out a sigh of relief, and was about to open his mouth to speak, but Chen Fan stared at him and did not dare to speak.

Chen Fan pointed to the forbidden magic circle on the ground, then pointed to his ears, and then deliberately said viciously: "Put it on by yourself, do I have to help you by my own hand?"

Marduk immediately understood and cried and begged for mercy: "Sister, please forgive me, I will give you as much money as you want."

"I don't care about your stinky money." Chen Fan picked up the Forbidden Magic Circle and snorted pretendingly: "If you know you, you can honestly explain the whereabouts of that woman!"

Marduk quickly responded: "Sister, I really don't know that woman is there!"

"You dare to be tough!" Chen Fan took out a whip and lashed at a big tree.

Marduk immediately screamed and screamed. He had experience, so he imitated it.

"Don't tell me? Don't tell me?" Chen Fan asked, sobbing.

"I said, I said, eldest sister is forgiving." Marduk burst into tears, his acting is really touching and close to Xiao Xianrou.

Chen Fan forced to ask: "Say! Where is that woman?"

Marduk blinked and said, "Sister, I only know that the woman appeared on the Terra Star not long ago, and I really don't know the others."

Chen Fan asked, "The specific location!"

Marduk aggrieved: "There is no specific location."

Chen Fan made a gesture and said with contempt: "You are ashamed to be called the top killer organization in the universe? You don't even know if a woman hides there?"

Marduk knew, and replied: "Sister, that woman is the number one killer in the universe, the adopted daughter of Thanos..."

"Shut up!" Chen Fan twisted the forbidden circle, picked up Marduk and quickly escaped away.

After a while, Kegan Nou hurried over with his men but only saw the broken Forbidden Circle.

"go back!"

"Captain, the witch and the devil?"

"First things first!"


"Goddess, why do we deliberately disclose the news of Kamora to those humans?" Marduk wondered.

Chen Fan despised: "Don't look at how many killers are staring at that woman now. How can we fish without muddling the water?"

Marduk: "But in case..."

"Don't worry, that woman is not that easy to die." Chen Fan believes that Kamora with the protagonist's halo is not that easy to die, unless he encounters a plot kill again.

"Then we go there now?" Marduk asked tremblingly.

Chen Fan turned around and said, "Go to the imperial capital."

Marduk dumbfounded: "Huh? You can go to the goddess, but I can't go."

Chen Fan casually said: "It's okay, you can just be my prisoner."

Marduk was crying: "Someone has to believe it."

Chen Fan despised: "Look at how you are, can't you become a person?"

Marduk said silently: "Goddess, that is the royal capital of the Terra Empire, I'm afraid I will be seen through my little trick before entering the city gate."

"No?" Chen Fan scratched his head, because his appearance now is also a change technique. It would be so embarrassing if someone sees through it.

Marduk was astonished: "Don't you know?"

Chen Fan shrugged and said, "I have been over the wall several times before, and no one has noticed me."

Marduk couldn't laugh or cry: "You are a goddess, how can I compare."

"Okay, okay, don't open your mouth to the goddess." Chen Fan scratched his head and thought. It is indeed a little bit awkward to go to the Huangdu with their combination, but the problem is that although Terra Star is big, he doesn't do anything else. Familiar.

Suddenly at this moment Marduk's personal terminal beeped twice, and he hurriedly clicked on it and was pleasantly surprised: "The goddess has new information again. The wired person just discovered that Kamora has appeared in the Royal Capital of Terra..."

Two people look at each other.

Chen Fan: "..."

Marduk: "..."

"Yes, it's a blessing, not a curse, it's a curse that cannot be avoided." Chen Fan sacrificed Baoding and threw out an ordinary small spacecraft: "Get on board."

Marduk couldn't even think of getting on the thief ship, otherwise he would have nowhere to hide after being left behind.

Of course, Chen Fan was not stupid enough to throw himself into the net. After all, snakes and rats have the right way. It may be difficult to sneak into the capital of a magic empire, but it is not too easy to get into a big city with a population of hundreds of millions.

Chen Fan first took a boat to the nearest city called Haddad, and then asked Marduk to contact the informant of the Crystal Hotel, and spent a small amount of money to easily obtain a new identity, a group of interstellar songs and dances performing on the Terra Star. An inconspicuous little handyman in the and Marduk also mixed up as a handyman, just a slave of the demons...

Since it is a disguised identity, it must be how realistic it is. Chen Fan and Marduk both put on dirty handyman uniforms, but Marduk also wore electronic shackles.

"You are lucky. This song and dance troupe just finished its performance in Haddad City today. It will set off tomorrow for the last stop of the tour." The informant said while tapping the gold coin, "I only I can help you here. If the guards of the Terra Empire find out and confess me, it will be useless, because tomorrow I will return to my hometown to get married."

Chen Fan sincerely blessed: "Then I wish you a happy son."

The informant shook his head and said: "Where is my custom to give birth to girls is worth celebrating."

Chen Fan changed his mouth and said, "Then I wish you a happy daughter as soon as possible. It's best to hold both at once and hold both in the next year.

"Thanks to you." The informant put away the purse and immediately turned and left.

Marduk turned the electronic shackles he wore on his neck, and said nervously: "Goddess, even if we can get into the imperial capital like this, it will be difficult for us?"

Chen Fan said with a blank eye: "We are killers, we are going to kill people. After entering the capital, we will naturally lie quietly and wait for the target to appear. Another blow will kill and quickly flee thousands of miles. Is it possible that you still want to waver everywhere, for fear of others Don't know who we are?"

"No, no, I didn't mean that." Marduk waved his hand straight.

"Hey, you two!" Suddenly a loud voice rang, shouting at the two of them: "Don't be lazy, go and get the performance props on the ship, if you delay tomorrow's itinerary, you can't get a penny."

"Yes, yes, Master in charge." Chen Fan quickly lowered his head and took Marduk to carry the item box.

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