Big Panda Boss

Chapter 822: Cameo

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Marduk looked dumbfounded, completely unable to understand what dumb riddle the two were playing: "The goddess was just..."

Chen Fan covered his mouth, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the person was no longer there. At the same time, he was also glad that he hadn't shown people in women's clothing, otherwise he would have no face to see people in the future.

"That was Veronica just now." Chen Fan let go.

Marduk's face turned green when he heard the words. After all, the evil name of the cursed goddess is the horrible existence that can stop countless demons from crying at night!

"Let's go." Chen Fan turned and walked out, putting an invisibility talisman on himself.

Marduk immediately followed tremblingly, and he didn't want to stay longer in this ghost place.

But Chen Fan didn't leave, but changed back to women's clothing and returned to the stage by the lake.

"The goddess has been exposed, so why don't we rush?" Marduk said with a look of fear.

Chen Fan calmly said: "Don't worry, that one will not betray us."

"How is this possible?!" Marduk said in shock: "That goddess of cursing! For thousands of years, I don't know how many demons have died under his curse! How could he allow..."

"Shut up!" Chen Fan glared at him and warned: "Don't tell anyone what you met tonight, otherwise you will find a way to go back to the demon world."

Marduk was honest immediately, not daring to say a word.

As soon as the two returned to the backstage, Supervisor Dutou immediately greeted him: "Master, you are back."

Chen Fan said, "Well, there is nothing wrong, right?"

"It doesn't matter." Supervisor Zhutou said: "It's just that the class owner just sent someone to inform him that there was a temporary adjustment to the track tonight, and a few background people were missing."

"Background person?" Chen Fan heard of this name for the first time.

Director Dutou explained: "It's just wearing a costume and going to the stage as a background."

Chen Fan turned his hand and pointed at Marduk and said, "Then let him go."

Marduk crooked his mouth, but did not dare to refuse.

Supervisor Dutou smiled bitterly: "Master, men can't work, and demons are even worse, because people from this background are all ‘angels’."

Chen Fan rolled his eyes and said, "Are there any wages?"

"Yes, there are." Director Dutou quickly responded.

"Let's do it," Chen Fan answered casually, anyway, idleness is also idleness.

"Please follow me." Supervisor Dutou immediately led the way and brought Chen Fan to the makeup area.

I saw that there were already a dozen'angels' gathered here, all of them wearing golden armor and long snow-white wings.

A blond angel who was finishing her makeup saw that Supervisor Dutou brought back only one person, and asked: "Kalgar, didn't you ask you to find three people, how can you find one?"

Director Dutou quickly replied: "Mrs. Kingsley, I have sent someone back to find it. If I don't see one that is quite suitable, I will bring it to your palm."

Kingsley looked at Chen Fan up and down, and commented: "It looks good, but it's a bit dirty. Okay, let this person stay."

"Eh." Supervisor Dutou gave a flattering smile and immediately retreated.

Kingsley raised his long, white legs, and said, "Come here, what's your name? Why haven't you seen it before, the new maid on board?"

Chen Fan stepped forward and answered honestly: "My name is Zhao Jiangang, and I am a handyman who is in charge of the new recruits of the adults."

"Handyman?" Kingsley was surprised and shook his head speechlessly: "That pig head is really blind. Okay, go and wipe your face and put on makeup. Janice picks a fitting outfit for her."

"Yes, ma'am." A silver-haired angel responded immediately.

Chen Fan sat in front of the dressing table and immediately had a makeup artist put on makeup for him, and after finishing the makeup, he was put on a light golden armor suit.

"This costume is not cheap, don't break it." Janice exhorted while tidying up the outfit for him: "There are three buttons on the belt, the white one is the magic wing, the blue one is the floating technique, and the gold one is the armor. Lighting effect."

Chen Fan tried them one by one, and the snow-white wings grew behind him immediately. The whole person floated and hovered three feet high, and then the whole body of golden armor was shining, and the end was so cool that he wanted to play the whole set for himself. play.

"Okay, let's put the special effects away first." Janice warned: "You'll follow behind me in a moment. You can do what I do. I will teach you first. Don't make any mistakes."

"Hmm." Chen Fan nodded straight, and followed her to remember a few simple movements.

At this time, music sounded outside and the performance officially began.

However, the ‘angels’ in the dressing room are for the protagonist to dance tonight, so they are not required to be on stage for the opening performance.

When the opening performance is over, there will be juggling and pantomime performances. From time to time, we can hear exclamations and laughter from outside.

Halfway through the performance, the last two extras arrived in time.

Kingsley hurriedly let the second girl wear makeup and outfits.

Chen Fan sat quietly in the corner waiting to be on stage, and at the same time exuded a mental force field every few moments to listen for information.

Suddenly a picture returned by the mental force field surprised Why is she here? What a coincidence. "


"Teacher, you look so good in this blue long dress. Maybe you will be fascinated by a brother-in-law tonight." Renia joked with a smile.

Selena lightly stomped the high heels on her feet, and smiled bitterly: "I can't remember how long I haven't worn any formal dresses. It's really a bit unaccustomed."

Renia chuckled and said, "Tutor, if you like, you can come and play often."

Selena shook her head slightly and said, "I was recruited by the academy to be a trainee intern only because of an injury and temporarily retired. Now it's time to return to the front line after recovering."

Renia tried her best to stay and said: "The mentor's frontline is so dangerous. You almost lost your life this time. Isn't An Shengsheng staying as a mentor in the college?"

Selena shook her head and said, "I haven't fulfilled my wish to revive the family."

Renia persuaded: "That's not easy, I'll introduce you to a young and promising noble son, isn't it..."

"Renia!" Diana who walked ahead suddenly said: "The mentor is different from us, don't make her embarrassed."

"Oh." Renia pouted her lips and dared not say anything.

Selena smiled and touched Renia's little head, indicating that she didn't mind.

The three women came to the back garden while they were talking, and immediately became a highly anticipated existence.

Many aristocratic youths immediately stepped forward to say hello.

Diana responded calmly, showing the demeanor of an aristocratic lady everywhere.

Renia also seemed to have a different person, so cold that all the young people only dared to peek at her, but did not dare to approach her.

Only Selena, although she has been on the battlefield and experienced countless life and death struggles, but she has not participated in this kind of formal aristocratic ball for decades, so she almost pulled out her magic wand...

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